Invincibility Starts From Sacrificing Ancestors

Chapter 466 Dragon and Tiger Taoism! Thoughtful chest muscles

Beijing, Taiji College.

The peach forest is like drunkenness. Although it has entered winter, it is still as bright as a curtain, taking advantage of the slightest breeze to blow people.

"Come on, hurry up, there's a fight over there."

"Fighting in the academy? Who is so brave? Could it be that Jiang Yuan is here again?"

"No, I heard he is a master from Longhu Mountain."

In the early morning, Taiji Academy suddenly became lively, and many students rushed to [Drunk Goose Peach Forest].

Taiji Academy is the number one training academy in the world. According to the rules, no student is allowed to take action in the academy. If there is any grudge, they must follow the procedures, file a report, obtain approval, and can only take action under the supervision of the academy's teachers. .

If someone breaks the rules, whether they are students in the academy or not, they have to "pass three tests". If they pass, they can walk out of Taiji Academy unharmed. Otherwise, the Pharmacist Academy will reserve a bed.

The entire capital knew that the fees charged by Taiji Academy's Pharmacist Academy were higher than those at Tianxiang Tower. The cost of a day's stay was enough to have three or five girls in Tianxiang Tower, and they would be happy until death.

Others are like hanging pots to help the world, treating illnesses and saving lives.

The Medicine School of Taiji Academy will make your life worse than death. You will live but your money will be gone.

Therefore, the students of Taiji Academy do not dare to get sick easily. Even the disciples of princes and nobles, even if they are injured, as long as they still have breath, they will try not to go there.

Because of this, the students of Taiji Academy are all in excellent physical condition. Even if there is any grudge between them, those who can talk will never take action.

In the past ten years, there were only three people who dared to take action in Taiji Academy, but still passed three levels, and were not knocked down and ended up in the Medicine Academy.

Ten years ago, Huo Tiandu, the imperial master of the dynasty, took his little princess to Taiji Academy once.

That year, the little princess of the Huo family was only six years old. She was fair and tender, like a porcelain doll, and attracted many onlookers. Some of them wanted to be funny, so they snatched the candy from the little princess's mouth.

As a result, the six-year-old girl went berserk on the spot, chasing the students and beating them while crying.

No one thought that Huo Tiandu's daughter, who was only six years old, would possess such terrifying power that she could demolish a school.

Finally, when Huo Tiandu arrived, the little princess was sitting on the ruins, panting heavily, as if she was still angry, with a group of students lying around her.

Taiji Academy did not pursue any investigation for such a violation of the rules, let alone breaking through three levels. After all, it was the golden treasure of the current imperial master.

Besides, the teachers at Taiji Academy couldn't bear to scold such a cute girl harshly.

Five more years later, a student came to Taiji Academy.

A lawless student.

In terms of madness, that person was enough to rank among the top three in Taiji Academy during his long years.

Even the teacher who once taught that student once said with lingering fear that if the history of Taiji Academy was compiled into a book, at least half a page would have to be left for that person.

In just one year, he challenged everywhere and defeated all the top twenty masters in Taiji Academy.

The so-called passing through the three levels is a common occurrence for him. It must happen once a month, and he can pass it smoothly every time. Even the teacher who guards the level is a little numb when he sees him, just like the girl from Tianxiangrou, like a walking zombie. , all based on instinct.

The most exaggerated thing is that just when he was about to graduate, he actually challenged the dean.

No one knew the outcome of that battle, but after he graduated, Taiji Academy took a three-day holiday and held a big banquet.

Moreover, the day of his graduation was designated as [Disaster-free Day], and this day also became a legal holiday in Taiji Academy.

At that time, the teacher of Taiji Academy once said that this little brat was born to be a disaster. After graduation, the sky is high and the sea is vast, and I don't know how many people will suffer from it.

Sure enough, that man had lived up to the expectations of the teacher from Taiji Academy.

Today, he ranks third on Chiling Palace's most wanted list, second only to Yan Jun and Zhou Dao.

His name is Lin Jie.

This happened for another five years, just last month.

A young man named Jiang Yuan came to the Yu Yaosi Genius Training Camp. He said he came to compete and learn from each other. In fact, he used fighting to maintain his health, and he used the proud men of Taiji Academy as a whetstone.

As a result, that day caused a sensation in the capital and once again became one of the indelible memories of Taiji Academy.

Within half a day, Jiang Yuan fought against thirteen masters alone without losing any of them. In the end, he passed three levels and left Taiji Academy safely.

Even the teachers from Taiji Academy spoke highly of him, and the one from the Pharmacist Academy came forward directly and expressed his desire to have a private chat with him.

However, Jiang Yuan was from the Demon Control Division after all, so it was impossible for him to change his family.

Even so, Taiji Academy still expressed its friendliness and opened the door for convenience, saying that if you want to come, you can come at any time.

