In the early morning, before the rooster crowed, Zhou Dao was woken up from his sleep by Wang Xiaoyi's knock on the door.

"Do you know what time it is?"

Zhou Dao was sleepy and looked at the sky with a dazed expression.

At this hour, even the girls in Wild Donkey Alley hadn't woken up yet.

"Where's the book? Where's the book I asked you to bring out yesterday?" Wang Xiaoyi was impatient.

Last night he had been busy in Yuanmen, and what was on his mind was the "General History of Yuyaosi" brought out by Zhou Dao.

"Can't you wait for dawn?" Zhou Dao curled his lips and called Wang Xiaoyi to come in.

"By the way, have you heard about the incident in Sanyang Town?" Zhou Dao asked suddenly.

"What's up?"

"There is a butcher in Sanyang Town, who wakes up very angry. One day, before dawn, someone came to buy pork..."

Inside the house, Zhou Dao was talking while searching.

In the yard, Wang Xiaoyi looked into the house and asked casually, "And then?"

"Then the man died!"


While talking, Zhou Dao came out with the "General History of Yu Yaosi" and stuffed it into Wang Xiaoyi's arms.

"It's the first time I've seen you care so much about things other than flower wine."

"You don't know the value of this thing, it can't be measured by money, it's status, it's face..." Wang Xiaoyi took out a piece of yellow cowhide from his arms and wrapped it carefully.

This piece of yellow leather, at least ten years old, is most suitable for wrapping books.

Zhou Dao was not surprised when he saw this.

Collectors have their own circles, and those who like to collect ancient books have a small circle, but anyone who can produce a rare ancient book will definitely cause a sensation.

The sense of vanity and satisfaction cannot be compared even if you go to the flower building ten times.

"Are you going to sell it?" Zhou Dao was most concerned about this.

He knew that this book was out of print, and there were not many left in the market, so could it be sold for a good price?

"Sell? Even if you sell me, you have to keep this treasure." Wang Xiaoyi shook his head.

In their circle, there is an unwritten rule that all "hard goods" are used to press the bottom of the box, and they will never be sold unless it is absolutely necessary, especially ancient books with a long history.

Even if it is torn until there is only a piece of paper left, it may be worth a thousand gold.

"A few years ago, there was a village in Qianfo Mountain, and a big event happened." Wang Xiaoyi started talking.

"There was a poor boy who found a page of manuscripts from a scroll of scriptures that had been damaged by moths when he was sorting out the scriptures in the temple in the village..."

When Zhou Dao heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

"Although that poor boy has never seen the world, he also knows that this thing is probably a treasure, otherwise he wouldn't have hidden it so deeply." Wang Xiaoyi marveled: "But he couldn't understand the words on the manuscript, and finally got it in the market. Collect them and sell them..."


Zhou Dao twitched his lips, obedient to the inside and outside meaning, this paper manuscript must have hidden secrets,

It's worth a lot of money, and it doesn't necessarily mean that it has some kind of Taoist supernatural power recorded on it.

It's a pity that this poor boy doesn't know Debao, so he will miss this treasure.

Some things, in the dark, have their own destiny. This great opportunity is not yours. Even if it falls into your hands, it is just a one-time pass.

"What happened later?" Zhou Dao asked.

"It's interesting to say that the poor boy sat in front of the booth with the manuscript in his arms. After a whole day, no one cared about it." Wang Xiaoyi said with a smile.

Think about it too, in such a remote place, who would spend money to buy a piece of incomprehensible waste paper?

But when the poor boy also gave up, a middle-aged scribe came to his booth, and he bought the paper manuscript for only one penny.

"What kind of treasure is that paper manuscript?" Zhou Dao asked.

Since Wang Xiaoyi said that this is a big event, the manuscript must be a great treasure.

"I don't know." Wang Xiaoyi shook his head, pretending to be mysterious: "The key is not the manuscript, but the middle-aged scribe, do you know who he is?"

"Middle-aged scholar?" Zhou Dao was stunned, and then asked in confusion, "Who is he?"

"Pillar of air, void mark!" A look of yearning flashed in Wang Xiaoyi's eyes.

"Nine Divine Pillars!?" Zhou Dao was stunned.

