Invincibility Starts From Sacrificing Ancestors

Chapter 236 Sacrifice! tidal dragon incense

On the dark night of the moon and the high wind and high murderous night, just collect the corpse and don't care about burying it.

Within seven steps, Zhou Dao repeatedly killed Gong Jiannan with violent hands, and collected the [Evil Turtle] corpse without any smoke or blood.

Compared with the battle with Yuan Shaoqing that day, Zhou Dao's power has increased by more than ten times?

Not only did he step into the Ninth Level of True Fire, especially after receiving the apparition of the patriarch and seeing the ancient bronze coffin performing the Tao, Zhou Dao already had a new understanding of practice.

"Don't waste it!"

Zhou Dao raised his hand and put the corpse of [Evil Turtle] into the green pan treasure bag, and then, the blood turned into a sword, and directly chopped off Gong Jiannan's head.

"Let's go!" Zhou Dao snorted coldly and walked out of the yard.

Ha Shiqi opened his mouth and swallowed Gong Jiannan's remnant body, then wagged his tail and followed.

A thoughtful person is not so easy to move, and his anger is not so easy to dissipate.

That night, Zhou Dao hid in the dark and hung Gong Jiannan's head on the gate of Pingjiang City.

One can imagine what a shock it would be when Gong Jiannan's head was found the next day.

You know, the Yaoyao Division is already crazy busy trying to arrest this person, and the three commanders are furious.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the head of the master of Zhenmai was hung on the top of Pingjiang City. Once fermented, not to mention Yuyaosi, I am afraid that even many forces lurking in Pingjiang City would be horrified.

It doesn't matter, what Zhou Dao wants is this effect. If he doesn't show his power, he will really dare to run amok like a cat or a dog.

"Master, you are very arrogant tonight." Ha Shiqi stuck out his tongue, his eyes were shining with a fishy luster.

He was originally a monster, and bloody killings would always make his blood swell.

It's just that Zhou Dao has always kept a low profile on weekdays, and it's rare for him to be as ruthless and domineering as he is today.

"Just to be arrogant, I'll take care of her grandma." Zhou Dao spat.

With his current strength, looking at Pingjiang City, there are really not many people who can wrestle with him.

Back home, Zhou Dao closed the door tightly and let Ha Shiqi stay outside.

This time, he neither lit the [Moon Essence Fragrance Oil] nor the [Fire Pill Fragrance Oil], because they were all used up.

On the way to practice, the consumption of resources is almost visible to the naked eye, faster than Ha Shiqi eating meat buns.

If you want to continuously improve your strength, no amount of resources will be enough to burn.

For a long time, among the treasures obtained by Zhou Dao's sacrifices, those that can be swallowed and refined and improved can be roughly divided into three categories, Dao rice, exotic incense, and various elixirs.

Through sacrifice, there is only one time to obtain Dao rice, which is [Lingya rice].

The food planted by this Taoist secret method absorbs the light of the sun and the moon, swallows the energy of mountains and rivers, breeds the changes of yin and yang, strengthens the supernatural power on the outside, nourishes the blood energy on the inside, returns to the original, and enhances the potential.

In ancient times, [Daomi] was the foundation of the sect and an indispensable resource for cultivation. Together with incense, it was a food.

But unfortunately, before entering Pingjiang City, they had already eaten.

As for the different types of incense, it is divided into incense, candles, and oil.

The [Fire Cloud Candle] obtained by Zhou Dao's sacrifice,

[Seven Inch Night Travel Incense], [Moon Essence Perfume Oil], [Fire Pill Sesame Oil], etc. belonged to this category, and they had all been exhausted when he stepped into the Nine Layers of True Fire.

As for auxiliary pills like [Jiu Miao Guiling Jelly] and [Chunyang Pill], he was also exhausted.

It is precisely because of having so many resources that Zhou Dao was able to rise all the way and reach the ninth level of real fire within less than seven months after entering Pingjiang City.

Otherwise, with his background, he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey if he wanted to rise to such a level.

