Invincibility Starts From Sacrificing Ancestors

Chapter 151 Zhou Dao's Choice

The noisy and bustling warehouse suddenly fell into a strange silence, and the expressions on everyone's faces seemed to freeze.

Before Wu Feng's smile dissipated, a trace of deep suspicion appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, the same idea popped up in everyone's heart.

"Did I hear wrong!?"

"Thirteen heads? Sha-level? is this possible?"

Finally, someone exclaimed, unbelievable.

Immediately, the entire warehouse was boiling, and everyone's face was full of astonishment and shock.

In Pingjiang City, since the establishment of the Monster Control Division, there hasn't been a single demon master assessment that has achieved such a result.

In the past, the highest record was a nine-headed monster.

That record has been maintained for more than 20 years and no one has broken it.

Seal up thirteen evil-level monsters within an hour? Are you kidding?


Wu Feng blushed and roared involuntarily.

He could no longer remain calm and composed.

"When you question the result, you are questioning the justice of Yu Yaosi!?"

At this moment, Guo Jieyang was condescending, looking down at Wu Feng below.

After all, this little guy's temperament is still a bit weak. He is young and frivolous, self-righteous, but he doesn't know the vastness of the world. Once he encounters an existence stronger than himself, he will first doubt it.

"I..." Wu Feng clenched his fists tightly, hesitant to speak.

"Do the three-headed monsters think they are great?" Beside, Hou Tianshu also sneered.

Wu Feng was able to seal up the three-headed evil-level monsters because of his abilities.

But Zhou Dao was different. He was able to seal up the thirteen evil-level monsters because there were only thirteen evil-level monsters in that secret room.

The power of the soul to seal the demon is beyond what these little guys can imagine.

Even for Guo Jieyang, Hou Tianshu witnessed it for the first time.

The two commanders looked at Wu Feng silently, and suddenly felt some sympathy for him.

This little guy has no idea what kind of monster he is competing with.

If you know, I'm afraid it will become a shadow for a lifetime, brooding on your heart.

"Young man, you don't even know who I was fighting against..."

Perhaps, many years later, when Wu Feng is very old, recalling the past, he will hold a cigarette stick in his mouth, squint his eyes, and tell his younger generations about the glory of the year.

"I declare that the first place in this assessment is Zhou Dao." Guo Xieyang made a final decision, and there was no room for rebuttal.

"Zhou Dao? Who is Zhou Dao?"

Immediately, everyone's eyes were searching the crowd like hounds.

I thought Wu Feng would be the number one in this assessment, who would have thought that he would kill a dark horse halfway, no, this is not a dark horse.

The thirteen evil-level monsters are simply unreasonable. This horse is a hindrance and a dragon crossing the river.

"Who is Zhou Dao?"

Wu Feng clenched his fists and lowered his eyelids, scanning the crowd.

He should be the one who enjoyed these fiery gazes and exclamations.

Be the first in this assessment, be awarded an official rank, stand out from the crowd, and enter the Yuyao Division with glory.

Wu Feng had already imagined everything, even the beginning part was almost exactly the same as his idea.

However, he guessed the beginning, but not the end.

Wu Feng never dreamed that a monster named Zhou Dao would be killed.

"Thirteen evil-level monsters, is this stepping on a horse done by a human?" Wu Feng was secretly annoyed.

"Who is Zhou Dao? Who is it?"

"Brother, have you heard of this man?"

At this moment, the man next to Zhou Dao turned sideways and asked a casual question.

"I am."


Suddenly, everyone's gazes fell on Zhou Dao like arrows shot out.

"Is he the one who sealed up thirteen evil-level monsters and broke the record of the demon master?"

"He is thoughtful? He looks ordinary."

"Don't you know what it means to be hidden? I was amazed by Zhou Dao's bones. He was not an ordinary person at first glance. No wonder he even broke the record of Yu Yaosi.


"I feel the same way. You may not believe it when you say it. I noticed it when he walked in just now."

"If you don't tell me, I still don't think that there seems to be an invisible aura on his body, and I feel like I want to worship him."

Everyone talked non-stop, and they were all curious about Zhou Dao's origin.

Some people changed the name of the compliment they just said to Wu Feng and said it again.

"This kid's temperament is first-rate." Hou Tianshu stared at Zhou Dao, narrowing his eyes slightly.

In the face of so many people's comments, even praises, Zhou Dao's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were extremely penetrating, without even the slightest fluctuation, as if these people were not talking about him.

Young people, who have never sharpened their temperament, will be very happy in the face of praise, just like Wu Feng just now.

Even those outstanding people have a calm face, but the fluctuations in their hearts cannot be restrained, which can be seen from the details, such as eyes, breathing, small movements and so on.

But Zhou Dao, he seemed to be really indifferent, and felt like it had nothing to do with him.

This made Hou Tianshu quite surprised. He had never seen many young people who had reached this level of cultivation.

"A place like Ping'an Town can produce such freaks? It's really interesting." Guo Xieyang also noticed this.

