Invert Negative Attributes From Hokage

Chapter 50: You are right to wear black silk

"Where's Watanabe, why didn't you bring him here!"

Tsunade simply showed off and got angry, even more angry than Jiraiya's joke just now.

She felt that since Hiizhan had considered Jiraiya and Orochimaru for his apprentices, it was impossible not to notice Watanabe, but as long as he noticed Watanabe, he would surely discover his unparalleled talent and potential.

In her eyes, Watanabe is better and more perfect than anyone else, but Hiizhan didn't bring him here, which can only mean that he did it on purpose.

Seeing that Tsunade was really angry, Zilai also shrank his head angrily, not daring to interject indiscriminately.

Orochimaru remained calm and did not think that the conflict between Tsunade and Hizen had something to do with him.

"Watanabe is indeed a very good child." Hizan said.

"I can also see that he really wants to be my disciple, and for this he has achieved the first graduation result in the school."

Tsunade was startled.

Did Watanabe take the graduation exam?

Didn't I tell him not to graduate and wait for me to come back?

After reacting, her beautiful eyes became even more angry.

Of course she understood that Watanabe took the graduation exam for her, but even if he placed first, he was still targeted by Nissaki.

"It stands to reason that I should take Watanabe as a disciple." Hizan sighed, "But he is so good, he even mastered ninjutsu that I don't even have, I have nothing to teach him, let him go with the flow It may be better for him to develop naturally..."

"Stop pretending."

Tsunade interrupted coldly.

"Who do you think is rare to be your disciple? I'm going home, I'm lazy to play with you."

After speaking, Tsunade opened his swing directly, walked past Hiizaki, and returned to the direction of Konoha.

Sun Zhan was stunned. He didn't expect Tsunade to make such a radical move. Probably, when he was playing cards, he made a three, and Tsunade directly overturned the table.

Not only does Tsunade need his master-apprentice status, but he also needs it, even more than Tsunade. If Tsunade is allowed to go back like this, he will not be able to pass the level of Mito and Konoha.

"and many more!"

Ri Zhan hurriedly stopped her.

Tsunade ignored him, his back was quite decisive.

Hizan suddenly felt regretful, if he had known that Tsunade would be ruined, he would have brought Watanabe over.

"Don't forget, you promised Mito-senpai that you would practice with me for half a year!" Ri Zhan said in a deep voice.

This sentence had an effect, and Tsunade stopped.

She really wanted to leave, but she also knew that her status as a teacher and apprentice related to the interests of the family. If her grandmother knew that she should not kill her disciples for Watanabe, it would be hard to guarantee that her grandmother would not have an opinion on Watanabe. .

What Tsunade cares about is not the interests of the Senju family, but Watanabe. She doesn't want to have any bad influence on Watanabe because of her willfulness.

After a while, Tsunade turned his head and stared at Hiizaki angrily:

"Old man, remember it for me, when I become Hokage, I will never give you good fruit to eat!"

Jiraiya and Orochimaru were moved, but Tsunade dared to threaten Sarutobi Hiru's beheading.

On the contrary, Ri Zhan heaved a sigh of relief and smiled without saying a word.



The next morning.

Today is a sunny and good day. Watanabe didn't want to be late again yesterday, so he came to the door of the mission hall early to wait for the assembly.

Ten minutes later, Uchihajiri appeared first, with two familiar long legs with black silk, which were seductive just by looking at them.

"Mr. Jiri, good morning." Watanabe greeted politely.

Jiri nodded, suddenly noticing Watanabe's empty forehead, his thoughts moved, and he thought of teaching him again.

She had already told Watanabe that it was stupid for him to help the boy, but Watanabe insisted on contradicting himself, and now the facts finally proved that she was right.

"That person didn't return the forehead to you, did he?" Zhili put on a cold and didactic attitude, "I told you, you don't understand the world of ninjas, you have suffered this loss, next time..."

"No, Matty came to pay me back last night." Watanabe smiled, "But I don't want it, I continue to use the forehead guard for him."

Zhili was even more displeased when he heard the words: "Are you planning to lend him the forehead all the time?"

Watanabe: "That's not true. When he survives this most difficult period, I will take the forehead back, and he will also be able to obtain ninja status with his own strength."

"What's wrong with him?"

Watanabe felt that it was not impossible to tell what happened to Mattai, so he truthfully told Jiri that Mattai's father was seriously ill, and that Mattai insisted on dividing the reward for the task he got to himself.

Ji Li fell silent after hearing this.

Watanabe felt that Jiri had misunderstood himself, and said: "Teacher, don't think that I don't understand anything when I'm young, in fact, I understand a lot of things, and I won't suffer from it easily, but it's you, teacher, who may not really know much. If you understand the world of poor commoners, you should comment less and talk less about things you don't understand..."

here we go again!

Start bashing yourself again!

Jiri was very unconvinced, but he couldn't refute Watanabe. Among all the freshmen she had brought, Watanabe was the least in awe of her, and he was clearly the teacher.

"Teacher, are you listening to what I just said?"

Zhili's content became cold, and a cold voice threatened: "If you say one more sentence, you will be kicked out of the team."

Watanabe: "???"

What the hell, didn't we have a good chat? If you say change your face, you will change your face.

You are right, you are wearing black silk.

Watanabe wisely kept silent.

After a while, Beiruhu and Hyuga Zero arrived at the assembly location one after another, and they greeted Zhili respectfully.

Jiri was still angry at being educated by Watanabe just now.

Hyuga Zero didn't care about this. After several contacts, she thought that Jiri was such a cold character. She created topics with a smile on her own and chatted with Watanabe. She was perfunctory at all times, and she was always vigilant.

Bei Liuhu was worried, thinking about how to win Ji Li's favor, at least let her be kind to him, otherwise he would have the feeling that he would be kicked out of the team at any time.

Now that the Second Ninja World War is about to break out, the situation in the Ninja World is turbulent. More than half of the clients who come to Konoha to issue tasks are more than half of the past, and there are people from south to north.

Considering that the three members of the team had just left the campus, Zhili had only received a B-level mission to clear the bandits. You must know that when she was alone, she used to perform A-level missions most of the time, and even S-level missions had been completed many times. , otherwise her reputation in Konoha wouldn't be so loud.

"Lord Ninja, that group of bandits threatened our village and forced us to collect 10 million taels for them within three days, otherwise we would bloody wash our entire village. We are really desperate, so we can only come to Konoha to send out a mission for help."

The client, a middle-aged uncle, cried to Zhili with snot and tears.

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