Mito did not expect Watanabe to say such a thing.

Not only is he not afraid of Tsunade, but he wants to take the risk of becoming a human pillar for Tsunade.

Mito suddenly understood why Tsunade had secretly sent the Hasama necklace and Tobirama's ninjutsu to Watanabe.

If the boy she liked treated her so wholeheartedly during her teenage years, she would probably be the same as Tsunade.

"Senior Mito, can you give me the seal of the nine-tailed demon fox?" Watanabe asked.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it would be best for him to seal the Nine-Tails. However, he has the characteristics of causal reversal, and all the negative effects of becoming a human pillar force will be transformed in a positive direction.

Mito stared deeply at Watanabe, and he saw only sincerity on his face, not the slightest covetousness for the power of the tailed beast.

At this moment, Mito suddenly moved.

Yeah, wouldn't it be better for Watanabe to be the man-jutsu?

Mito heard what Tsunade said about Watanabe's awakening of "Flesh Escape", and also witnessed Tsunade's repeated blows but he was unscathed, and his self-healing ability was comparable to that of Hashima.

With such a strong physique, Watanabe will indeed be more suitable for the nine-tailed man Zhuri than Tsunade.

"Senior Mito, you may not know, my physique is very good, even Tsunade's strange power can't beat me..."

"We'll talk about this later."

Mito interrupted, Ren Zhuli's choice is no trivial matter, and he can't make a hasty decision.

However, Mito has indeed considered Watanabe as a candidate for the human column force now.

"Since you have decided to help Tsunade bear the pressure, I won't stop you. I just hope you don't disappoint Tsunade. Our Qianshou clan is even less likely to treat you badly."

Watanabe felt that Mito's words meant that he was a little white face, so he told the truth: "Actually, even if Tsunade is not surnamed Qianshou, I still like her."


Is it because of age?

A layer of goose bumps appeared on Mito's skin, and he couldn't hear the young boy's affectionate confession.

She took a deep breath and took Watanabe out of the spiritual world.

"Next, just like everyone else, do some tasks for a period of time to gain qualifications, and then I will arrange for you to enter the high-rise." Mito said, getting up and walking out of the door.

Even if Watanabe didn't become a Hokage apprentice, Mito could make his promotion faster than Hokage apprentice.


"If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, come to the Qianshou Clan to find me."

"Thank you Mito-senpai."



At twelve noon, Watanabe came to the ninja school, and most of the classmates greeted him with respect.

In the past, everyone only thought that Watanabe was the tail of a crane who was lucky enough to get Tsunade's favor, but since Watanabe became famous in the martial arts field yesterday, their views on Watanabe have changed. When facing the strong, people will always instinctively of awe.

Watanabe glanced around the class, and sure enough, he didn't see Orochimaru and Jiraiya, but he did see Kiyuu.

Speaking of which, Bei Liu was quite unlucky. The three generations wanted to accept civilians as disciples, and he was very eager to accept him, but he was the only one who didn't choose him.

"Watanabe, do you know where Jiraiya and Orochimaru are going? If they don't come, they will be late."

Keiyuhu leaned over to Watanabe and asked.

Watanabe knew that Beiyuhu was a sensitive person. He was afraid that he would feel uncomfortable after knowing about the encounter between Jiraiya and Orochimaru, so he shook his head: "I don't know, maybe I got up late."

"They are so careless, they dare to be late for such a big event as graduation report."

I'm sorry to complain about them.

"It's quite careless..."

The two had just chatted a few words when they saw Osaka Rukawa hurriedly entering the door with a wooden box.

Osaka Rukawa first congratulated everyone on their successful graduation, and then took out the ninja guards in the box and distributed them in turn.

"The ninja team for each of you has been assigned, and I will announce it next."

Osaka Rukawa read according to the list in his hand:

"Dan Kato, Sakurajima, Shan Zhongfeng, the teacher in charge of the three of you is the oil girl Liang Liang, who will gather at the izakaya at 3 o'clock in the afternoon."

"Inuzuka Tooth, Nara Xun, Moonlight Flying, the teacher who leads the three of you is..."

Some leading teachers are special Shangnin, some leading teachers are Shangnin, and some leading teachers are elite Shangnin, all depends on the graduation results of freshmen in the team, the team with better grades, the leading teacher will be the stronger.

As Osaka Rukawa continued to read out the staffing assignments, Beiyuhu's mood became more and more nervous, and Watanabe's feeling when sitting next to him was obvious.

After all, it is about the future, so you should be nervous.

Watanabe is different. He already has Mito escorting him, and sooner or later he will enter the high-rise Konoha.

"Watanabe, Hyuga Zero, and Hikaru, the teacher in charge of the three of you is Hajiri Uchi, who will gather on the rooftop of the mission hall at three o'clock in the afternoon."

When Osaka Rukawa finished reciting the last group, everyone made an uproar and couldn't help but cast envious glances at Watanabe and Keiyuu in the back row.

Uchihajiri is Konoha's most famous elite junin, strength and beauty coexist, of course it is best to be able to join her team.


Beiliu was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't believe it.

I actually joined Senior Zhili's squad? ?

"Hyuga Zero...I don't really want to deal with her." Watanabe had a headache, and the girl who was good at disguising probably hated him.

"No, because Bei Liu has average grades, why did he join Senior Zhili's team?"

Suddenly, someone questioned.

"Yeah, Watanabe and Orochimaru Jinjiri's senior team is normal, but the results are not as good as mine."

"Speaking of which, I didn't seem to hear the team assigned by Orochimaru just now?"

"You didn't hear it either?"


Osaka Rukawa interrupted everyone's discussion and said solemnly: "I didn't intend to tell you, but since someone asked, I'll tell you."

"Orochimaru and Jiraiya have been accepted as disciples by Lord Naruto, so the two of them do not have a ninja team."


Everyone was shocked.

Bei Liuhu was stunned, but he was worried about the late arrival of Jiraiya and the others, but the two of them actually became Hokage disciples!

Obviously, they had dinner together last night, but after one night, they all reached the sky in one step. Beiyuhu felt a little uncomfortable, and the joy of entering Uchihajiri's team was also diluted.

Osaka Rukawa continued: "The allocation of the ninja team is the result of the above decision. If anyone is not satisfied, you can go to the leading teacher to negotiate and adjust it yourself. Whether you can persuade the leading teacher depends on your ability."

"I have one last sentence to say to you. Temporary results can't mean anything. You don't need to be jealous of others. You still have a long road ahead, and everything has just begun."

The classroom fell silent.

Everyone may have listened, or they may not have listened, but in short, they gave Osaka Rukawa a face and did not raise any objections.

"Let's go, go home and prepare, we will gather in the afternoon."

Watanabe patted Keiyu on the shoulder.

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