Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1074: The desperate man is the most handsome!

There is no doubt that the desperate man is the most handsome.

   saw that Yang Zhen faced Zixiao Fairy Palace with one sword and one sword for Hua Youyue. This scene shocked everyone.

  Especially among the many women present, the eyes of no mates shined, and some mates cast their gaze on the past, and some of the male monks who watched instantly lost their composure.

   "What do you know, this behavior of Yang Zhen is done by a stubborn husband, knowing that he will definitely die when he goes up, and he will die if he goes up. Isn't it a sin to live?"

   "Yeah...Yeah, Yang Zhen is dead this time, maybe even the Flower Lady can't be saved."

   "You can only say such things. At this moment, Yang Zhen is really a man!"

Unconsciously, Yang Zhen became a man in the eyes of many women present.

   "Mo... somehow!"

   A group of men envy jealousy and hate, but they rushed to grab Yang Zhen and beat him up.

   At this moment, Yang Zhen suddenly turned around and grinned at the crowd on the ruins of Wuting Mountain: "Are you handsome?"


   The majority of women present were all excited.


   Countless men snorted, hoping that a thunder will immediately fall on Zixiao Tiangong to hack Yang Zhen asshole.

   It's a handsome fart. When Zixiao Xiangong broke out later, it wasn't so handsome.

   Perhaps God heard the prayers of countless men, Zi Xiao Xian Gong suddenly shines, and countless purple thunders rush toward Yang Zhen.

  Zixiao Tiangong is in the whirlpool of the thunder, and countless purple thunders come from the whole whirlpool, pouring directly on Yang Zhen.

  Yang Zhen, who was still handsome in the last second, was spitting out in the next moment, and his nose and tears almost came out.

   rumbling, a tremendous loud noise erupted around Yang Zhen, and a thunder fell on Yang Zhen. Rao Shi Yang Zhen's dragon-like shock body has become a big one, and he still fell down step by step.

Seeing this scene, Yuan Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "The situation is fixed, Yang Zhen is dead, Zixiao Xiangong, after you and I go up, I am afraid that I will also be seriously injured, and the punishment of heaven and earth is The purest power cannot be counterbalanced by some tricky power."

   Elder Wang's face is also a dignified look, Wen Yan nodded and said: "It is worthy of Zixiao fairy palace, the power is so great."

   "No matter how much Yang Zhen has done, it is nothing more than a farce. The reincarnation clock will eventually fall into your hands and I. I just don't know if the reincarnation clock is more difficult to refine after the Zixiao fairy palace."

   Elder Wang said with a smile: "From ancient times to the present, the world like samsara has never been refined easily?"

  Yuan Tianyu smiled and nodded and said, "Yeah, the reincarnation of Zhong Xian will inevitably spread over thousands of miles, but Yang Zhen is just the first one."

   Speaking of this, Yuan Tianyu once again turned his attention to Yang Zhen.

  This is nothing more than the first thunder. He directly bombarded Yang Zhen from midair. If the Zixiao Immortal Palace fully exploded, what kind of terrifying power would erupt?

   Watching Yang Zhen fall into the air with smoke, falling into the air, the crowd's exclamation did not come out, he saw a figure rushed up again, it could be blocked on the head of Hua Youyue.

The crowd's exclamation turned into an inhalation sound, watching Yang Zhen under the first Zixiao thunder, he was already seriously injured, but his speed had no effect at all, and rushed quickly to Hua Youyue, everyone had a A feeling of wanting to laugh.

   "It's so true, it's really unrelenting, even if it rushes up again, what will happen to a purple sky sky thunder, it still has to be hacked down."

   "I don't know if Yang Zhen can persist a few times. If it can't be carried at the end, wouldn't it be a joke?"

   "How many times? If the second time he can hold on, he will be respected as a real man."

  Many people are talking about it, looking at Yang Zhen's gaze, pity, disdain, and more is seeing Yang Zhen's embarrassed appearance, can not help laughing out loud.

   It's just that most of the women present couldn't laugh, staring at the wound on Yang Zhen's body, not knowing what to think about.

