Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1088: Did you see Yang Pippi?

Invincible, starting with the full-level attribute, see Chapter 1088 of the main volume. Did you see Yang Pipi? Involve the Qingquan Saint Girl?

  Yang Zhen almost kicked her foot, and Ben Sao Sheng was affected by Qingquan Sheng Nu.

Taking the current practice of the Qingquan Saint as the realm, how hard it is to completely refine the power of the Holy Realm, Yang Zhen understands more than everyone present in the heart, but the difficulty does not mean that it cannot succeed, as long as there is a hint of success, it is enough to let Yang Zhen took the risk.

  It wasn't him who took the risk anyway!

   That's right, how can there be a pie drop in the world?

  Yang Zhen and Qingquan Shengvu don't know each other, just meet, should I help her?

   Unless it is Yang Zhen's head and seeds in his trouser pocket for a long time, he can't move when he sees a beautiful woman.

   Unfortunately, Yang Zhenfei is not just a person who can't walk when he sees a beautiful woman, but a selfish villain who wants to hang out when he sees anyone.

   succeeded, it was a great fortune of the Holy Lady of Qingquan, and Yang Zhen did not expect her to be grateful to him.

  Unsuccessful, the Qingquan Saint Girl was at most weak for a while, and you could make up for it by eating more talents.

   Such a matter of good fortune, would the Holy Spring Maiden refuse?

   Of course, she has the right to refuse, and now in the entire teahouse, no one can stop Yang Zhen from continuing, except for the Qingquan Saint Girl.

  Everyone blamed Yang Zhen, even the old woman's face was tense, staring at Qingquan Shengnv, urging Qingquan Shengnv to quickly stop the operation of the Changchun Jing Su.

   But under the eyes of all eyes, the Qingquan Saint girl opened her eyes and looked at Yang Zhen deeply. Instead of stopping, she completely relaxed her mind and body.

   This is what Yang Zhen wants to do.

   Yang Zhen looked at Saint Qingquan a little unexpectedly. The woman's courage was also big enough, and she dared to do so. If such a woman could not become a great saint, it would be a bit unreasonable.

  Yang Zhen laughed a lot, and felt a lot more comfortable. Even losing a lot of Zhenyuan didn't think it was a problem.

   "I want to start!"

   In this world, there is nothing that Yang Zhen can't refine, even if it can't be refined now, then wait for refining. Anyway, maybe one day, Yang Zhen might even refine this planet.

  This is the superiority brought by talent!

   When all the strength in Yang Zhen's body broke out, everyone was silent, and looked at Yang Zhen with fear.

  Compared with Yang Zhen's danger, everyone clearly pays more attention to the safety of Qingquan Saint.

It is like Yang Zhen wants to do an experiment on Qingquan Shengnv. If the experiment is successful, Yang Zhen will get a huge reward this time for danger. Maybe he can master the power of the Holy Realm completely during the celestial period. .

   How horrible is a guy who can master the power of the Holy Land during the ninth heaven of the celestial period?

   Yang Zhen didn't dare to imagine himself!


  Yang Zhenzhen's true power has spread all over the body of Qingquan Saint Girl, and suddenly rushed towards the power of the Holy Realm.

   Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed with a look of disbelief.

   looked at the ice dragon roaring in the air, angered into the sky, and rushed towards Yang Zhenfei. It seemed that when Yang Zhen's power could be torn apart in a blink of an eye, Yang Zhen's power suddenly changed again.

   A lifelike little Yang Zhen appeared in front of everyone, jumped forward and jumped on the ice dragon. The crackling was a messy shot. The ice dragon wailed strangely, even the Qingquan Saint Girl frowned, and sometimes groaned.

   Chu Liuhua's eyes widened in the crowd, his face unbelievable.

  Yang Zhen kept cracking, Qingquan Saint frowned and hummed, if it wasn't for the Ice Dragon who was still roaring and groaning, just listening to the sound, half of the men in the atrium would desperately kill Yang Zhen.

