Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1094: Xiaoguliang appeared!

Based on Yang Zhen's understanding of the Nine Realms Linglong Tower, where is so good to refine?


   However, Shaoguang Shengzi is one of the most outstanding geniuses in the atrium. He is more powerful than Qingquan Shengnv's talent. Maybe he will be able to succeed in refining.


  Although this kind of heaven and earth is a good thing, it is impossible for Yang Zhen to put all the good things in the world into his pockets, and others can't afford to refine a good thing?


  What kind of truth is this?


  After figured out this link, Yang Zhen was at ease, moved out two small stools, and sat down with Han Yan'er, ready to watch a good show.


   Xiaoguliang has not come out yet, she is not in a hurry, what is the use of Yang Zhen in anxiety?


   rushed in at this time, it was estimated that he had not been near the Jiuling Linglong Tower, and was divided into corpses by the five great saints.


  Han Yaner looked at Yang Zhen stupefiedly and asked curiously: "Jiujie Linglong Tower sounds like a terrific treasure, don't you go to refine it?"


Yang Zhen glanced at Han Yan'er and said in a serious way: "Xiao Dao, your thoughts are dangerous. If I want to refine it as a good thing, will it not let other monks in the world live? Then, I will How much good can one person refine?"


  Han Yan'er smiled and said, "Obviously, I dare not go up. It makes you say so fresh and refined. If you are so conscious, you won't be shouted."


   Yang Zhen glared his eyes, if not so many people were present, he would definitely be on the spot Zhenfu Gang, this little nizi now also learns to run against people, it is better to take the sword out and make gestures.


  Humans are always changing, especially women, especially beautiful women.


  Yang Zhen decided not to see Han Yaner in general.


   At this time, Bai Xinsi next to her suddenly covered her mouth and said, "Start!"


   Let’s get started, what are you doing with your heart covered?


   Yang Zhen glanced contemptuously at the white heart, hurriedly straightened his body, and looked at Shaoguang Shengzi with burning eyes.


   The name in my heart has become a villain. A small version of Yang Zhen is beside the villain, holding a big awl, and poking while saying, "Failure, failure, failure..."


   "What are you whispering about?" Han Yaner looked at Yang Zhen curiously.


   Yang Zhen made a haha ​​and said, "It's okay, look at this Shaoguang Shengzi, how handsome?"


   "Not as handsome as you!" Han Yaner grunted, glared at Yang Zhen, and continued to focus on the Lingjie Tower of Jiujie.


  Yang Zhen's complacent face, looking sour beside Bai Xinsi's face.


   Shaoguang Shengzi deserved to be a powerful player in the Holy Realm. After coming to the Lingjie Pagoda of the Nine Realms, he stood up with his hands and seals in his hands.


   Watching the doorway with the layman, watching the lively with the layman, and shaking the son of light, Yang Zhen felt that...a cone doesn't seem to be enough.


   This guy actually understands the contents of the Heavenly Book Metaphysics, and if he uses Yang Zhen to refine it, it may not be better than Shaoguang Shengzi.


   This is a bit uncomfortable. I thought it was an embroidered pillow. I didn't expect people to have two brushes.


  Looking at the hoarse shouts of the big girls and little fellows around, he almost shook two glow sticks in his hand.




In the mid-air, the violent thunderclouds condensed together, the nine-world exquisite pagoda is exquisite and exquisite, and it looks unusually clear and exquisite, not to mention those women who have not seen the world, even Yang Zhen, who has never seen the world. Some heart moved.


   Mind-cut version of Yang Zhen already had three sharp awls in his hands.




   There was a tremendous loud noise, Shaoguang Shengzi's face changed wildly, his body staggered.


"it is good!"


   Yang Zhen slapped his thigh and almost jumped excitedly.


   Surrounded by countless eyes, almost ate Yang Zhen alive.


   "...It's dangerous, come on!" Yang Zhen hurriedly added a good word that blurted out.


   The man snorted and turned his gaze back to the Nine Realms Linglong Tower. The women were still staring at Yang Zhen indifferently. As if Yang Zhen did not apologize, he would never forgive him.


