Inventory Of Twenty Tragic Ninjas Shocked The Whole Ninja World

Chapter Ninety-Nine: Friend Of Konoha Women, Uchiha Obito!

Regarding why the screen focused on exposing Obito's past, the audience speculated that this should be the specific reason for wanting to express Obito's blackening more completely.


There are no natural villains in the ninja world, except for a certain dio!

Even Nagato, Kimimaro, Shiro, and Scorpion all have sympathetic pasts.

At this time,

The screen continues to expose Obito's childhood memories.

【This day at noon,

Obito was walking on the road with a lot of luggage, and suddenly heard the conversation between two ninjas.

"What are you kidding! That bastard! Who can bear to perform missions with him!"

"Don't worry, Kakashi will be leaving the team soon.

hear the words


Obito immediately asked: "Excuse me, is the Kakashi you two are talking about Hatake Kakashi?"

"who are you?"

Obito Kaidō: "I'm Kakashi's classmate at Ninja School!"

"Are you friends?"

Obito hesitated for a moment, then said: "No...our relationship is not that good.

"That guy is annoying, right? In the same class as someone like that, it's impossible to carry out the task at all!"

Obito asked curiously: "What happened?"

"Even if that kid's teammates are injured or besieged by the enemy, he will turn a blind eye and give priority to performing tasks. Who wants to be a teammate with such a person.

"Just to remind you, if you team up with him, you have to be careful!"

Obito can't believe it, he can still remember Kakashi playing kick the can with himself and saying that saving his companions is what he does!

"He could..."


Obito caught up with Rin after school and asked, "Rin, have you met Kakashi lately?"

"No way, just take a look on the street at most, he seems to have been performing missions outside the village. Why do you suddenly ask this?"

Obito said to Kaidō with a bit of depression: "I heard the rumors about Kakashi yesterday, although it's not a good thing, I always feel that his whole person has changed a lot."

"Could it be related to his father?"

"Do you know anything?"

"have no idea..."

at last,

The two separated at the entrance of the alley.

on the way home,

Obito saw Kakashi sitting alone by the river, and said hello, "Yo, Kakashi, how are you now?"

See Kakashi ignoring himself,

Obito continued: "I've heard a lot of talk about you, saying you're doing great!"


Kakashi remained unmoved.

Obito had no choice but to put his face down and asked: "Did you encounter any difficulties? If you have something to worry about..."

Kakashi said coldly to Kaidō: "I haven't fallen enough to need 047 to worry about me! Don't bother me!"

After speaking,

Kakashi left.


Kakashi came to the river and started fishing, Obito sneaked up to watch, and was instantly impressed by Kakashi's superb fishing skills.

back home,

While cleaning the fish guts, Kakashi said to Obito who was hiding outside: "Come out, I'll make more! Eat before leaving."

Obito scratched his head and asked in embarrassment: "It was discovered!"

at the same time,

Lin also stood up, "I'm sorry..."


Obito and Lin ate braised carp with big mouthfuls, and kept praising Kakashi's exquisite craftsmanship.

the next day,

After Obito and Kakashi meet again, the relationship between the two is still as incompatible as ever. 】

After watching this video,

Everyone has once again refreshed their understanding of Obito.

have to say,

Obito is such a straight man.

Although he is jealous that Kakashi is better than himself and often quarrels with Kakashi, he still takes Kakashi as a friend in his heart.

This person can deal with gangsters, he is the real deal!

[A group of barrage groups]

【Kankuro: Hatake is to blame for saving people first, and Kakashi is also to blame for priority tasks. These Konoha Shinobi are really hard to serve!】

【Temari: That is, isn’t it the ninjas who forced Kakashi to behave like this?】

【Huang Tu: Kakashi is also really miserable, already depressed at such a young age!】

【Darui: Obito is quite heartwarming, willing to take care of Kakashi's emotions!】

【希: Obito is a really good friend, he has been paying attention to Kakashi. 】

【Asuma: Kakashi, I will eat fish at your house next time!】

【 Might Guy: Damn, I have never eaten fish made by Kakashi! Obito, come out, I will fight you!】

【Naruto: This fishing technique is far worse than mine. My grilled fish is the most delicious! Grandpa Third Generation can attest to it!】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen: Uh...this...】

At this time,

Videos of Obito continue to be exposed.

【Genin article】

【Obito passed the exam and became a Genin, but was late again on the day of the graduation ceremony.

school entrance,

Lin said helplessly: "It's unbelievable, the entrance ceremony and graduation ceremony are all late, and the ceremony is over..."