But they don't know what Zhou Dao's status is?

Even Li Zangfeng, the sword pillar, accepted him as his disciple, not to mention these stunned youths, he didn't even care about the evaluation of the three commanders.

"Zhou Dao, you now have two choices."

At this moment, Guo Jieyang spoke.

"Choose?" Everyone was taken aback when they heard this.

"First, you can join the Demon Slayer Guard."

Guo Xieyang's astonishing words immediately caused a commotion in the warehouse.

Anyone who came to assess the demon masters did not have too much talent in the realm of cultivation, so they found another way to make up for it with technology and find a way out.

Just like Wu Feng, even though he has achieved the Four Transformations of the Refining Realm, he can still participate in the assessment of the Demon Slayer Guard.

But he knew that he was weak, even if he was barely elected, he was too ordinary among many experts, and he would never have a way out.

Moreover, the assessment of the demon slayer guard was much more abnormal than that of the demon master. Wu Feng knew that with his own strength, he would most likely fail to pass.

That being the case, then he might as well study the path of demon master with the strength of four changes in the refining realm. In this position, he can stand out instantly and even continue to be promoted.

Just like the most powerful demon master in Pingjiang City, who obviously only has the six changes in the refining realm, but has mixed into the official rank of Bai Lingjiuyu.

Guo Jieyang actually asked Zhou Dao to directly join the Demon Slayer Guard?

Does this person have enough strength to become a demon slayer guard? In this case, why come to participate in the assessment of the demon master?

"However, we have to start with previewing the Demon Slayer Guard..." Guo Jieyang continued.

In his opinion, it would be a waste of Zhou Dao's soul talent to be used as a demon master. With a little training, it should have a good future.

However, the current Zhou Dao can only start from training the Demon Slayer Guards.

In terms of combat power alone, there is still a certain gap between him and the Yao Slayer Guard's requirements.

After all, the demon-slayer guards from the town-level demon masters may not pass the assessment of the demon-slayer guards in Pingjiang City, let alone mere demon masters?

Guo Jieyang made such a proposal, which can be regarded as pity.

He didn't want Zhou Dao's talent to be buried forever.

"Preliminary Demon Slayer Guard..." Wu Feng was stunned, and then he looked at Zhou Dao with envy and jealousy in his eyes.

The so-called preliminaries for demon-slaying guards usually recruit those monks who are not bad in talent, but their ability is not up to the standard, and give them resources and focus on training them.

The demon-slaying guards do not need to go out on missions, and they don't need to rush to the front line and risk the danger to slay demons and demons.

All they have to do is practice hard.

As long as the standard is reached within the specified time, it will automatically become an official demon slayer guard.

This is tantamount to using the resources of the imperial court to train you.

It is said that the number of places to preview the Demon Slayer Guards is extremely precious, and there are only three or five places in Pingjiang City every year.

"Fuck, there is such a good thing, spend the money of the court, and practice your own practice!"

"I heard that the number of places to preview the Demon Slayer Guards is extremely precious. No matter how many people break their heads every year, they can't get it."

"This Zhou Dao is so awesome? Even the commander made an exception and gave him a place to preview the demon guard?"

Zhou Dao instantly became the focus of everyone, and his eyes became extremely hot.

This is an opportunity that others can't even ask for, but now it falls on Zhou Dao.

"What about the other choice?" Zhou Dao asked without answering.

"Another option is to continue to be your demon sealer. I will report your situation and give you a reasonable rank." Guo Jieyang said lightly.

Such a simple multiple-choice question, but any normal person would choose the former.

The quota for previewing the demon-slaying guards is right in front of you. If you use the resources of the imperial court to practice, you can't find a second home for such a beautiful thing even with a lantern.

Hou Tianshu looked at Zhou Dao with emotion.

This young man had a stroke of luck, and there was still plenty of places to preview the Demon Slayer Guards this year, otherwise Guo Xieyang would not have made such an exception.

"Wang Xuanzhi is really lucky, the kid next to him actually took away a spot for previewing demon slaying guards." Hou Tianshu sighed inwardly.

"Oh, how could such a good thing not happen to me." Wu Feng sighed, but at the same time he was relieved.

Once Zhou Dao became the preliminarily demon slaying guard, he would still be the number one in this assessment. After becoming a demon master, no one else could take away his aura.

"That's fine." Wu Feng's mood improved a bit.

Zhou Dao's appearance was just a small episode, with little impact.

"I choose the second."


Inside the warehouse, it fell into silence again.

At this time, even Guo Jieyang and Hou Tianshu couldn't help showing strange looks.

"What's the situation? Why doesn't he play cards according to common sense?"

Wu Feng became irritable, he couldn't see through this man named Zhou Dao at all.

That was the quota for previewing the Demon Slayer Guards, and he actually gave up?

"Do you know what your choice means? The former can make you a demon slayer guard, or even an excellent..." Guo Jieyang reminded.

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