The one who spent a penny to buy the poor boy's manuscript turned out to be one of the majestic [Nine Divine Pillars].

A few days ago, Zhou Dao heard Chi Chengfeng mention the name of this legendary figure.

Even among the [Nine Divine Pillars], this Qizhu lord can be regarded as special, he learned the Dharma without a teacher, and obtained the Tao from thousands of classics. His divine power is so strong that it overwhelms the world. The strength is among the [Nine Divine Pillars], and it can be ranked in the top three.

"He bought someone's treasure for a penny?" Zhou Dao's expression became a little strange.

That is one of the [Nine Divine Pillars], a figure who is so powerful in the world, so high above, taking advantage of a little guy?

Thinking of this, Zhou Dao thought of Li Zangfeng again.

The same as [Nine Gods Pillar], this Sword Pillar also seems to be a bit abnormal.

"A penny? Do you know what that poor boy got in the end?" Wang Xiaoyi suddenly raised his voice.

"He was accepted as a disciple by Qi Zhu."

"What?" Zhou Dao was stunned, but he didn't expect such an ending.

"That's a pillar of energy, every word and action has a deep meaning." Wang Xiaoyi said.

This matter has spread like crazy in their circles, collecting ancient texts and scrolls, but still encountering such a great fortune, this is really too shameful.

However, some people also said, how does the air column exist? Looking at the sky and knowing the trend of the world, that poor boy is the treasure that Qi Zhu likes.

He spent a penny to buy this relationship between master and apprentice.

"That poor boy..." Zhou Dao murmured softly.

He found that [Nine Gods Pillar] likes to accept others as apprentices.

At least that's what he's seen and heard about.

"Now you know how powerful our circle is." Wang Xiaoyi pulled Zhou Dao and walked to the bun shop on the street.

This is the time for breakfast.

"Maybe I can also find a chance from some ancient book I collected, and let a certain Nine Gods Pillar take me as an apprentice..." Wang Xiaoyi always has a good bestseller about the future... No, it's a fantasy.

"Here are two steamed stuffed buns to shut your mouth."

Zhou Dao picked up two big, white and soft buns and stuffed them to Wang Xiaoyi.

"By the way, Brother Dao, I heard that Lin'an Mansion sent a master to investigate the case of Yuanmen."

Wang Xiaoyi got serious and said suddenly.

"It's a serious crime for Yuanmen to collude with the Zhenmagic Division. It's not surprising that the higher-ups sent people here." Zhou Dao said softly.

"It's not just for Zhenmasi..." Wang Xiaoyi looked around and lowered his voice.

"I heard that the Yuan Clan has an ancestral treasure, which is of great importance, but this time the Yuan Clan was exterminated, but they didn't find out that the people sent from above seem to be aiming at this thing."

"The ancestral treasure?" Zhou Dao's heart moved, and he instinctively thought of the beautiful woman with the white snake last night.

Such a strange demonization may have something to do with the ancestral treasure of the Yuan family.

"You didn't find it last night?"

Wang Xiaoyi shook his head, picked up two buns, and dragged Zhou Dao towards Yu Yaosi.

"These days, almost all of Yuanmen's property, mansion, and secret mansion have been confiscated, and nothing has been found."

The higher-ups didn't seem to care much about Yuanmen's property, even a fool could tell that they were looking for something.

As for what he was looking for, Wang Xiaoyi didn't know, he just vaguely learned from the female demon-slaying guard next to the commander, that it seemed to be the treasure handed down from the Yuan family's ancestors.

"Si Li suspects that the thing is likely to be in the hands of the captured fish of the Yuan Clan."

"A fish that slipped through the net!?" Zhou Dao's gaze sank slightly.

Before the Dragon King Sacrifice was over, Shang Tianhe had already issued an order to seal Pingjiang City and block all the escape routes of Yuanmen.

Therefore, the possibility of that thing being taken out is not high, unless it is not in Pingjiang City early in the morning.

"Outside Pingjiang City, people from Yuanmen..."

Zhou Dao murmured softly, and a flash of light flashed in his mind, as if he had thought of something, but he couldn't grasp it.

Talking all the way, the two arrived at Yuyaosi.

"The first command envoy is here."

At this moment, a respectful and solemn voice came from the hall.


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