Do something that harms others and is not good for yourself, and it is meaningless!

At this moment, the people of the heavens and realms couldn't hold back.

"Ah, it's not T9!? Actually not a clown in a clown? "

It's off the beaten track."

"Damn people, who have betrayed our class!! No misery, can he give a high score, only worth 0 points okay. "

Huh, crumbs in crumbs, worthy of being the crab boss." Okay, do something that hurts others and hurts you, and is meaningless, that's true. "

Life is full of variety, or regret or ridicule or excitement!

People, it doesn't matter to themselves.

However, there is a question that lingers in everyone's minds, evaluation determines rewards and punishments, so what are the specific standards?

And the miserable T7, what is the result?


"No misery must be punished!"

"Such evil spirits who have caused countless tragedies in the world deserve the harshest punishment."

Sengoku's eyes spewed fire and slapped the table angrily.

Akainu was the first to recognize that his ultimate purpose as a navy was to sweep away evil in the sea, and no misery was the benchmark of evil.

The green pheasant nodded

, incredible,

this is a heavenly anger, I don't know how many people in the heavens and realms are gloating watching him have an accident.

And in fact

, the ghost destroys the world,

no miserable:

"crumbs in crumbs? Hurting others and not harming yourself!?

"My dignified ghost king, how can I repair it after being humiliated by this!" The handsome face was bruised, and his eyes were fierce, and he couldn't wait to bite someone.

How many years

, this sense of powerlessness, annoying but irresistible

, insulted, ridiculed,

and unable to take each other helplessly!

Ji Koku Yuan I!!

No, against a hot man, he can still fight hard; And for this god-hating light curtain, as well as the owner of the light curtain, there is no misery in the cold.

What to do, want to escape?

Or a yarn?

Forget it, anyway, the "face" is lost, and when it comes to life and death, Gou Dao is still the most stable method.

Wu Miao's eyes lit up, and he planned to come to the personal world to evaporate first like a death.

The thought flashed away, and all the ghosts who had been baptized without misery received the message:

"Ah, do you want to run?"

Tong Mo spoke out without heart or lungs,

"Where to run!"

Yu Woza clenched his fists, resentful decision to ignore it, seeing himself fleeing in the light curtain, he vowed never to run away again.


"It's going to die, it's going to be over." As soon as Mr. Wu Miserable dies, we will be killed by the Ghost Killing Squad, right? Right? Right? Ji

Ji shed bitter tears without breath,

and she couldn't stand it when she thought of the fierce and evil pillars opening through the world, opening the markings, and

slowly approaching with the sword.

The scene was silent for a while, and

they still understood

that only the black death Mou sharpened the knife Huo Huo,

and they couldn't guess the intention.

But no tragedy has been decided

, the master and servant are the same bird, the disaster is about to fly separately, it doesn't matter if you die on the string, as long as you drag the threat,

everything is worth it.

Boss Crab, once again bloomed his nature.


However, Qin Lan, who opened the perspective of God, saw through the miserable mind at a glance, and said with a smile

, "Hmph,

want to escape?"

The light curtain is forged by the origin of the heavens and realms, and the world projected by Qin Lan is an invincible range, in other words, supreme!

No, this feeling of heaven and earth working together is really refreshing.

What's more, this is the first time to project the heavens, naturally showing the invincible majesty of the owner of the light curtain, how can Wu Miserable succeed?

"Kill chickens and get eggs today!! Oh no, it's killing chickens and monkeys. "

Qin Lan wants to declare to the heavens that the rules are set by labor and capital, and no one can violate them.

The light curtain is ever-changing, and boundless brilliance pours into it again, and the light and shadow are chaotic, forming a picture.

It's the timeline where Misery is in

, "Wow,

this is a live stream!? High-energy warning! The

Ghost Killer Squad members had a smiling look on their faces. Don't say, this wave is really lying to win. "

Fallen-hime, butterfly Shinobu, Meimeida."

"Hey, what do you want to do with this flying speed? Yes, don't you want to slip away again!

"Crumbs!! You give me a stop! "

The heavens exploded, and looking at the ghost destruction world from different perspectives, invisibly like God, is really fanciful.

What if one day the light curtain illuminates the world? Many people are already very excited and eager to try.

The mood of the people who destroy the world is quite complicated, and the thought of being watched by countless people makes an inexplicable sense of shame arise.

"It's really, really annoying."

"It's not good, no misery to escape!"

