Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 287 286: Otsutsuki on the Moon 【Subscribe! 】

In fact, Jiraiya had already made a good candidate for a psychic beast, and that was Toad Bunta, who had been kicked by Tsunade Ichigo before.

Jirai also thinks that Wen Tai is very powerful and domineering, coupled with the huge size, if the enemy will be channeled out of it in the future, it will definitely be able to deter most of the enemies.

But when he asked Wen Tai for a psychic beast, Wen Tai was quite disdainful, and bluntly said that unless Jiraiya's strength was stronger than it, it would never be possible for it to conclude a psychic contract.

Hearing that, Zilai also directly challenged Wen Tai without saying a word.

Under the watch of Watanabe, Tsunade and a group of toads, Jiraiya and Bunta fought fiercely for a long time, and finally defeated Bunta before exhaustion. Even though Bunta was unwilling, he fulfilled his promise and signed a contract with Jira. Psychic contract.

Jiraiya thus obtained a pass to and from Miaomu Mountain, and then Shima used a reverse psychic technique to escort the three back to Konoha.

This time, what Watanabe cared about most was not Kaguya Otsutsuki, who threatened the safety of the Quan-Ninja World, but the two children predicted by Immortal Big Toad.

He knew better than anyone that the eldest son with the Nine Goose Jade Samsara Eyes in the Big Toad Immortal's mouth must have been born to him and Zhili. .

To this day, Watanabe still hadn't thought of getting Tsunade to accept Jiri's method, which made him extremely distressed, and even wanted to ask Immortal Big Toad for advice. In the future, he even had two sons born. Is the relationship between Hand and Ji Li properly handled?

"I told you a long time ago that this kind of thing can be solved perfectly as long as you use an Izanagi against Tsunade."

The next day, in the empty office of the Hokage Building, Haruyuki sat in Watanabe's arms to comfort him. His face was rosy and beautiful, and he looked like a bird, without the slightest coldness and arrogance in front of outsiders.

"No way." Watanabe sighed, "Even if Tsunade refuses to forgive me in the end, I can't use such despicable means to change her will."

"Forget it, I'll think of other ways during this time. There will always be a way to the front of the mountain."

Even so, the expression on Watanabe's face still looked very sad, and he lifted the Hokage Yushen robe on Jiri's body to his waist, thinking hard about the best of both worlds.

Jiri bit his lips, and everything came from Watanabe, without making any sound.

She didn't think that Watanabe's refusal to use Izanagi against Tsunade was a rigid and pedantic performance. She understood that Watanabe was purely because he loved Tsunade too much. If he replaced himself with Tsunade, he would do the same. made.

"Tell me more about it..."

Zhili suddenly leaned into his ear and exhaled softly.

Watanabe tightened his arms around her waist and asked, "What did you say?"

"Tell me, our child..."

Zhili's beautiful writing-wheel eyes showed infinite expectations.

"I've already told you about the prophecy of Immortal Big Toad. His hair is light blue like yours, his eyes are samsara eyes with nine hooks, and he looks handsome. He should be more like you."

"very nice."

The more Jiri listened, the more fascinated he became, and he couldn't help but press his lips against Watanabe.

After learning the prophecy of the great toad sage from Watanabe's mouth, Jiri didn't care about Kaguya Otsutsuki, nor the reincarnation of Asura and Indra, only the child she gave birth to for Watanabe.

She and Watanabe have been together for nearly two years, but she has not been pregnant for a long time. Although Jiri Akira didn't show it on the face, she was really worried in her heart.

Immortal Big Toad's prophecy was like giving Zhiri a shot of peace of mind. She no longer felt the urgency. Anyway, Watanabe's eldest son was destined to be born to her, and everything would be fine.



Due to the special geographical location, there are cloudy clouds over the country of rain all year round, and the rain is incessant, which is also the origin of the name of the country of rain.

It has been three months since Hyuga Miku came to the Land of Rain and gradually adapted to the rainy and rainy climate of the Land of Rain.

At this moment, he was standing at the window of Yuying's office, quietly staring into the distance, his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the layers of rain curtains and reach Konoha thousands of miles away.

"Yuyin Village has completely stabilized, and all the remnants of Sanjiaoyu Hanzo have been wiped out."

"Next, I can finally free up my hands and make reforms within the family..."

Hyuga Miku has not forgotten his promise to his sister. He wants to change the cruel clan system of the family and return the freedom of all members of the family.

He wanted to do this a long time ago, but the patriarch used to be his father, and Hyuga Miku didn't even have the courage to express this idea in front of his father.

"Zero, will you still be willing to come back after you see the actual changes in the family?"

Hyuga Miku muttered to herself, her eyes looking into the distance becoming more and more profound.

He will never forget how naive his sister was before she was six years old, and it was because of the spell of the caged bird that she planted the seeds of hatred against the family...

"what is that?"

A dish-shaped flying object suddenly smashed into layers of water curtains and broke into Hyuga's vision of the future, attracting his attention.

Hyuga Miku had never seen such a strange flying object. In surprise, he immediately activated the power of his white eyes, and the veins on both sides of his temples burst out.

I saw a white-haired young man sitting inside the dish-shaped flying object, with a handsome appearance and two eyes like pure white and flawless gems.

"Blind eyes!"

Hyuga Miku was shocked, never expected that there would be a Hyuga clan inside the flying object.

The main question is, as Hyuga Miku is the head of the Hyuga clan, how could there be people he doesn't know in the clan? ?

As if sensing Hyuga Miku's gaze, the young man in the flying saucer also had blue veins blooming on both sides of his temples, and he met Hyuga Miku's gaze.

The corners of the young man's lips curled into an arc that seemed to be a smile but not a smile, and he said word by word with his lips:

"finally found you."

The next moment, the young man jumped out of the flying saucer and rushed towards the future.

"Who is coming!" Hyuga Miku asked in a deep voice.

The young man did not answer, and gathered Chakra in the palm of his hand, forming countless powerful fist marks in the air, and hitting the eighty gods.

Hyuga Miku's pupils shrank suddenly, and she quickly used a avatar technique to flash out of the Rain Shadow Building.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Under the bombardment of countless fist marks, the entire Yuying Building collapsed and collapsed in an instant. Such a huge movement immediately drew the attention of the surrounding Hyuga clansmen.

"Enemy attack!"

"Someone assassinated Lord Rain Shadow!"

More than a dozen elite ninjas from the Hinata clan exclaimed, identifying the white-haired youth as an intruder and besieging him.

The white-haired youth is agile and can dodge the attacks of the Hyuga clan with ease.

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