"It would be nice if the four of us could be assigned to a team after graduation."

In the hot spring pool, Zilai also sighed while rubbing his back: "It's more comfortable to get along with you, and the rest of the class has a certain sense of superiority."

"Each team can only have three freshmen, it is impossible for four people to be together." Beiliuhu reminded.

He still didn't say a word, his goal was to become a Naruto disciple, and he didn't want to join the ninja team like an ordinary freshman.

"Then get rid of Watanabe. Anyway, he wants to be with Tsunade more than us." Jiraiya also joked.

Watanabe smiled slightly, but did not deny it.

"How about Orochimaru, is there anyone who particularly wants to form a team?"

Orochimaru shook his head silently.

"Don't keep silent all the time, this kind of character will not please girls." Zilai also complained about him, "Orochimaru, you will definitely not be able to marry a wife in the future."

Orochimaru hesitated for a moment, then slowly said, "Do you... have any dreams?"

"Of course, my dream is to be in close contact with countless beautiful girls!" Zilai also replied with a smile, the three of them knew him well, no surprise.

"I want to be Hokage!" Beiliu said firmly.

"I want world peace," Watanabe said.

The three of them were startled for a while, and inexplicably felt that Watanabe's dream was so lofty.

"Orochimaru, you are the only one left to say it." Zilai also pointed his finger at him.

Orochimaru's face flashed blankly: "I don't know."

He felt very empty, with nothing in particular, and nothing in particular to do, as if he could not find a believer in his faith. All along, he did whatever he felt should be done.


The four of them soaked in the hot spring pool for an afternoon, and when they came out again, their friendship became much closer.

"The results of the written test should come out, go to the school to see." Bei Liu couldn't wait to see the results.

Watanabe also means the same.

At this time, the school's playground was overcrowded, and countless students and their parents gathered around the signboard.

"Ninety percent!"

When Bei Liuhu saw his name, he was delighted.

"Hey, seventy-eight points, just pass." Zilai also grinned silly.

Watanabe's written test score was 95, which was higher than Beiyu's, but when he saw Orochimaru's name at the top of the list, he got a full score.

Orochimaru remained calm throughout, saying, "Twenty-five people have been eliminated."

Names marked in red on the back of the signboards mean elimination.

Only after reaching 60 points will you be eligible to enter the next round of exams.

"Tomorrow morning is the illusion test, and the afternoon is the actual combat test. They are all held in the martial arts field. The difficulty is definitely greater than the written test."

"I'll go home and prepare first, don't be careless, maybe we will become rivals tomorrow."

"Well, see you tomorrow."

Watanabe also said goodbye afterwards. He paid no less attention to the graduation examination than Beiyu, but it was not as obvious as his performance.

That night, Watanabe continued to stay up late to improve his kidney function, and reviewed all the ninjutsu he had mastered to ensure that he would not forget the embarrassing situation of forgetting the seal in actual combat.



In the early morning of the next day, the audience seats of the No. 15 martial arts field were filled very early. From a distance, it was full of Wuyangyang, and the scale was comparable to that of the Chunin Examination.

"Senior Zhili, I'm going to trouble you for the illusion test later."

On the jury's seat, a young man wearing a forehead guard respectfully said to a woman.

The woman was about 30 years old, her clothes were engraved with Uchiha's iconic group fan emblem, her face was cold and glamorous, her figure was tall and her slender thighs were wrapped in black silk, she looked very mature, and answered the young man lightly: "Understood, Just call me when you start."

"Is it an overkill to let Jiri test illusions for the students of the Ninja School?" The Nara Patriarch who was also on the jury said with a smile, while secretly paying attention to the expression of Hizana next to him.

"Uchiha itself represents the ultimate achievement of illusion, not to mention Jiri."

"I'll stop until I stop them, so they won't be wiped out." Uchihaji didn't care about the compliments from the Nara Patriarch, and his tone was still cold.

"With Zhili's words, we can rest assured."

At this time, the young ninja who greeted Uchihajiri just now walked to the center of the martial arts field and instructed the candidates to appear in an orderly manner.

"A lot of people!"

Jiraiya walked beside Watanabe and whispered, making him dizzy due to the dense crowd of people in the auditorium.

Watanabe looked at the judges seat. He knew almost all the judges there. Tsunade had been to the Senju Clan on his birthday, such as Sarutobi Hizen, Shimura Danzo, Hinata Clan, Nara Clan, Hatake Clan, and others. .

"I don't know if Tsunade is here, or is the special training ban already started?"

Watanabe thought to himself, his eyes swept from the judge's seat to the audience seat, but there was no figure of Tsunade.

"Senior Zhili, it's alright."

The moonlight galloped to the distance for instructions.

Uchihajiri left the jury seat and moved his long legs to greet the crowd.

As soon as she appeared, Jiraiya's eyes lit up, and she stared at the two black threads, her legs full of brains in an instant.

"It's superb..."

He muttered to himself.


Watanabe guessed the identity of the woman based on the name of the moonlight galloping. Uchiha, Qianshou, and Hinata are the three most famous noble families of Konoha. In these years, Uchihaji has been very famous in the village. It is said that her illusion skills No one can match her, and many people think that the next generation of Uchiha's patriarch must be her.

"Next, Yujiri-senpai will test the illusion for you."

Moonlight galloping explained to the candidates: "Take this line as the starting point, every step you take in a sober state, you will get ten points, and those who take less than three steps will be eliminated."

The rules are simple and understandable.

Uchihajiri stopped ten steps away from the crowd, closed his eyes and opened them again, the two eyes turned into scarlet three-hooked jade writing round eyes, like a demon in the depths of hell opening his pupils.

[Hypnosis by illusion: willpower +10, spirit +8, sobriety +9...]

Watanabe was slightly surprised, when did the other party use illusion?

Moonlight galloped and saw many candidates showing a blank look, and realized that Uchihajiri had already started, and immediately announced: "Illusion test, start now!"

Orochimaru made a seal on both hands, causing the Chakra in the body to become disordered, so as to maintain consciousness and take the first step towards Uchihajiri.

The others followed suit and followed behind him, but each step they took, the stronger the illusion effect they received, and the upper and lower eyelids closed uncontrollably.

"How can I be trapped by this level of illusion!"

Jilai also gritted his teeth, and the Chakra in his body was already so disordered that it made him tremble.

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