Invincibility Starts From Sacrificing Ancestors

Chapter 588 Lin Jie’s way! profitable business

The position of headmaster of Longhu Mountain! ?

Zhou Dao looked at the seven big characters on the letterhead and showed deep doubts.

What does it mean?

He came to Longhu Mountain to steal his wife. Could it be that the senior brother asked him to steal the position of headmaster of Longhu Mountain?

When this idea came up, Zhou Dao couldn't help but shake his head.

This is really just wishful thinking. Not to mention that he hasn't even entered the gate of Longhu Mountain yet. Even if he does, it will be extremely difficult to reach Huo Jinli's location.

As for the position of headmaster of Longhu Mountain...that was an existence that he had nothing to do with for eight lifetimes.


"What do you mean, Senior Brother?" Zhou Dao thought thoughtfully.

"Brother Dao, there is Longhu Mountain ahead, how do you plan to sneak in?"

Wang Xiaoyi's voice brought Zhou Dao back from his thoughts.

"It's easy to sneak into Longhu Mountain." Zhou Dao whispered.

When he arrived, Lin Jie had already planned everything for him.

Longhu Mountain holds a [Taoist Technique Seminar] every three years to gather sects and Taoist temples scattered around the world.

In addition to exchanging spells, the most important thing is to register these forces to ensure that they are under their own supervision.

In addition, this kind of grand event can also be regarded as a business for Longhu Mountain.

Every time, Longhushan would sell some of its magical powers and talismans.

"Selling!?" Wang Xiaoyi was stunned: "Is Longhu Mountain also doing business?"

"It's not a small business." Zhou Dao said solemnly.

"He was selling agency rights."

"Right of agency!?" Wang Xiaoyi looked confused.

"Take our Linjiang Prefecture as an example. Last year, the first-level agency rights of Fu Lu were sold for 5 million Huanzhen Dan."

"Five million!?" Wang Xiaoyi was stunned.

This is a huge amount of money, and a high-level spiritual talisman in Longhu Mountain only costs 30,000 Huanzhen Pills.

Once you obtain the first-level agency rights, all the Longhu Mountain talismans in your prefecture will be sold by the Taoist temple of that sect.

It can purchase talismans ranging from one star to nine stars from Longhu Mountain at the lowest price.

Below the first-level agents are the second-level agents at each city level. If they want to purchase the Dragon Tiger Mountain Talisman, they can only go through the first-level agents above.

Further down are the third-level agents at each town level, and so on.

You must know that Longhu Mountain is a giant in the Taoist sect, and its magic skills can reach the gods. It has a very high reputation not only among monks, but also among ordinary people.

Their talismans are extremely popular, and each government consumes hundreds of millions of them every year. The profits from this can be imagined.

"Every government and city in the many talismans from Longhu Mountain are used every year?" Zhou Dao whispered.

"It's incredible. No wonder Longhu Mountain has been able to stand for so many years." Wang Xiaoyi couldn't help but be speechless.

"That's not all. As a result, although Longhu Mountain is not born in the world, it has established a very high prestige in all areas of the world. It uses magic to communicate with gods and conquer demons. Although it is no longer in the world, it still has its legend..."

Zhou Dao couldn't help but sigh. It had to be said that Longhushan was really good at understanding and controlling people's hearts.

Everyone in the world worships idols, so they create idols with strong beliefs, like worshiping gods.

Longhu Mountain has a god-like status in the hearts of ordinary people.

Their voices are popular all over the world, and they have gained both benefits and hearts.

"No wonder the relationship between the imperial court and the Sixth Avenue Sect has become more and more subtle in recent years..." Wang Xiaoyi seemed to have some realization.

The Six Great Dao Sect hides away from the world, but its influence is everywhere. On the surface, it is at peace with the court, but in fact it has been competing for monks, beliefs, and hearts.

"When Taizu founded the country, it was for this reason that he established the Taiji Academy to teach the people of the world the cultivation methods. At the same time, he established the Demon Control Department, which was distributed in various areas to subjugate demons and calm people's hearts..."

"Otherwise, the influence of the Six Dao Sect would probably be even more terrifying than it is now." Zhou Dao whispered.

Since ancient times, Taoism has used ghosts and gods to confuse people's hearts.

