Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 209 208: Teacher, can you help me? 【Please subscribe! 】

After a long sleep, Watanabe woke up from the darkness.

The smell of disinfectant filled the tip of the nose, surrounded by a room similar to a ward, plain white everywhere.

Watanabe tried to sit up halfway, but found that his body was very weak, his body was severely depleted of qi and blood, and it was a bit reluctant to even move his arms.

"How did I become so empty? It shouldn't be."

Watanabe was shocked and suspicious. He clearly remembered that before he lost consciousness, his body was still surging with blood and blood because the eight doors were fully open, and he almost burst him alive.

If he was paralyzed due to the accumulation of too much qi and blood, he could still understand it, but such a scarce qi and blood value made him puzzled.

At this time, there was a sound from the toilet next to it.

Zhili walked out of it with a water basin, tall and slender, and every inadvertent movement exuded a noble and elegant temperament.

"You're awake!"

Seeing Watanabe leaning on the edge of the bed with one hand and trying to get out of bed, Jiri's face immediately showed joy, he quickened his pace, and greeted him with concern.

"Do you feel any discomfort? Do you want to eat something?"

"It's okay, teacher, how long have I been asleep?"

"I've been lethargic for a day."

Ji Li answered, feeding him the porridge on the table.

As if going back to the time when he was in the Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Vortex, Watanabe opened his mouth honestly, and after feeding a spoonful of Chiri, he thoughtfully wiped the corners of his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Where's Tsunade, where is she?"

Logically speaking, Tsunade must also be concerned about his own situation. Watanabe was worried that during the time he was in a coma, Jiri and Tsunade would conflict and drive Tsunade away.

"The Senju family is preparing a funeral for Mito-senpai. It is expected to be held tonight. Tsunade and the Senju family are together." Jiri understood what Watanabe was thinking, and dispelled his concerns.

When Watanabe heard the words, his mood suddenly became heavy.

He finally defeated Madara Uchiha, yes, but he failed to save Mito. Tsunade must be very sad now and needs someone to comfort him.

"How about the Uchiha clan?"

"I used Izanami on them, and brought them to recognize the reality. Those who defected no longer thought of being enemies with Konoha."

"Can Izanami still use it like this?"

"Yes, this pupil technique seems to be specially developed for them."

Jiri's voice was extremely delicate, and the eyes he looked at Watanabe were also full of tenderness, like a virtuous wife who dotes on her husband. She didn't mention the danger she encountered that day.

Later, under the advice of Jiri, Watanabe had a general understanding of the current situation of Konoha.

The villagers are in the process of rebuilding Konoha. Led by the major ninja tribes, Madara Uchiha's ground-exploding star almost destroyed all the buildings in Konoha. Fortunately, it did not cause too many casualties to the people. After all, the village was destroyed. It can be rebuilt, and when a person dies, nothing is left.

The civil strife of the Uchiha clan was completely quelled by Jiri. Those defectors who had been clamoring to dominate Konoha, who had experienced Izanami’s world of illusions, all turned to Jiri. In addition, it is worth mentioning that although the top officials of Konoha knew The Uchiha family launched a coup that day, but they did not intend to blame the defectors. Instead, they tampered with the truth and claimed that the Uchiha family also played a very important role in preventing Uchiha Madara.

Watanabe understands that if it is not a last resort, Hiizhan and others definitely do not want to break with the Uchiha clan. Madara has been defeated anyway. As long as the Uchiha clan is honest from now on, Hiizhan will of course not risk Konoha's demise against Uchi. When the waves are in trouble, it is best to be able to turn big things into small things.

In addition, Watanabe also learned the reason for his lack of energy and blood from Jiri's mouth.

It turned out that after he was in a coma that day, Tsunade and dozens of medical ninjas took turns using medical ninjutsu on him, trying to stabilize his injury.

"Is it because Tsunade and the others' medical ninjutsu reduced my excessive qi and blood, so that I didn't get blasted by the Eight Gates of Dunjia?"

Watanabe was thoughtful, feeling the little blood left in his body, and suddenly felt a little fortunate.

To be able to reduce his body to such a weak point shows how frequently Tsunade and others used medical ninjutsu at that time. Fortunately, they did not continue to treat themselves, otherwise they would have to be treated to death by medical ninjutsu.

His current state is weak, but at least he can move. It is much better than when he was in the country of vortex. Just give him a little more time to cultivate, and he will soon be able to restore the reduced blood to its heyday. .

Thinking of cultivation, Watanabe restrained his mind and sensed the eight doors restricting the flow of chakra in his body.

I saw that the door of death, which was originally completely destroyed by the heart, healed and grew out of itself at this time, and became the shackles that sealed the heart again.

Watanabe breathed a sigh of relief. This experience made him understand that after the door of death is opened, it is not necessarily impossible to close. As long as enough healing energy is digested, even a severed limb can be reborn.

"If I want to open the door to death in the future, I must make sure that there are enough medical ninjas around, so that I can still have a chance to be rescued, otherwise my blood will really explode."

Watanabe thought to himself, and then struggled to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Ji Li supported him.

"I want to go to the Qianshou Clan. Senior Mito takes care of me so much. I must send her off for the last time."

Zhili advised: "But you are so weak now that you can't even walk."

"Teacher, can you help me?" Watanabe asked to look at her.

Ji Li suddenly softened and sighed slightly.

"I really can't help you. You lie on the bed first, and I'll find you a wheelchair."

After finishing speaking, Ji Li turned around and wanted to go out, but was stopped by Watanabe.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Li looked puzzled.

Watanabe faltered and seemed a little hard to say: "Teacher, I'm not asking you to help find a wheelchair, but to help me... just like in the country of vortex before."

Ji Li was startled, and instantly understood what Watanabe meant.


The way she looked at Watanabe suddenly became strange.

"Teacher, is it okay?"

In order to restore the ability to act as soon as possible, Watanabe had no choice but to make another ruthless request.

Jiri responded with practical actions, as long as it was for Watanabe, there was nothing she couldn't agree to.

Get under the quilt of the hospital bed like a beauty snake.


Jiri's cough sounded both unfamiliar and distressing.

Watanabe rubbed his fingertips in his smooth, smooth hair, and turned his head to look outside the window at the falling leaves.

The early summer afternoon is warm and the sun is bright and dazzling, making people want to lie on the bed lazily, not wanting to move at all.

[Blood +34, Strength +24, Durability +20...]

[Blood +46, Strength +37, Durability +35...]

Watanabe's weakened body gradually regained strength.

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