   Tete Niang is so explosive, Yang Zhen is actually in Hammer Dragon?


   There was a smoldering noise, and the prohibition under the holy realm in mid-air suddenly became fragmented, and a roaring sky roared towards the sky.

   Mid-air, dark clouds, apparently condensing the sky-tribulation.

   This is not an ordinary torture. Once the Heavenly Tribulation falls from the sky and falls on Yang Zhen formed by the condensing of Zhenyuan and the soul of the soul, Yang Zhen has a hundred lives and is not enough to die.

   Just as everyone exclaimed, a small version of Yang Zhen's hands suddenly appeared a series of heaven and earth lines, and all the crackles were refined into the power of the Holy Realm.

   This kind of thing, let alone seen it in person, is unheard of.

Everyone looked at the scene in a daze, until Yang Zhen roared in the sky, and his fists fell heavily on the ice dragon. The ice dragon suddenly wailed and became scattered, and finally turned into a bit cold. , Into the body of the Qingquan saint.

  Yang Zhen... also followed in.

   "Go in... did you go in?" Chu Liuhua's face was blank and dumbfounded.

   Did this succeed or fail?

Nobody knows.

   It was at this moment that the Holy Lady of Qingquan suddenly spit out a bit of blood and sprayed Yang Zhen's face across from him.

  Yang Zhen seemed to be an old monk who entered the set, and did not notice it at all.

   "Saint Girl!"

   "Saint Girl!"

   Several exclamations came, and everyone's eyes became suspicious.

   At this moment, Yang Zhen suddenly opened his eyes, wiped the blood from his face, and muttered to himself: "Shit, can this be the case?"

   It's so exciting, so crazy.

There was a look of surprise on Yang Zhen's face, and he could feel it. After being beaten madly by the Holy Realm, he not only came down honestly, but also circulated slowly along the meridian of the Changchun Sutra in the body of the Qingquan Saint Girl. .


   The violent thunder in the air pours down, rushing towards Qingquan Saint Girl with his face covered.

   Yang Zhen frightened and pulled Han Yan'er out of the teahouse.

   Qingquan saints want to cross the robbery!

   "Boy, what the **** did you do?" The cheap cat asked curiously on Yang Zhen's shoulder.

   Yang Zhen glanced at the Qingquan saint who stood up, and said with a smug face: "Nature is based on the heaven and earth metaphysics and the heaven and earth true patterns, and the heaven book attacks, forcibly refining the power of the holy realm."

   Speaking Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "No, it can't be said to be refining, it should be said to be forced to break up."


   The whole tea house was divided into five parts. Everyone watched the coats flying in mid-air, like the fairy goddess of Qingquan. When shocked, they were all looking for the figure of Yang Zhen.

   One of them was so handsome that he flew around the sky and kept flying. When he saw people, he asked, "Did you see Yangpipi? Did you see Yangpipi?"

  It is pitiful to see, now who cares what Yangpipi is not Yangpipi, Qingquan Saint Girl even broke through.

   From the half-step Great Sacred, breakthrough to the Holy Realm in one fell swoop!


   The violent sky-tribulation in mid-air continues, but this kind of sky-tribulation is not fatal to the Qingquan saint who has mastered the power of the Holy Land.

   Just when Yang Zhen wanted to pull the cheap cat and Han Yan'er to find the old man in the red-faced holy realm, a terrifying and terrifying atmosphere rushed from a distance, and in the blink of an eye came to the Qingquan Saint girl.

   "Great Saint!"

   Yang Zhen moved in his heart, looking curiously at the person coming.

   "Idlers and other people leave, otherwise Hugh Blame turns over and ruthless!"

   came out with a cold hum, and the majesty of Majesty broke out in the coming person, almost instantly covering the whole world near the teahouse.

  Yang Zhen was taken aback, shit, obviously, the coming person was no one else, it was the Master of Qingquan Shengnv.


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