Invincibility Starts From Sacrificing Ancestors

Chapter 191 Real fire 7 levels! 9 evil life

"Invincibility begins with offering sacrifices to the ancestors ()"

Raising the head three feet, the mysterious altar is looming, and the ancient seal of the dragon and snake on the ancient tablet conveys mysterious fluctuations.

[Sacrifice to the fox fairy empress, get a reward of earth milk pearl]

A mechanical voice sounded in Zhou Dao's mind.

The golden light fell, and a milky white jade bead rolled and floated in front of Zhou Dao.

The milky white jade bead had a soft luster, and ripples appeared on the surface of the jade bead, causing waves of ripples, and the intoxicating fragrance filled the whole room in an instant, as if congenital fetal energy, mysterious and true.

This scent caused Hu Shiqi to lie at the door, salivating.

"Earth Milk Pearl!? It's such a baby?" Zhou Dao was very surprised.

As soon as he raised his hand, the milk beads of the earth fell into his palm, and the warmth flowed through the skin, and the blood in his body was boiling, revealing endless desire.

The milk pearl of the earth is a rare treasure that is hard to find in the world.

It is recorded in "The Work Manual of Yuyaosi" that in the ancient years, there existed a strange ancient demon in the world, named "Meng Shen Niu". achievement.

[Mengshen Niu] Crossing the catastrophe every hundred years, at that time, the demon power is completely gone.

In the past, [Mengshen Niu] was robbed and wandered in the mortal world. It was captured by a beautiful boy, who plundered it back home, squeezed it day and night, and sold milk for a living. It costs a lot of money to buy milk, pour it into the ditch, and buy it again.

Such frenzied behavior in Qingchun Town finally attracted divine punishment.

On that day, [Mengshen Niu] died after exhausting its milk. On the day of its death, it dissipated all its demonic powers, leaving no dog or dog behind in Youth Town, and the beautiful young man also died.

As for the milk of [Mengshen Niu] blended into the earth, mixed with demonic power, nourished by dragon veins, after a long period of time, it gave birth to a kind of treasure called [Earth Milk Pearl].

It is said that the milk beads of the earth nourish the living beings and give birth to innate qi, which is a rare treasure for nurturing spiritual roots and improving the aptitude of the roots.

In ancient times, many Taoist masters used this method to refine medicine, which was passed on in secret.

"Good thing... I have only seen this kind of treasure in ancient books before." Zhou Dao was amazed.

Treasures such as earth milk beads are used one less, and the last time they appeared was more than 20 years ago, at an auction held by the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce.

At that time, as soon as this treasure appeared, it aroused competition from all sides.

In the end, the [Earth Milk Bead] fell into the hands of Shi Zhu, one of the Nine Divine Pillars.

Back then, Shizhu was still an unknown young man.

In front of everyone, he swallowed the [Earth Milk Bead], and said that the taste was mediocre and not worth the price. It was not as good as the tea eggs boiled by the concierge, so angry that the Jiuding Chamber of Commerce directly pulled it away. Into the blacklist.

Within ten years, the Nine Cauldron Chamber of Commerce has never let [Shi Zhu] take half a step.

"Hey, let me try."

Zhou Dao lit up [Moon Essence Fragrance Oil], performed the "Nine Turns of Fire Alchemy", and swallowed the [Earth Milk Pearl].

In an instant, the milky white jade bead melted in his body, like a warm current, it rushed up to the sky and down to the dantian, affecting all limbs and bones.

A soft breath instantly enveloped Zhou Dao.

That feeling is like returning to the mother's body, being conceived by Yuanyang and growing the innate qi.

Colostrum nourishes the real body, and the magic method is self-contained.

Zhou Dao, who never drank even a sip of "compulsory milk" since he was a child, seems to have experienced the temperature of his mother's body again.

Under the nourishment of the [Earth Milk Bead], his body transformed rapidly, and his blood energy rose, as if forged by a pill fire, faintly, and the rays of the sun gushed out, deriving the seventh path.


