Invincibility Starts From Sacrificing Ancestors

Chapter 122 Invincible on the day of the attack

The mountains and fields are terrifying, and the vegetation is full of soldiers.

The fiery blood energy billowed like a tide, permeating the air like a cloud of smoke.

The scene just now was like a freeze frame, deeply imprinted in the minds of everyone.

The fire pill pierced through the air, exterminated the evil spirits, and the rampant and vicious Xiang Nang was directly exterminated! ?

Gu Xiangling is very familiar with this kind of power.

He is a mysterious strongman code-named [Zero].

It is also the patron saint of Ping'an Town.

Gu Xiangling never dreamed that the number [Zero] would appear here, thousands of miles away, rushing to kill monsters, so domineering for no reason, and so powerful that he had no clue.

"What a coincidence..." Gu Xiangling has a lot of thoughts, and every time he encounters danger, [Number Zero] always appears so timely.

"Could it be that he gave someone to someone because of one of us?" Gu Xiangling thought of a possibility.

In an instant, her cheeks flushed, and her heart beat faster, like a deer bumping wildly.

"Eight Changes in the Refinement Realm!?" Lu Xianyang was in a daze, staring at the direction where the person's bag fell.

The genius of Pingjiang City couldn't help but feel turmoil in his heart.

Li Shantao is also a master of the eight transformations of the refining realm, and he has already stepped into the fourth level of real fire, and his cultivation is unpredictable.

Even he fell into the hands of Ren Xiangtang.

Just two moves, and he killed this monster?

"Who is it?" Lu Xianyang swept his eyes, searching the mountains and forests.


At this moment, Wang Xuan's figure flickered and flew out.

The blood in his heart was ups and downs, and it was almost difficult to hold back.

"Zhou Dao... is Zhou Dao..." There seemed to be a voice roaring in Wang Xuanzhi's heart.

How could he fail to recognize this killer move with the nine-turn Fire Pill Kung Fu?

Deep mountains and big lakes, Dongyang ancient town...

Wang Xuanzhi did not expect Zhou Dao to be able to run thousands of miles,

To find them, kill the monsters, and open up a way out of the desperate situation, it can be called a magic weapon.

At this time, Zhou Dao's status in Wang Xuanzhi rose again.

The former seems to be omnipotent, and can always create impossible miracles beyond his expectations.

In the depths of the mountain, the trees collapsed.

The scattered smoke and dust gradually subsided.

Zhou Dao followed the bloody smell to find the long-dead [Human Xiangbao]. In order to hunt and kill this monster, he spent a lot of effort, and even took a trip to Hawang Mountain to subdue Ha Shiqi.

"It's really a rare monster, even more special than what was recorded in "Strange Demon Chronicles." Zhou Dao leaned over and turned over the person's bag to check.

With his strength, even if he touches it directly, there won't be any problem.

But if it were an ordinary person, he would be immediately infiltrated by the pervasive evil spirits.

"This thing is really artificially refined..."

The faces on the human body bag are gradually withering, just like the process of aging, the facial features collapse, wrinkles appear, and even rotten sores appear.

Zhou Dao could even see danza talisman seeping out from the wound.

[Demon Refining Method] In ancient times, it was called the top secret of Taoism. Compared with mantras, talismans, alchemy, etc., it is more mysterious and unpredictable. Since ancient times, this kind of inheritance has been rarely seen, and it is regarded as a taboo. .

Even the "Monster Yusi Work Manual" records very little.

This human face bag is obviously a monster born through the [Monster Refining Method].

Zhou Dao was a little curious, who the hell is so proficient in such methods.

"I beheaded this monster, I'm afraid there will be karma." Zhou Dao murmured softly.

According to the records in the previous files of Dongyang Town, the owner of this monster should be a Taoist in black robe who roams around.

If it is known by it, it must be immortal.

A fool can also see that the other party has spent a lot of effort on this monster.

The so-called Wangxiang is the king, this person has thousands of faces, and he is almost close to Dacheng.

But Zhou Dao didn't care. In order to refine this [Human Xiangsang], the black-robed Taoist killed countless people, and he deserved it if he died. If he really came to him one day, Zhou Dao would kill him along with him.

Of course, it is impossible for the black-robed Taoist to know that Zhou Dao did it.

"Master, you are really amazing..."

At this moment, Ha Shiqi landed beside Zhou Dao, and the wind howled, shaking the mountains and forests.

In addition to the great sense of smell, the big dog demon can run far faster than Li Shantao's golden scale and silver dragon horse.

"This monster is not simple. If most of his attention hadn't been on you, he might not have been able to deal with it so easily." Zhou Dao whispered.

The big dog monster is not weak, and it also has a strong deterrent effect on people. At that time, the latter's attention was almost all focused on Ha Shiqi, so Zhou Dao was able to shoot him through his body.


As soon as Zhou Dao raised his hand, he put the corpse in the bag of Renxiang into the green pan treasure bag.

I don't know what kind of rewards I can get by sacrificing this monster...

Zhou Dao faintly looked forward to it.

"Master, someone is here." Ha Shiqi reminded.

Zhou Dao looked up, and there was a figure in the distance, getting closer and closer.

"Xiao Wang..." Zhou Dao withdrew his gaze and didn't care.

After all, Wang Xuanzhi was still fateful, and he was able to survive until his arrival, which shows that the fate is profound, and after the calamity, there will be achievements.

"It really is you..." Wang Xuanzhi walked in front of him, glanced at Ha Shiqi, showing a strange expression.

As a town secretary, of course he has heard of the vicious reputation of the big dog demon.

"Okay, you go back first, just follow in secret." Zhou Dao waved his hand.

"Listen to the master." Ha Shiqi wagged his tail, turned around, and left in a hurry.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xuanzhi was dumbfounded, and the gaze he cast on Zhou Dao was even more awe-inspiring.

"He is indeed capable of what others cannot..." Wang Xuanzhi's heart darkened.

He had only left Ping'an Town for a few days, Zhou Dao had given him too many surprises in such a short period of time.

Not only saved their lives, beheaded the person Xiang Nang, and even subdued the big dog demon in Hawang Mountain.

"You saved me again."

Wang Xuanzhi's expression was complicated, he had already made a complete conclusion that Zhou Dao was his noble person, and he would follow him for the rest of his life, and he would never let go.

"Don't worry about it, just work hard for me in the future." Zhou Dao grinned.

He felt that Wang Xuanzhi could still be cultivated.

In this world, he needs his own strength after all.

Especially after meeting Li Zangfeng.

Zhou Dao knew that he still had a long way to go, but...he had the capital to climb to the top and reach the end.

That day, the reason why he agreed to Li Zangfeng to be his disciple was because it was the old man's arrangement.

Secondly, it was to participate in the Yuan King Fa Conference. Only when he got there could he meet the old man and ask the questions in his heart.

These days, Zhou Dao has already investigated, Yuan Wang Fahui is extremely mysterious, although it is known as the biggest event in this dynasty, but he has no clue.

It can be seen from this that it is not so easy to participate in the Yuan King Fa Conference.

Becoming Li Zangfeng's disciple is different, it is equivalent to opening the back door, you can directly participate.

In half a year, have you touched the threshold of the Nine Transformations of the Refining Realm?

This is not Zhou Dao's goal.

He wanted to surprise Li Zangfeng and the whole world.

The method of cultivating Taoism in obscurity will be known to the world once it resounds.

When he makes a move, he is invincible! !

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