In the past ten years, only these three people have made a mark in Taiji Academy without any scruples.

How long has it been? There are actually people fighting in Taiji Academy again! ?

This news was like thunder on the ground, making the quiet morning seem to explode. Some students even gave up their morning classes and rushed to [Drunk Goose Taolin].


Green smoke rises into the sky, people and dragons are entrenched, shaking the peach forest.

The onlookers looked at the figure in the center with awe in their eyes.

"Failed again? Is the Taoism of Longhu Mountain really so terrifying?"

"Senior Brother Chen Xu is already at the perfect level of refining, yet he is no match for him?"

"He has defeated nine people in a row. No matter what kind of Taoism, he has the ability to break it. Is this the strength of Longhu Mountain?"


Deep in the peach forest, there was deathly silence.

Chen Xu, who had just been defeated, looked pale and had blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. He was helped to retreat sadly.

He is one of the most outstanding disciples of Taiji Academy. He is highly cultivated and has almost a 99% chance of being able to touch the true realm in the future.

Even though he was so good, he still couldn't get through five moves in the hands of the young Taoist priest from Longhu Mountain.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the center.

"This is the level of the highest academic institution in an ordinary place!"

Feng Ping looked indifferent, and his sharp eyes swept over everyone's face. These so-called sons of genius didn't even have the courage to look at him.

Although Longhu Mountain is secluded from the outside world, its reputation is enduring.

It relies on magical powers and means of subduing demons.

The so-called quietness and inaction is for cultivating the mind. Throughout the years, there have been many legends about Taoist priests descending from the mountain, demonstrating their skills, and slaying demons.

Only in this way can Longhu Mountain be prosperous and glorious forever.

Even if the imperial power in the world changes and the country changes its owner, the awe of Longhu Mountain in people's hearts will never be erased.

Taiji Academy is the most advanced training palace in the world.

Talented people gather here, gather their luck, and are relied upon by young people all over the world. There is no better way to establish prestige than by persuading these students.

When Feng Ping came to Beijing with his teacher, the first thing he did was to visit Taiji Academy.

However, these so-called proud men disappointed him so much that none of them could fight.

"Brother, it seems that you and I have too high expectations."

Next to her, the corners of Liu Yueyun's mouth were raised slightly. She smiled sweetly. Although she was dressed plainly, she had an indescribable charm. Her bright eyes turned, revealing a hint of contempt.

Faced with the beauty's doubts and ridicule, many people blushed and couldn't help but lower their heads.

"I'll meet you."

At this moment, a loud shout resounded.

"Junior sister, don't..."

In the crowd, Li Renshan hurriedly stopped him, but it was already too late.

Guan Xiao'e turned into a phantom, passed through the floating peach blossoms, and went straight towards Feng Ping.

After the Yuan King Dharma Assembly, Guan Xiao'e, as Li Renshan's junior sister, also settled down in Taiji Academy and studied Taiyi Taoism.

These days, I have made a lot of friends, especially Chen Xu who just lost.

Ever since Li Renshan received the inheritance from Taiyi Sect, he seemed to have become a different person. He had a pure heart and few desires, and practiced cultivation day and night.

During her time at Taiji Academy, Chen Xu spent an unforgettable time with her.

At this moment, Chen Xu was defeated, and the Taoist priests in Longhu Mountain were so arrogant, so naturally she couldn't sit still.

"Mi Zhu also dares to shine?"

Liu Yueyun smiled, facing this kind of thing, there was no need for his senior brother to take action.


Liu Yueyun's red lips opened slightly, and a sharp sword light spurted out from her mouth.


Li Renshan's expression changed slightly.

Longhu Mountain's Taoism is profound and the world's magical powers are studied, and Jianwan is one of the most terrifying secrets.

It is said that this technique is based on the method of alchemy to cultivate the sword. Hundreds of heavenly materials and earthly treasures were used. It took three years to collect goblins, intercept the dew of the sky, and condense the essence of the sun and the moon to create a sword pill.

This thing looks like a great elixir. It is nourished in the body and grows together. At critical moments, it can turn into the light of a murderous sword, strike thousands of miles away, and kill people with laughter.

Throughout the ages, Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain and every sword cultivator would make a sword pill.

It is said that when this treasure is refined to the extreme, it can turn into an immortal sword.

During the long years in Longhu Mountain, I have trained a total of five handles, which I have kept until now.

During the Daoshan Alliance, the previous king of Yuan Dynasty massacred everyone and almost killed all the masters of Jianwan in Longhu Mountain.

No one present expected that this beauty from Longhu Mountain would hide such a terrifying murder weapon.


Guan Xiao'e didn't know how powerful it was. When she raised her hand, a talisman appeared in her palm, with a sly head printed on it. When she opened her mouth, red thunder flashed, which was extremely eerie.