  Yang Zhen was indeed injured. Zixiao Sky Penalty is the most powerful sky punishment that Yang Zhen has encountered so far. This level of heaven and earth strength is indeed beyond his ability to contend.

  Even if Yang Zhen could withstand the bombardment of the sky, his body could not stand it.

   The first time Zi Xiao Tianfei thunder fell on his body, Yang Zhen could feel it. His physical recovery ability seemed to be limited by some mysterious power, and it was difficult to recover to the best state quickly.

   The dragon elephant shock prison body has also been unable to withstand the terrifying impact of Zixiao Tianlei, and even the soul of the gods has been affected to a certain extent.

  The prestige of heaven and earth, where is the weak human being able to despise?

Yang Zhen felt the anger of turning the river in his body, took a deep breath, locked his eyes firmly on the Zixiao Fairy Palace, looked back at the Flower Youyue, just about to speak, a trembling loud noise, a shocking Yang Zhen The scalp was numb, and there was a roaring sound in the ears, and all sounds outside disappeared.

When I fell from the air again, the eyes were bright red, countless people's sarcasm, comments, and the cry of Han Yan'er when he was dragged to death by a cheap cat, like a movie without sound, in Yang A flash in front of him.


  Yang Zhen's body smashed into the mountain without any perception, only the overwhelming pain, eroding every part of the body.

  Feeling the feeling of weakness in the body, Yang Zhen climbed up hard, too late to think, jumped forward, and rushed towards the increasingly violent Zixiao Immortal Palace in mid-air.

   Making a big noise in Tiangong is just a joke. Where is Tiangong so noisy?

Yang Zhen glanced at the quiet and quiet Hua Youyue, and there was a trace of self-deprecation in the corner of his mouth. The ridiculous look on Yuan Tianyu's face turned into surprise. Elder Wang's face was full of unbelievable looks, even the sound of discussion around him. Disappeared.

   At this moment, Yang Zhen suddenly entered a mysterious feeling.

  The world is silent, but it is everywhere.

   The sky was buzzing, but Yang Zhen turned a blind eye.

   Looking down, there was nowhere else that there was blood flowing out of the body. The blood of mysterious gold dripped down the body, and I didn't know where it was floating in the violent wind.

  Looking up, Zi Xiaotian punishment once again condensed in mid-air seems to be more violent than before. This time, even Yang Zhen didn't know if he could persevere.

   What happened to the flowery moon in the beginning caused Sanhua to reincarnate.

  What kind of thing is this kind of Zixiao fairy palace?


   The violent thunder fell on Yang Zhen, Yang Zhen's flesh and blood seemed to be torn apart, a huge pain drowned Yang Zhen, the blood water blurred his eyes, and he could not see anything clearly.

  Yang Zhen didn't know how deep he had broken into the ground, and he didn't even know how he rushed up. Was it stopped in front of Hua Youyue?

   opened his eyes desperately and looked down, suddenly relieved.

   Fortunately, it's not too far from If you move it a little, you can resist her.

  Yang Zhen grinned and looked up at Zixiao Fairy Palace, wanting to laugh loudly, a mouth full of blood spewed out.

   This is the first time Yang Zhen was injured so seriously that he couldn't even cough.

  The voices of countless discussions became silent, countless men's eyes gradually became dull, and they looked at Yang Zhen in mid-air in disbelief.

   In this mortal situation, every time Yang Zhen falls, he has the opportunity to escape, but Yang Zhen does not!

  Han Yan'er sat on the ground and wept bitterly. There was a horrible starlight lingering on his body, echoing the stars in twos and threes in the sky.

   countless women with tears in their eyes, looked at Yang Zhen rushing up and down in the air again and again, at this time Yang Zhen, where is there half a cynical appearance?

  The young lady Luanluan and the black lotus maiden were all appalled, and tears could not help flowing down.

   "How long will this **** persist?"

Saint Luan murmured to herself, and the nearby Saint Black Lotus shook her body and said, "Maybe, at the moment when he can no longer get up, maybe he will die directly under Zixiao Fairy Palace At that moment, I... somewhat envyed the Lady Flower."

   "Why don't I?" The eyes of Saint Qingluan became complicated.

  A woman who can make a man so careless about his life, even if he is dead, is there any regret?


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