It has to be said that Taizu Taizu of the Great Qin Dynasty did have the foresight to sweep away the demons and demons to establish peace.

Since then, the legends of Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain traveling around the world and slaying demons have gradually become less common. Peace of mind among the people is the foundation of a prosperous age.

Two thousand years ago, the Qin royal family relied on the national policy set by Taizu and coincided with the Dao King's Great Sacrifice, and successively killed the three Daomen of Changsheng, Taiyi, and Panhuang.

At this point, the world was shaken, and the Six Great Dao Sects were also terrified. Even though there was a Tao King who frightened the world, he still chose to avoid the world.

Today, there seems to be an extremely delicate balance between the two.

"As long as you obtain the first-level agency rights, you can get a seat as an outer disciple of Longhu Mountain." Zhou Dao said calmly.

In addition to talismans, there are also magic weapons, spell copyrights, etc. Longhushan has launched an agency mechanism.

As long as you become a first-level agent, you can get a seat as an outer disciple.

Even if you are an outer disciple, your status is extremely valuable and you can get many conveniences, and you can even enter Longhu Mountain to practice.

"Outer door? Then it's probably not that easy for you to steal your wife out, right?" Wang Xiaoyi said solemnly.

"If it were so easy, I wouldn't have to come all the way here." Zhou Dao curled his lips.

Before leaving, Lin Jie had already made it clear that as long as Zhou Dao obtained first-level agency rights and became an outer disciple, he would take care of all the rest for Zhou Dao.

Zhou Dao also knew that this was ominous.

He only vaguely knew that the senior brother had not only sneaked into Chiling Palace, but also sneaked into Longhu Mountain.

The fight between Lin Jie and Wang Tong also started at that time.

"Elder brother should be reliable, right?" Zhou Dao asked himself.

"Xiao Yi, wait outside when I enter Longhu Mountain tomorrow."

"I'd better sneak in with you." Wang Xiaoyi pondered for a moment.

"There are many people and the target is great. You should stay outside to guide us in case something changes."

"Okay then." Wang Xiaoyi nodded helplessly.

It was late at night, and the disciples sent by Chi Shangxie returned to the house.

"What are those two talking about?" Chi Shangxie asked.

"I didn't hear you clearly. It seemed like I was already asleep."

"Master, these two people look so young, why do you care so much?" A disciple next to them couldn't help but ask.

"What do you know?" Chishang Xie rolled his eyes and said, "What the young man used during the day was the Thunder Technique, which is the most difficult to practice among many techniques."

"You have mastered this kind of technique at such a young age. Your talent is so high that it is obviously superior to idiots like you."

Chi Shangxie swept around, and all the disciples lowered their heads in shame.

In fact, he has been practicing Taoism for decades and has not been able to master a thunder method so far.

Therefore, Zhou Dao's inadvertent revelation made him extremely concerned.

Maybe someone with this kind of talent can be admitted to Longhu Mountain.

"Master, it's useless even if that kid is powerful. He has already established a Taoist temple. Unless he becomes a first-level agent, he will not be able to enter Longhu Mountain." A disciple next to him said shrewdly.

"That's right."

Hearing this, Chi Shangxie finally felt better.

A first-level agent, the cheapest last time was three million Huanzhen Dan.

This is a huge amount of money, and he can't even afford it.

In this [Taoist Sect Technique Seminar], Chi Shang Xie managed to get only one hundred thousand Huanzhen Pills by selling everything, thinking about whether he could get lucky and buy a second-level agent.

"Three hundred true elixirs, even a third-rate sect may not be able to produce them." Chi Shangxie sneered.

All those who are qualified to compete for first-level agents are old sects with deep roots, passed down for generations, and a solid foundation.

The most important thing in winning this agency was to build a relationship with Longhushan and increase my background.

Young people like that may have a brilliant future, but as for money...

"Money makes a hero brave!" Chi Shangxie smiled slightly.

The next day, it was dawn.

A blaze of fire shot into the sky, like a candle shining in the distance, suddenly lighting up under Longhu Mountain.

"The Daoist magic seminar has begun!"

Zhou Dao walked out of the ruined temple and looked at the soaring fire in the distance, mixed with the power of true energy.