Of course, the operation of no misery also made many people stunned,

[In view of the fact that Ghost Dance Tsuji has no crumbs in the debris, the light curtain will impose an A-level punishment and force it to bask in the sun for 100 years! ] Thick

and colorful characters slowly appeared,

"100 years in the sun? Haha, don't run away, come out and bask in the sun!

"Shrimp and pig heart, but I like it!"

"There is no misery in persecution, long live!"

"It's not that the soil rebirth summons the successor kingdom Yuanyi, it's not very recognized."

There is no misery in all kinds of persecution, and the

victim is not miserable: "..."

Niang Xipi, you just kill me directly!"

100 years? In 1 minute he received the boxed lunch. Having seen the light curtain without misery, he naturally knows that the day he sees the sun, that is, when the body disintegrates and dies!


, never, I am not miserable, but I want to become the perfect ghost king of the ultimate creatures,

and I will never suffer such pain and torture so humiliatingly.


, unfortunately, things backfired

, when all living beings laughed, suddenly widened their eyes, a big hand with infinite yellow power appeared horizontally

, holding the body of Wu Wu Miserable, and the next moment Wu Wu opened his terrified eyes, was hung in a special space,

the villain big stage

If you have a dream, you will come,

this is an exclusive place for villains from all walks of life to communicate and meet with light curtains!

No miserable vomiting of blood, struggling to move but unable to move, desperately looking at the rising sun in space

, unmatched, moving the heavens

, "My God,

this is the owner of the light curtain!?"

"It is so strong and domineering, it is only a hand, it is difficult to imagine how it will exist in the heavens!"

"No misery: I am a natural disaster, super strong, and I will naturally be unlucky when I meet me; Light curtain owner: You are a little trash! "

Amazing, a moment ago there may be people who were worried about escaping without misery

, but now it is just death-like silence

, there is no doubt that even if he goes straight into the underground netherworld for thousands of meters,

the owner of the light curtain can carry him out with one hand.

Snap, a cross rises from the ground.

Wuxian was nailed to it

, "Don't,


Despair, coldness, grief, the inhumanity that resounded in the name of crumbs, finally received the punishment it deserved, when the sun shone in the sky

, I am afraid that the mournful cry will last

for 100 years,

and the immortal form that cannot evaporate for 100 years?

Qin Lan naturally thought of it, and he had already hung up the immortal buff for Wu Miserable, released after completing his sentence, and Tong Suo was not deceived.

"Aaaaaa It

hurts, it hurts to the heart, it hurts to die, it hurts to death, the foodie world, Jack is stunned, can't shout 1000-7,

projectile world, Sister Shield's head shrunk, dare not say despair

, silently, the light curtain even matched Wu Miserable with a piece of music

, "I want to send you, the sun never sets to miss,

send a postcard representing love;

I want to send you, the love of the sun that never sets, holding the heart to walk the world;

You are the celebration, you are the sunny,

my love never sleeps! "

Wu Miserable finally couldn't bear it, coughed up a large pool of blood

, Wanjie was stunned, shrimp and pig heart,

Mo had feelings!

The face of the black death Mu's ice cube that had remained unchanged for ten thousand years finally loosened, drew the knife, put it into the sheath, and faced the colleagues who were stunned.

"Ruthless, can't afford to provoke!"

"Although I am dead, I am still here."

"Naruto, open the Infinity City Enchantment. For now, you can only avoid the ghost killing team first. "

Tong Mo, Qiuza, Jade Pot, Bantengu, Fallen Ji, Naruto:"..."The brain crashed

, good guy, Black Death Mou turned out to be such a person

, unambitious, hungry and thirsty, such as today's life is given, only devoured,

the boss has not burped, began to seize power and rebel?

But now it is indeed a time of critical survival, and the Black Death Mou is so powerful that they are willing to come forward, they don't want to play with the ghost killing team.

Infinite City, Forever Dipping God!

It's just that the little ghosts who have suffered a lot of stragglers outside, I'm afraid that they will be turned upside down by the ghost killing team!


The song is over, and the first world is glorious!

Qin Lan looked back before and after and sighed that the performance was good.

But he is a practical thing, don't talk about it if he can do it, looking ahead, remembering the previous facts is hesitant, so after being severely punished

, Qin Lan has begun to prepare for the next villain

, but when he drew that "fate", his expression suddenly became strange,

and soon he chuckled.

"Okay, just him!"

Therefore, when countless people were still immersed in the joyful world, the light curtain turned to the stars, and the thick ink characters reflected on the screen again:

"The villains of the heavens score the second bullet!"

"Shame of the samurai, reed no ryō, monarch - Reina Saichiro!"

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