Zhou Dao's physical body was condensed again, his tendons were like bowstrings, his bones were like big spears, and his blood energy was like a river and sea, surging again and again.

At this moment, he finally stepped into the Seventh Layer of Real Fire.

Zhou Dao's strength is far superior to the masters of the same realm, so against the sky, it makes his promotion extremely difficult.

Originally, even with the help of [Moon Essence Fragrance Oil] and [Fire Pill Sesame Oil], it would take more than a month of hard work to be qualified to hit the seventh level of True Fire.

But [Earth Milk Bead] is too miraculous, like the rebirth of a congenital mother's fetus, returning to its original Yuanyang, invigorating blood energy, and finally helping Zhou Dao pass the barrier and reach a new level.

Now that Zhou Dao has stepped into the seventh level of real fire, his strength has skyrocketed, and he has [Monster Killing Banner] in his hand. Looking at Pingjiang City, even the Grand Commander Long Ao is no match for him.

You know, [Monster Killing Banner] is a fifth-grade magical weapon, which is two grades higher than Zhou Dao's Jiangyuan Lingtao Sword and the Zhenyao Lock.

"That's right, it's faster than I expected. It really is a blessing from heaven." Zhou Dao couldn't help but sigh.

Less than three months after Li Zangfeng's half-year appointment, Zhou Dao broke through again and again, reaching the seventh level of True Fire.

Looking at the world at this speed, it can be regarded as extremely terrifying.

After half a year's contract is over, perhaps Zhou Dao will be able to truly step into the realm of refinement and nine transformations, and become famous all over the world with a blockbuster.

"keep it up."

Zhou Dao restrained his mind and practiced the "Nine Turns of Fire Alchemy" to consolidate his cultivation.


Dawn is coming, darkest and coldest.

Taking advantage of the starlight, Yuan Shaoqing returned to the other courtyard in the East City in a daze.

He was like a defeated rooster, lost in spirit, his previous ambitions and schemes disappeared with Ma Jiuying's death.

Yuan Shaoqing couldn't figure out why he was so unlucky. All the masters he had placed his high hopes in to find would die unexpectedly.

Master uncle is like this.

Ming Yunzi is like this.

Such is the case with Zhenmusi masters.

Even Ma Jiuying is the same now.

"Could it be that my luck has run out and I'm doomed to fail in this life?"

Yuan Shaoqing was filled with grief and indignation, and had deep doubts about herself.

"Yuan Shaoqing, do you know why you failed?"

In the darkness, a cold voice sounded faintly.

"Who?" Yuan Shaoqing turned pale with shock and shouted sharply.

At the corner of the small courtyard, a man in a black robe came out, as if he was in the shadows, with no sign of whereabouts.

"Who are you?" Yuan Shaoqing asked extremely vigilantly.

"Someone who can help you." The black-robed man whispered, "Yuan Shaoqing, your fate is very special, it is the so-called Nine Evil Fate."

"Nine evil spirits?" Yuan Shaoqing was puzzled.

"That's right, the so-called Nine Shattered Fate is a kind of fatal fate. Anyone who is related to you will surely suffer three declines and six defeats, and die an untimely death."


"Are you scolding me?" Yuan Shaoqing stared wide-eyed.

The black-robed man shook his head: "Nine evil spirits are destined to conquer others. If you want to succeed, you can only rely on yourself."

"On my own? You mean I want to do it myself?" Yuan Shaoqing showed doubts and shook his head immediately.

He knew what his strength was, let alone Wang Xuanzhi, he couldn't beat the general guards with just this trick.

"You don't know how terrible this fate is." The man in black whispered softly, his voice was melodious and deep, revealing a trace of mystery and bewitchment.

"As long as you listen to my arrangement, you will become an indestructible weapon."

Yuan Shaoqing's heart was agitated: "Who the hell are you?"

"Someone who can satisfy your desires."

Yuan Shaoqing's expression changed again and again, and finally he gritted his teeth.

"Okay, this time I'm going to do it myself!"

In the dark night, Yuan Shaoqing walked towards the mysterious black-robed man.

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