   "Yang Zhen, can he succeed?" Han Yaner looked at the air with a worried face, as if it was not Yang Zhen at this time, which made her feel that something was not right.


  Yang Zhen shook his head and said, "It's not easy to say, it depends on whether this Shaoguang Shengzi can be recognized by the Nine Realms Linglong Tower."


   "Recognition?" Bai Xinsi looked puzzled and asked, "Does the Nine Realms Linglong Tower really produce its own spiritual wisdom as rumored?"


  'S words are fresh, such as the world's greatest treasure like the Nine Realms Linglong Tower, if there is no spiritual wisdom, then there will be ghosts.


   wasn't close to Jiujie Linglong Tower, Yang Zhen didn't know whether Jiujie Linglong Tower had a wit, anyway, the reincarnation clock in Xiaoguliang's hand had a touch of wit.


   "What do you mean... if the son of Shaoguang can refine the Nine Realm Linglong Pagoda only by means?" Han Yan'er worried.


  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Even if it doesn't work, isn't there still five great saints next to it?"


  What a joke, this is a treasure scoring conference, not a shameful conference!


  The so-called "Shaking Light Holy Land" attracted so many people, so that everyone could witness the Jiujie Linglong Tower crack the ice coffin ban, not to make Shaoguang Shengzi shameful.


   These people dare to let Shaoguang Shengzi go up to refine the Nine Realm Linglong Tower. There must be a way to help him succeed in refining.


   Hearing Yang Zhen's explanation, Han Yaner suddenly realized.


Bai Xinsi and others were more enthusiastic and said, "I really don't know how powerful Shaoguang Shengzi will become after he successfully refines the Nine Realms Linglong Pagoda. Such a man is the model of my generation. How many young girls are going to be lost by the Son."


   Yang Zhen lipped his lips, can this captivate thousands of girls?


  If Bensao Sheng went up, wouldn’t all the women in the whole cultivating world marry Bensao Sheng?


I don’t know if the villain in Yang Zhen’s heart pierced the Shaoguang Shengzi, or even God didn’t get used to this Shaoguang Shengzi. Just when Shaoguang Shengzi was about to succeed, Jiujie Linglong Tower suddenly Frustrated.


  It was just a sway, a purple ray of light came towards the Shaking Light Son, who was staggering and almost fell from the air.


   There was a cry of exclamation, everyone was startled, fearing that this time the son would fail.


  On the occasion of this great deal, a cold hum came out: "Hugh is wanton!"


  The old man with white beard snorted coldly, and in his hand, a stream of Dao Yun emerged from the sky, enveloped the Linglong Tower of the Nine Realms.


  Nine Realm Linglong Tower was suddenly full of light, and began to ram up.


  Yang Zhen laughed and said, "If you see it, this is the twisted melon!"


   "Wh... what does that mean?" Bai Xinsi's face was blank, like everyone didn't know what happened.


   Han Yaner's eyes lit up and said excitedly: "Doesn't this Jiujie Linglong Tower not accept Shaoguang Shengzi?"


  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Oh, it's going to be busy now!"




   Thunder surging in mid-air, these are not thunder punishments, but the horrible sky phenomenon gathered by the Nine Realms Linglong Tower.


   The earth-shattering thunder thunder dispelled the Dao Yun shrouded by the white-beard old man, and rushed straight towards the Nine Realms Linglong Tower.


  Jiujie Linglong Pagoda made an earth-shattering roar, and suddenly faced the storm, as if it were a fierce beast, ramming directly, and striking the Son of Light, even the old white-beard old men snorted and staggered.


   There was a cry of excitement around, and everyone looked at the horror scene in front of him with uncertainty.


  Jiujie Linglong Tower, so terrifying?


   This level of resistance will naturally not hurt a great saint. The old man with white beard is just about to take another shot, and a soft voice comes slowly.


   "Why not, let me try?"


   heard this voice, Yang Zhen suddenly stood up.


   "Sister!" Han Yan'er looked delighted, holding Yang Zhen's hand, looking at the air with surprise.


  Little aunt is cool!



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