"It's time to express your filial piety again."

Zhou Dao grinned, full of anticipation, and took out the corpse of [Evil Turtle] from the green pan treasure bag.

"You can use your residual heat."

Zhou Dao flicked his fingers, and a drop of blood spurted out and penetrated into the corpse of [Evil Turtle].

[Sacrifice to the evil turtle and get the reward of tidal dragon incense]

A mechanical voice resounded in Zhou Dao's mind, and then, a golden light fell, and a nine-inch black incense stick appeared in front of him.

Tidal Dinglong Incense, ancient and heavy, has patterns like dragon scales on it, and a circle of mysterious runes on the top. As soon as Fang appears, there is a pungent fragrance, like the tide of the sea, and the steam hits the face.

"Baby." Zhou Dao's eyes lit up.

Tidal Fixed Dragon Incense, this is no ordinary exotic incense.

It is recorded in "The Workbook of Yuyaosi" that in ancient times, there was a powerful Taoist who went into the East China Sea to collect mysterious ores, collected ninety-nine kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, and forged a kind of incense with secret methods.

It is said that this incense is specially used to enshrine the Dragon King and River God. Once it is lit, even the real dragons in the world will be immobilized, accept court worship, and absorb the power of the incense.

This is Tidal Dinglong Incense.

It is rumored that this incense has a fatal attraction to river monsters. Once it is lit, river monsters within a radius of a hundred miles will be attracted by it and flock to it.

There once was a boatman who lived by the river for generations and made a living by ferrying people across the river.

One day, an old man wanted to cross the river, but his money was too small to pay for the boat. The boatman laughed.

The old man took out half of the black incense stick from his bosom to offset it.

Seeing this, the boatman felt that Mingxiang was only for the rich and should be quite valuable, so he agreed.

He sent the old man to the other side, and when he parted, the latter repeatedly told him not to light this incense on the river.

The boatman agreed, and one day, in the evening, he supported the boat and arrived in the middle of the river. When he felt tired, he lit black incense sticks to refresh himself.

Who would have thought that not long after it was ignited, there was a strong wind on the surface of the river and waves arose.

Immediately afterwards, the boatman saw black shadows coming towards his boat under the river, and within a moment, the boat was overturned.

As for the boatman, he was never seen again.

"I heard that in ancient times, there were masters in the Taoist sect who used this incense to activate the acupoints and refine the physical body."

Zhou Dao held the long and thick black baby, and couldn't put it down.

It is said that if human beings absorb [Tidal Stable Dragon Incense], they can make their bodies feel like they are in the deep sea, stimulate their acupoints, make their blood feel the power of tidal changes, swallow yin and yang, evolve rigidity and softness, and thus step into a new level.

"Try it!"

As soon as Zhou Dao raised his hand, the scorching blood ignited the [Tidal Fixed Dragon Incense], and the incense rose like a clear dragon, and the water vapor rose, permeated the surroundings, and wrapped around his body.

In an instant, Zhou Dao felt a nameless pressure, like the rising and falling of the sun and the rising and falling of the tide.

He circulated his blood energy and felt the changes and mysteries of nature.


The next day, it was just dawn.

A ray of morning light fell and fell on the walls of Pingjiang City.

Outside the city, a team of demon censors came from the official road. They searched the vicinity all night. They were exhausted, and everyone's faces were tired.

"Damn it, when you go back, you must take a hot bath and fall asleep."

"I don't even take a bath, so go to Wild Donkey Alley and ask seven women to serve me!"

"Those bastards of Zhenmensi, don't let the young master catch..."

Everyone was yelling and venting, suddenly, someone stopped suddenly, looked up at the city gate, with deep suspicion in his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

A group of people stopped one after another. They followed the man's gaze and were stunned after just one glance.

In front of Pingjiang City, a bloody head hung high under the city gate, scarlet and dazzling, shocking the soul.

"Gong Jiannan from Zhenma Division?" Someone exclaimed in disbelief.


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