For such a grand event, Longhu Mountain would definitely send a real-world master to host it.

"My dear friend, how about we go together?" Su Ming came over and bowed.

"Su Ming." Su Banshan couldn't help shouting.

Young masters like Zhou Dao would probably look down on such a run-down Taoist temple like them. They say they are peers, but in reality they are higher up, which may cause dissatisfaction from many parties.

"That's fine." Zhou Dao nodded.

He had a good impression of Su Ming, so it wouldn't hurt to get closer to him.

"let's go."

At this moment, Chi Shangxie and his entourage had already mounted their horses. Before leaving, they glanced sideways at Zhou Dao and then galloped towards Longhu Mountain.

"Sooner or later, I have to make them dare not look down upon me."

Su Ming looked at Chi Shangxie's retreating back and clenched his fists.

Su Banshan saw a touch of warmth in his eyes.

He knew that this young apprentice could not bear to see others belittle his master, and he was holding his breath in his heart.

"Aren't you afraid of them because of their numbers?" Zhou Dao teased.

"What are you afraid of? In ancient times, during the mountain-cutting battle, 60,000 people failed to cut down even one Pingxi Mountain. What's the use of having more people?" Su Ming said lightly.

It is said that in ancient times, there was an evildoer in Pingxi Mountain who used money and silk to attract people's hearts, arouse worldly desires, and lead them into the mountain to devour them.

Later, the world was furious, and an army of 60,000 went to war and slashed with swords, but they failed to cut down a single Pingxi Mountain.

At this point, 60,000 people can defeat the country, but they cannot cut down a single Pingxi Mountain.

A large number of people may be useless, but evil deeds can be invincible in the world.

"Thirty years to Hedong, thirty years to Hexi, sooner or later I will surpass them." Desire for power burst out in Su Ming's eyes.

"Young man, then you have to hug the thigh in front of you." Wang Xiaoyi teased.

"Don't talk nonsense." Zhou Dao glanced sideways.

Su Mingruo realized something and looked at Zhou Dao with a strange light in his eyes.

At the foot of Longhu Mountain, there were crowds of people.

Almost all Taoist sects from all over the world gather here.

Compared to Longhu Mountain, they can only be regarded as small shrimps, but when gathered together, they are still surprisingly large.

"Senior Brother Qi, it is estimated that there are more than 20,000 Taoist temples participating in the conference this year."

Schumer looked down and made a rough estimate.

"Thirty-three mansions, five major frontier fortresses, and the capital... a total of thirty-nine first-level agency rights, and this is what they are fighting for." Qi Yu chuckled.

This time, he was presiding over the [Taoist Sect Technique Seminar]. He looked at the Taoist sects that were flocking to the temple, each wanting to climb the dragon and the phoenix and reach the sky.

But these people didn't know that the thirty-nine first-level agents had been allocated long before the conference started.

What Longhushan is interested in is not the Restore the True Pill. They want to ensure that the first-level agency rights fall into the hands of the most influential sects in each region, and these sects must follow Longhushan's lead.

This is the business of Longhu Mountain.

"Every time there is a conference, these losers have to fight to the death. It's really ridiculous." Schumer pursed his lips and chuckled.

"To Longhu Mountain, what we give is just a small favor, but to them it is God's grace. How can we not fight for it?" Qi Yu said lightly.

Level determines the horizon. From his position, the people below him are indeed insignificant, like ants.


At this moment, banners appeared one after another, hanging in the air like a big curtain.

Each flag represents the territory of a government.

Everyone is qualified to bid, and the bidder can pick up the flag and obtain the first-level agency rights in that domain.

Every year at the [Taoist Technique Seminar], this scene is the highlight.

"Longyuan Mansion, one million true elixirs!"

At this moment, someone raised the token he received from Longhu Mountain and quoted his price.

Suddenly, a line of small characters glowing with golden light appeared on a banner.

"Mountain View, one million."

"The Temple in the Mountain, that's a Taoist temple with powerful people in the real realm. They were also the first-level agents of Longyuan Mansion in the previous term."

This bidding immediately heated up the atmosphere on the field.

All eyes were cast on the burly man bidding.

"One million and three hundred thousand."

At this moment, a bidding call came from another corner.