"Eight-star talisman, Red King thunder talisman!?" Feng Ping narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw it, and he actually recognized it.

"It turns out they are the remnants of Taiyi Sect!?"

Two thousand years ago, Taiyi Sect and Longhu Mountain were equally famous. They were both at the top of the Taoist sect. Naturally, they had many battles and knew each other well.

The Red King Thunder Talisman is the secret talisman of Taiyi Sect.

Li Renshan inherited the Taiyi Sect's legacy, and naturally left many treasures to Guan Xiao'e.

This eight-star talisman is one of them.


But even so, Li Renshan still screamed out with deep urgency.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Liu Yueyun's sword ball turned into a seven-foot sword light in an instant, blasting through the eight-star talisman [Red King Thunder Talisman].

"Damn it, the eight-star talisman can't stop the power of this sword pill?"

"So strong? Can't the Nine Transformations of Refining Realm be cut at will?"

"The sword pills of Longhu Mountain...are indeed as terrifying as the legend says."

Everyone exclaimed, their eyes widened and their hearts in their throats.

The seven-foot sword light continued unabated and struck directly at Guan Xiao'e's head like a thunderbolt.

Sword cultivators, if they think of killing, the sword they sacrifice will be stained with human blood.


At this moment, Li Renshan appeared in front of Guan Xiao'e like a ghost. His clothes were bulging, his whole body was filling up like a ball, and his strong aura was surging.

The seven-foot sword slashed down, but it couldn't break even a single inch?

"Impossible?" Liu Yueyun's expression suddenly changed and she couldn't believe it.

"I didn't expect that Taiji Academy would hide masters from Taiyi Sect!?"

Suddenly, Feng Ping let out a long roar, stepped out, and dropped his big hand, like an eagle's claws striking across the air, and actually held the seven-foot sword light in his hand.

"It's a pity that you haven't mastered Taiyi Sect's [All Qi Body Training Technique] yet."

Feng Ping sneered and saw through Li Renshan's magical power at a glance.

He grinned, his arms trembled, and the sharp sword light was like a dragon raising its head, violently breaking the airflow around Li Renshan.

He groaned, as if he was deflated, his robes were torn, and his ball-like figure instantly shriveled up.

The sword's roar moved the sky, and the pervasive sword energy was like a wall, knocking it away hard.

Li Renshan's chest seemed to have been hit hard, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"The Taiyi Sect has been extinct for more than two thousand years, and there is really no need to exist anymore."

Feng Ping was like a tarsal maggot, following Li Renshan like a shadow, his fierce gaze firmly locked on Li Renshan.

At that time, Taiyimen and Longhushan fought fiercely and had deep hatred for each other.

When the Taiyi sect was later destroyed, there may not be any trace of Longhushan.

Now one is just a ghost forgotten by time, but the other has become one of the six great sects in the world, and is the leader in cultivation.

The Taoism of the world has dragons and tigers. With such prosperity and glory, how can it tolerate the remnants of the Taiyi Sect?

"Just be a useless person in peace."

Feng Ping was ruthless in his actions. With a single point of his finger, a mysterious light emerged, like a diamond that was indestructible.

This is the [Diamond Fingerprint] of Longhu Mountain. Once it is mastered, it is comparable to a magical weapon. Ordinary monsters will die when touched. When it reaches the extreme, it can even crack the ground and open mountains.


Feng Ping's Vajra Fingerprint came through the air with a fierce force, directly poking at Li Renshan's life and death acupoint.

"The Taoist priests at Longhu Mountain are really overbearing."

Suddenly, an indifferent voice sounded.

Peach blossoms were flying, and the fragrance of drunkenness was everywhere. A generous palm fell on Li Renshan's shoulder. He flew backwards like a piece of paper. Then, a figure rushed out and stood in front of him.

"Zhou Dao!?" Li Renshan saw the person clearly and yelled.


The Vajra Fingerprint moved forward in an indomitable way, and the mysterious light stabbed Zhou Dao's chest hard.

However, the power that was enough to crack the earth and open mountains seemed to be lost in the sea, and the diamond fingerprints were hard to penetrate. What stood in front of him seemed not to be a flesh and blood body, but an insurmountable chasm.

"This...this is impossible..."

Feng Ping suddenly raised his head and looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him, his eyes widened, full of shock and horror.

To resist his [Diamond Fingerprint] with a flesh and blood body, this step horse is so outrageous that he opened the door for outrageousness, it is so outrageous.

"With your humble skills, how can you imitate others and try to compete in the gym?"

Zhou Dao sneered, his pectoralis major trembled slightly, and the terrible fluctuation directly shattered Feng Ping's finger bones.

A scream resounded through the peach forest, and the cracked blood and bones splashed all over the ground, making the peach blossoms flying in the sky even more bewitching.

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