Obito's aggrieved Kaidō: "But I met an old woman..."

Wen Yan,

Lin sighed and said, "Obito, the chances of you meeting an old lady are too high, right?"

Obito Kaidō: "Yeah, I've been ambushed lately.

Lin: "Then you didn't commit the crime knowingly?"

No way, Lin took Obito's hand and said, "You, come with me!"

Come up to the auditorium,

Lin took out her handwritten certificate and said, "Graduation certificate, Uchiha Obito, this is to certify that this student graduated from the Konoha Shinobi Village Ninja School, and that you have trained and worked hard no matter the wind or rain!"

"Here, congratulations on your graduation!"

this moment,

Obito was moved and cried, "Thank you, Lin!"

Holding the graduation certificate, he said happily: "Although my classmates are not here, I am happier than receiving the certificate from Grandpa Hokage!"

Lin reminded: "We are all Genin now, you need to cheer up!"

"Well, I understand! By the way, has our group list been announced?"


"Then... Lin and I..."

Lynn lowered her head pretending to regret, "We"

Obito became nervous and asked, "Is it not from the same class..."

Lin suddenly laughed and said: "It's a pity that we are in the same class! Really, I have to continue to take care of you.

Obito was so happy that he wanted to jump into the sky, "It's great, it's great!"

"By the way, who is the third person?"

Lin blushed Kaidō: "Kakashi."

Wen Yan,

Obito became dejected again, unexpectedly he was with this old rival again.

few days,

The members of the seventh class were about to take a group photo, but Qu Shi was late again as expected.

The camera boss said impatiently: "Really, how long do I have to wait?"

Minato is very embarrassed Kaidō: "I'm sorry, please wait a minute, I'll be right there.

Kakashi complained: "That guy's lateness is really incurable!"

Lin comforted: "Don't worry, I'll be here right away."


Obito pushed the door open and said out of breath, "I'm late!"

Kakashi gave a thumbs up and said contemptuously: "Really, you are always like this, it's too late!"


Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Minato quickly started to fight, saying: "Okay, stop arguing. Stand still, let's take a picture!"

at last,

Minato held the heads of Kakashi and Obito and took a group photo of Class 7.


Obito followed Minato to do some C-level and D-level tasks, such as catching cats and dogs, and finding lost items. These tasks were easy for Obito, and Obito solved all the tasks in the village within a day.

turn out to be,

Every time Obito is late, he is helping the elderly in the village, helping them cross the road, helping push carts, and handling luggage.


When doing simple tasks, the old people will also help him and give him some snacks.

Lin: "Obito's popularity among the granny is amazing! Being late every day is not in vain!"

Minato recognized: "Convenient to people, convenient to few! This time Obito's daily actions made a difference!"

Although Kakashi didn't say anything,

But in fact, I also admire Obito's ability to do these chores!]

Seeing that Lin personally held the graduation ceremony for Obito, everyone felt that Lin is really a treasure girl,

She is so caring, kind and always looking after Obito.

Can meet such a good girl in youth, which boy is not confused?

No wonder Obito likes and cares about Lin so much!


(bcdf) Lin's care for Obito is more of a sister's care for her younger brother, companions and friends, and it also involves the relationship between men and women.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Kankuro: Hey, when will we have a girl like Lin in Sand Shinobi!】

【Temari: What? Do you think I'm not perfect? ​​Believe it or not, I'm blowing you away now?】

【Black Soil: Lin's character even likes a girl like me, let alone Obito. 】

【Samui: This is an ideal in the world. It is his happiness that Obito can have such a girl growing up with him!】

【Xi: If I have a girl like Lin, I will protect her even if I die!】

【Changjuro: Little Sakura is too violent, Hinata is too cowardly, Lin's character is just right!】


After seeing Obito, a friend of the old woman, solve the chores in the village in one day, everyone realized that Obito's lateness every day is not lying, but really helping others.

If nothing else,

Such a kind and enthusiastic Obito can easily be recognized by everyone and become Hokage in everyone's mind.