On the banner of Longyuan Mansion, a line of small golden characters appeared.

"Golden Sword Sect, 1.3 million."

"Tsk, tsk, that's a sect that can challenge the Mountain Monastery, and there are also real powerhouses in charge."

The excitement finally came, and there were only a few giants in each mansion.

The first-level agents of previous conferences are produced among the giants of each government.

"One million and three hundred thousand..."

In the crowd, Su Ming's eyes widened when he heard this number, showing a bewildered look.

That's a real elixir, 1.3 million, even if he went to the grave to burn the paper money for the ancestor, it was not that much.

However, it is obvious that the first-level agency rights cannot be won by just 1.3 million Huazhendan.

The price skyrocketed, which made Su Ming's blood boil. He had never dreamed of so many real pills.

Even for a small sect like his, he has never even seen what the True Pill looks like.

"Three million and sixty-one million."

Finally, the Taoist Temple in the Mountain quoted a price again.

At this moment, everyone was silent, and the place immediately became quiet.

The other two giants also stopped bidding. Longhu Mountain had already contacted the competing sects before the conference. This year's first-level agency rights still belong to the Taoist Temple in the Mountain.

When the price was called, they wisely chose to give up.


After a moment, the flag of Longyuan Mansion suddenly flew out and fell into the hands of the burly man from the Taoist temple in the mountain.

"I agree." The burly man cupped his fists to the left and right and said with a slight smile.

"Brother, he paid 300,000 yuan more than the reservation price."

On the high platform, Schumer reminded.

"This year is another Taoist temple in the mountains. We have to let others vent their anger." Qi Yu smiled and didn't care.

He just needs to make sure that these shrimps follow the script arranged by Longhushan.

"Linjiang Mansion, 1.3 million."

At this moment, a line of small golden characters appeared on the banner of Linjiang Mansion.

"Sacrifice to the Ghost Sect, 1.3 million."

"Brother Dao..."

When Wang Xiaoyi saw this, he couldn't help but scream.

"The Ghost Sacrifice Sect... looks so familiar... By the way..." Zhou Dao's eyes lit up and he suddenly remembered something.

Yuan Shaoqing of the Yuan Clan back then came from the Ghost Sacrifice Sect.

Unexpectedly, after all these years, the Ghost Sacrifice Sect is still still there, and it seems to be a giant.


Suddenly, someone called again.

In the direction of the Ghost Sacrifice Sect, Yin Poli glanced sideways, but didn't take it to heart, and just smiled coldly.

The first-level agents of Linjiang Mansion have already been negotiated, but they are just the things in the pocket of the Ghost Sect. These people are so happy that they are just running around.

Thinking of this, Yin Boli's smile grew stronger and he raised the token in his hand.

"One million and eight hundred thousand."

"Oh my god..." Su Ming was dumbfounded.

It was the first time for him to come to such an occasion, and his heart really couldn't stand it. He didn't know how much 1,000,000 Huazhen Dan was.

But he heard from his master that one hundred Huanzhen Pills could buy all the assets of their Taoist temple in the middle of the mountain.

"If you don't get out of the well, you won't know how vast the world is." Su Ming curled his lips, finally realizing how shallow his knowledge was.

Zhou Dao looked at his expression and couldn't help but smile.

He seemed to have the same expression when he left Ping'an Town and entered Pingjiang City.

The price of the first-level agent in Linjiang Prefecture has skyrocketed, directly to 3.28 million.

"Three million and three hundred thousand."

At this moment, Yin Po Li Zhi proudly raised the token in his hand.

This is the price bottom line set by Longhushan.

Sure enough, the giants who were competing with him stopped bidding. Although there was unwillingness in their eyes, they did not continue to bid.

"The people in Linjiang Mansion obey the rules." Qi Yu said calmly.

Three million and three hundred thousand, this is the price Longhushan paid to the Ghost Sect.

In other words, the first-level agency of Linjiang Mansion now belongs to the Ghost Sect.

"Three and a half million!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice resounded in the already quiet place.

Yin Guli suddenly changed color, and the smile on his face suddenly solidified.

Qi Yu, who was on the high platform, also stood up suddenly. He looked at the banner with wide eyes and saw a line of small golden characters on it.

Peace concept, 3.5 million! !

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