Watanabe was stunned for a moment, then turned his head: "Teacher, what are you doing?"

Ji Li was also taken aback.

Why didn't you get dizzy?

It doesn't make sense, although I am very weak now, but the hand knife has to find the right acupoint before slashing. Even if the elite Shangnin were to be stabbed by himself without any defense, he would definitely faint.

Thinking of this, Ji Li slashed Watanabe's neck twice as if he didn't believe in evil.


[attacked: awake +19, qi and blood +16, pain -8...]

【Awake +21...】

Watanabe: "..."

Such a high level of sobriety instantly made Watanabe guess Jiri's intention to knock him out, and he didn't know whether to be moved or to laugh.

He had worked so hard to save Jiri, how could he hand her over to Hanzo again?

"Teacher, don't make trouble."

He reassured Chiri like a child.

Jerry was stunned.

I really can't beat you!

After reacting, she was both angry and aggrieved, and felt that Watanabe was simply a natural enemy tailored for her.

Daimyo noticed the movements of the two masters and apprentices behind him, but he didn't pay too much attention to it. He now devoted all his energy to negotiating with Hanzo.

"No, Uchihajiri also has to let go!"

Hanzo narrowed his eyes dangerously: "My concession to you is already big enough, don't go too far."

Daimyo was not frightened by his threat and refused to give in an inch: "This is my bottom line. As long as you let the five of them leave, I will give you the sealing technique."

In fact, if it wasn't for his daughter Kushina, Da Ming would not give Hanzo the sealing technique, but he had no choice. No matter what, he wanted to ensure his daughter's safety, so he could only compromise with Hanzo.

Now that we have all compromised with Hanzo, we might as well keep a few more people from Hanzo's subordinates. The big name has a very good impression of Watanabe, and both Watanabe and Jiri are affected by him tonight, so even if Jiri's attitude towards him is different. Indifferent and arrogant, he also wanted to protect the two masters and apprentices together.

Daimyo also believes that in order to obtain the sealing technique, Hanzo will definitely agree to his conditions——

"Ha ha!"

Hanzo suddenly let out two harsh sneers.

"It seems that you didn't understand the situation clearly, and you deserve to talk about the bottom line in front of me."

He still said that, Uchihajiri must kill.

"Come on, kill Uchihaji, I see who dares to stop it!"

He really didn't believe that the daimyo would kill him for a Uchihajiri.

Following Hanzo's order, the surrounding nearly 100 Yuyin Village ninjas immediately shrank their encirclement and approached Jiri on Watanabe's back with murderous aura, and the temperature in the air suddenly became icy cold.

Seeing that Watanabe had not let go of himself until this time, Jiuri reluctantly gave up the idea of ​​struggling.

That's it.

Just die with the rebels!

It's good to be a pair of desperate masters and apprentices...

"Wait a minute!"

At the critical moment, Watanabe spoke.

His eyes were sharp at Hanzo, and he questioned him very seriously: "Hanzo, Sanjiaoyu, do you dare to fight me!"

Everyone was startled.

Hanzo frowned: "What kind of thing are you? You are also worthy of my call."

The only one he wanted to kill was Zhili, and he had no intention of killing other people whose names he wanted to protect.

Watanabe replied: "I'm nothing, I'm Mr. Zhiri's disciple. If you want to kill Mr. Zhili, I won't agree, so I want to fight with you."

This naive to almost stupid remark once again startled everyone.

After a brief silence, a group of Yuyin Village ninjas couldn't help but laugh at Watanabe:

"Where is the little devil who came out of nowhere, dare to challenge Hanzo-sama without knowing his life or death."

"It's ridiculous, Hanzo-sama can run over you countless times with one finger!"

"It's no use if you don't promise. Who do you think you are? Die with your teacher."


Daimyo looked worried, and he wanted to tell Watanabe to stop talking nonsense, otherwise he might not even be able to keep him.

"How's it going, Sanzo Fish Hanzo?"

Watanabe ignored the ridicule of the people in Yuyin Village, and continued to ask Hanzo without changing his face: "A demigod in the ninja world, who is regarded as the pinnacle of countless ninjas, doesn't he have the courage to fight me?"

"shut up!"

Some ninjas from Yuyin Village scolded him:

"It also depends on who is using it. A brat like you is not even worthy to shine your shoes on Hanzo-sama. How dare you speak madly in front of Hanzo-sama!"

If it wasn't for Hanzo who had promised the daimyo just now that he would put the transition side and three guards, the ninja from Yuyin Village couldn't help but attack him at this moment.

"Lord Hanzo, this brat has no reverence for you, my subordinate asks for your order, and is willing to obliterate him for Lord Hanzo!"

Someone sharpened a knife and asked for instructions, trying to express himself in front of Hanzo.

Hanzo was silent, looking at Watanabe with a hint of meaning.

This scene is unexpectedly familiar.

Not long ago, on the battlefield of the Iron Country, Mifune, the leader of the Iron Country, was like Watanabe, who fought to the death with himself in order to protect his companions.

The outside world said that Hanzo was disdainful of killing Sanfune, so he finally spared his life. Only Hanzo himself, who was the party involved, knew that he was not disdainful of killing Sanfune. On the contrary, he spared him because he admired Sanfune very much.

When a person ends, it is not when he is about to die, but when his faith is exhausted. At that time, during the decisive battle with Mifune, Hanzo saw a strong belief in him, and at this moment, Hanzo saw on Watanabe's face even more than his. At that time, Mifune still had a strong belief.

The mere ants dare to draw a sword to the demigods after they have faith.

Hanzo is ambitious, but at the same time, he is also a person who cherishes talents. As long as he recognizes people, even enemies can get his respect.

In fact, Jiri has also been recognized by Hanzo, but there is a fundamental difference between Jiri and Mifune. Hanzo can spare Sanjuan on the frontal battlefield, but he will not let Jiri.

Because Zhiri is so strong, she is so strong that she can threaten Hanzo's life, no matter how much Hanzo cherishes her talents, she can't do the stupid thing of raising tigers.

Compared with Jiri, Mifune is much weaker, and Hanzo has control over his life and death, so he is not worried that he will pose a threat to him at all.



"You regret that it's too late now." Hanzo said to Watanabe.

"I can let you go back to Konoha alive, you don't have to die here for Uchihajiri..."

Watanabe interrupted him with bright eyes: "If I lose to you in the decisive battle, I will be buried with Mr. Zhiri, but if you lose to me, you must promise to let Mr. Zhiri go, and dare you not take it. Showdown!"

Watanabe had no choice but to use the stupidest trick.

If Hanzo couldn't stand the excitement and promised to fight him decisively, then it would be best, not only would Watanabe have the opportunity to slay the gods with the technique of multiplying and detonating talismans, but Hari would also have a chance to survive.

If Hanzo is calm and disdain to ignore him, Watanabe can only go all out. Although there is still a chance to slay the gods using the technique of multiplying detonating talismans, Jiri will die in that case. The explosion of 3,000 detonating talismans is no joke. .

Thanks to the book friend 20200912094931997 for the reward of 3500 coins, thank you boss!

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