Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 237 236: Is there anyone in the world who is more ridiculous than yourself? 【Please subscrib

For a time, Hyuga Zero temporarily forgot the resentment towards his father in the past, and felt a little grateful to him.

But just when she was emotionally excited, a circle of gossip patterns suddenly emerged from the foot of Rixiang Tianfu. His hands were like a hurricane, and a set of sixty-four gossip palms fell on Rixiang Zero.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Hyuga Zero did not expect that her father would violently attack, and she was completely caught off guard. When the last palm fell behind, her whole body seemed to be broken cotton, and she spewed blood and flew out of the pavilion.

Sun Xiang Ling raised her head with difficulty, and all the meridians and acupoints in her body were blocked by Sun Xiang Tianfu's palm, making it impossible for her to mobilize a single ounce of chakra.

"Why did you do this?"

Hyuga Zero asked, her pure white eyes were full of confusion and confusion.

Sun Xiang Tianfu walked in front of her for a long time and said slowly, "Because you killed the ninjas in Shayin Village, Shayin Village decided to join forces with other Ninja villages to fight Konoha, unless you can use your life to compensate them."

Hyuga was stunned, her mind returning to her senses as if it had been blank for sixteen years.

"So, Father, do you want to apologize to Shayin Village with my life?" Her voice trembled. Even when she was beaten with a caged bird at the age of six, she didn't believe her father like she did now.

"Yes." Sun Xiang Tianfu nodded and admitted, "For the sake of the village and family, you can only sacrifice yourself."

Hyuga zero grief and indignation: "But, why do you have to free me from the caged bird!"

How much she hoped it was a lie, her father was just talking about it, and he didn't actually make the decision to sacrifice himself.

In the past, although Sun Xiang Ling felt that Sun Xiang Tianfu was indifferent and unfeeling, he still regarded him as a father in his heart, and sometimes tried to convince himself that caged birds were a tradition passed down from generation to generation in the family. Father planted caged birds for himself as a last resort, not to mention tiger poison. If he didn't eat his son, how could his father put himself to death?

However, Hyuga Tianfu's answer shattered Hyuga Zero's fantasy:

"What Sandyin Village really wants is your eyes."

This sentence is like a shock, completely bringing despair to Hyuga Zero.

After any family member dies, the caged bird spell will be automatically triggered, destroying the brain and eyes of the family member, and can perfectly prevent the white eye from falling into the hands of others. This is also the original purpose of the caged bird.

Hyuga Zero had nothing to say, and her heart was dying. At this moment, she felt so ridiculous.

Obviously, he was trying to protect the family's eyes from being taken away by outsiders, but he turned out to be an abandoned child. What was he doing?

Is there anyone in the world who is more ridiculous than yourself?

Seeing her daughter's tearful face, Rixiang Tianfu couldn't bear it, and said, "Sandyin Village will only give us one night, this is your last night in the world, and I will show you tomorrow morning. sunrise."

The voice fell, and Sun Xiang Tianfu turned and left.

"and many more."

Hinata zero stopped him: "I want to meet someone last."

"It's useless." Sun Xiang Tianfu shook his head, "This is Hokage's decision, no one can save you, just spend tonight in peace."

Hyuga Zero felt sad in her heart. In fact, she didn't want someone to save her, she just wanted to say goodbye to Watanabe.

At the last moment of her life, the only person she wanted to see was Watanabe. In her memories, apart from the cold family affection and harsh practice, the only thing that made her feel good was the time she had spent with Watanabe in the ninja team.

But Hyuga Tianfu's words made her wake up again, so what if she saw Watanabe for the last time?

It is the village and the family who want to die by himself, not to mention that he and Watanabe are only companions, even if he has the same relationship as him and Tsunade, he has no ability to do anything for himself.

It's not a question of whether he has the ability, even if he has that ability, he wouldn't be able to make a big deal for himself...

That being the case, instead of seeing Watanabe standing on the side of the village with his own eyes and treating himself as an abandoned child, it is better to keep the last trace of fantasy in his heart.

At the very least, this will not destroy the only good memories.


The footsteps of Sun Xiang Tianfu drifted away.

Hyuga Zero's acupuncture points were sealed, and the pain was unbearable, lying on the ground gasping for breath.

"If Watanabe-kun is chasing me, I might consider it."

"Don't forget Watanabe-kun, you promised me to be merciful."

"My name is Watanabe, I am good at ninjutsu, hate war, and my dream is world peace."

"Giggle, Watanabe-kun is so funny, how can I be a dog?"


The conversations between the two of them echoed and repeated in their ears one by one, and Hyuga Zero had a full night of memories.

"Suddenly I envy Tsunade."

There were no more tears flowing from Hyuga Zero's eyes, and there was even a smile of relief at the corner of his mouth.

"I can't even control my own life, and what qualifications do I have to pursue something better, what Beiliu said is probably right."



In the early morning of the next day, Watanabe left the gentle township of the Senju clan and headed to the Anbu headquarters.

Since Uchiha Beacon escaped from the underground prison of Konoha that day, the second reconstruction location of Anbu was set up above the prison, and everyone from Anbu was sitting there. If the phenomenon of escape from the prison could still occur, Konoha must be facing a crisis of extinction again. .

"Rizhan should have negotiated with the messenger group of Sandyin Village yesterday."

Watanabe thought to himself that if he could become Hokage, Hiizaki was certainly not an ordinary person. Watanabe felt that he would definitely be able to extract the value of Iwasa and other sand ninja captives to the maximum extent, and strive for benefits for Konoha.

In other words, with such a good deck of cards in his hand, if Hizan couldn't gain benefits for Konoha, he would no longer need to sit down in Hokage's position, and he would quickly change to another capable person.

When he came to the headquarters, Watanabe convened everyone for a morning meeting, and changed the patrol area for each team leader. When he changed to the team where Hyuga Zero was, he was slightly startled, and he didn't see the familiar figure in the crowd.

"Where is Sunrise Zero?"

"Captain Zero didn't come this morning." A member of Hyuga Zero's team replied.

At the front of the crowd, Sarutobi Shiraishi hid under the rhino mask with a complicated and inexplicable expression, and bowed his head in shame.

"Is something delayed?"

For some reason, Watanabe suddenly felt a little uneasy. Hyuga Zero was very dedicated and active. Usually in Anbu, she was always the first to come and the last to leave. If there were no special circumstances, she would never be late.

When Watanabe hesitated, a subordinate entered the door and reported: "Master Minister, the messenger group of Shayin Village requested to visit Yansha and others. They have a handwritten letter from Master Hokage."

If the messenger group unilaterally requested to visit the captives, Watanabe would ignore it, but since the other party has received the order of the Japanese sword, it means that Sandyin Village has reached a consensus with Konoha.

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