【Hatake Sakumo: Being able to mingle with the aunts in the village, this kid Obito is really good at it, he has mastered the information in the village!】

【Kato Dan: Yes, this network should not be underestimated!】

【Yuhi Makoto: If Obito can grow up in Konoha, the mother-in-law who will match him must be able to line up at the gate of the village in the future. 】

【Uchiha Fugaku: I haven't found out before, this guy Luo Tian is still close to me!】

【Senju Tobirama: Hmph, I already understand why Obito has been blackened so thoroughly!】

【Senju Hashirama: What do you mean? I like Obito very much. He is very kind. He takes care of the villagers of Konoha Village as his own family!】

【Senju Tobirama: Because he is taking good care of the villagers, when he drives Sharingan and finds that the villagers are different from what he imagined, he will be more stimulated and his mind will change drastically. 】

【Uchiha Madara: You have studied our Uchiha thoroughly, Tobirama!】

At this time,

A new video was exposed on the screen.

【In Hokage's office, after reporting the work, Obito put his hands behind his head and said triumphantly: "Thank you, Kakashi! I liberated you from chores!"

Kakashi walked away with his head sullen, too lazy to take care of the belt


Seeing this, Lin comforted: "Kakashi, don't get angry with Obito. Obito has always cared about you, he said you seem to have changed..."

Obito felt ashamed, and quickly persuaded: "You...what are you talking about, Lin."

Lin: "But what I said is the truth, didn't you say that Kakashi is always ahead of you, so you often practice extra training alone in order to surpass him.

Obito refused to admit it, Kaidō: "I didn't say it, I didn't practice it, you misunderstood."

Seeing that Obito and Kakashi had been arguing, Lin walked between them and suggested, "Come on, let's shake hands and make peace! We are teammates on the same team!"

Obito and Kakashi turned their heads at the same time,

"Who wants to shake his hand!"

no way,

Lin had no choice but to hold the hands of both of them at the same time, and said with a smile: "Really, then let me shake hands for you!"

next day


Minato took the Obito three to perform the task of escorting ninjas from other villages.


Enemies surrounded them, Minato shouted: "Enemies are approaching from behind!"

Obito immediately became excited, he wanted to take the opportunity to defeat the enemy and become Hokage in one fell swoop.

Minato reminded: "Obito, this is not a game! There are a lot of opponents, you and I turn back to fight off the pursuers! Kakashi and Lin took this opportunity to complete the task.

"Come with me, Obito!"

Obito said proudly: "What, Mr. Minato chose me instead of Kakashi, which means you still think I'm more reliable?"


Minato thought that Kakashi was strong enough to protect Rin, and he had to protect one to bring Obito with him.


Obito confidently rushed to the enemy to finish them off.

Minato shouted: "Don't be impulsive, don't fight head-to-head! Obito!"

after a while,

Minato saw that Obito was completely suppressed by local ninjas, and at this time another ninja wanted to block him from rescue.

Minato shouted angrily, "Get out of the way!"


In an instant, the three ninjas were beaten and flew out, hating Northwest on the spot.

at the same time,

Obito is also facing the crisis of being killed.

In the next second,

Minato jumped directly behind Obito, punched the ninja who wanted to sneak attack Obito flying more than ten meters, and died on the spot.

"Are you all right?"

"Well, Mr. Minato!"


Minato solved the remaining dozens of local ninjas, and then took Obito and Kakashi to meet them and finally complete the task. 】

After watching this video,

The audience can feel the importance of Lin even more. He is like a lubricant, allowing Obito and Kakashi, two incompatible people, to be together.


Also as Lin said,

In fact, Obito doesn't really hate Kakashi, he just can't accept the reality that he is always mocked by Kakashi and always weaker than Kakashi.

if you can let go,

Obito and Kakashi will be great friends.

Not only that,

Everyone also saw Minato's protection of Obito from the escort mission, which shows that Minato is definitely a competent teacher.


It also deepened Obito's sin, because he hurt his savior, mentor.

[A group of barrage groups]

【Neji: It turns out that Obito is the king of Konoha scrolls, and he practiced secretly?】

【Tiantian: Lin is really the strongest assist, and has been improving the relationship between Obito and Kakashi!】

【Xiao Li: Got it, it turns out that Kakashi and Obito are true love, Lin is just an exception!】

【Naruto: In fact, Obito wants to be friends with Kakashi in his heart, I am beautiful!】

【Shikamaru: Could it be that you also want to be friends with Sasuke?】

【Naruto: Impossible, I hate him the most, he knows how to play cool tricks all day long!】

【Sasuke: Saying that I want to be friends with you, idiot!】

【Kushina: Hey, it seems that the original expectations have failed! I thought that if Sasuke was a girl, I would just give them a baby kiss!】


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