Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1100: He 1 will succeed!

Yang Zhen is not dead!


Instead of dying,    opened his eyes!


   It was not that Elder Sword didn't kill Yang Zhen, but Elder Sword's sword stopped about an inch away from Yang Zhen's forehead.


   Watched Elder Sword hovering with Yang Zhen's falling speed, and everyone was stunned.


  Don't the sword elders kill Yang Zhen?


   Obviously not!


Under the eyes of everyone, Elder Sword showed a look of nostalgia on his face and said, "Boy, when the old man is young, he likes to see the desperate look of his opponent. You are lucky and unfortunate. The old man has not shot for a long time. Today Itchy, when you show a look of despair, it is when you are killed, but you can rest assured that the old man will leave your soul and let you experience what it means to feel weak.


   Hearing the words of Elder Sword, everyone has a feeling of chilling behind.


   is like when a falcon catches its prey, it is clear that it can be hit with one blow, but it must be psychologically defeated. The overwhelming despair is creepy when you think about it.


Apart from the sound of thunder roaring in mid-air, there was no sound from anyone in the entire Qianyuan Ridge, even the frowned frowning, and the apparently annoyed Qingquan Saint, who just sighed, turned her head and couldn't bear it anymore. Look.


   "Elder Sword...too much!"


   Qingquan Saint female master said slowly, calm look, can not see any emotional changes.


Another big saint aside said with a chuckle, said: "The old man felt that the elder sword did not act too much. As the opening of the land today, the major holy places appeared. If you do not deter the world with thunder, like Yang Zhen. There are only more and more ignorant people."


   Master Qingquan Saint stunned for a moment, shook his head, did not speak, when he looked at Yang Zhen again, his gaze froze!


  Yang Zhen smiled. In the face of only a little advance, he could take the long sword of his life. Yang Zhen smiled brilliantly.


   "Have seniors ever heard a word?"


  The smile on Yang Zhen's face, the faces of everyone who looked at him were stunned, they didn't know what Yang Zhen was about to say.


   Even the elders of the sword were stunned, so they looked at Yang Zhen and asked, "What's the matter?"


   "Villa..." Yang Zhen said one by one: "Dying because of too much talk!"




All the powers in Yang Zhen's body exploded completely, the real patterns of heaven and earth surrounded him, and the accompanying sky was burning fiercely, the true element was like a sea, and the spirit of the Tao was tremendous, and even the power of Qi and blood was renewed and rumbling again. As if the fetus was dying, swarming violently in Yang Zhen's body.


   A force of the spirit seemed like a vortex, roaring wildly around Yang Zhen, bursting out suddenly as the sword elder's face changed greatly.


  With Yang Zhen’s current soul power, how powerful is the burst?


   Even if it was the elder sword, he was staggered and looked at Yang Zhen in surprise.


   Everyone who saw this scene exclaimed, no one expected that Yang Zhen had so much terrifying power.


   Each of these forces is something that everyone dreams of, and now they all explode on Yang Zhen. Under the violent wind, Yang Zhen is like a round of **** sun, shining in the air.


  Yang Zhen has always had a kind of exercises. He has not practiced. Now facing the situation of death, Yang Zhen still has so much care. After the power of his body has exploded completely, he runs crazy.


  With Yang Zhen's talent, this kind of exercise is just the beginning, and it can't stop.


  At the same time, all the great saints, including Elder Diao, took a breath.


  Especially Elder Diao, when he saw the angry machine exploded on Yang Zhen, he quickly roared and said, "Hurry, kill him!"


kill him?


   Hearing the elder Diao's hotness, everyone was in shock.


  What does Yang Zhen do?


  Yang Zhen, who slowly and stably held his body, stood in mid-air, and all the strength of his body burst like crazy, like a fight, all burned up, and together with the power of the gods and souls, they all burned fiercely in the **** waves.


  What is Yang Zhen doing?


   Elder Jian's face changed wildly, and he sneered, saying, "Boy, we have to break through the half-step Great Saint now, don't you think it's too late?"




   Hearing this, everyone was stunned.


  Yang Zhen wants to break through the half-step Great Saint at this time?


  Which half-step big saint did not succeed in breaking through nine lives?


  Even if there are not a few great saints who are watching, Yang Zhen is so eager to forcibly break through the half-step big saint.


   "This... is really Yang Zhen, really bold, not only epiphany under the attack of the Dasheng, but also to break through under the chase of the Dasheng?"


   "Yang Zhen probably wants to use the power of Heaven Tribulation to fight against the elder sword."


   "It's really ridiculous. The ordinary Heavenly Tribulation has no threat to Dasheng at all. Does Yang Zhen not know the power of the Holy Realm?"


How can    not know the power of the Holy Land?


   Only the terrible sword, Yang Zhen was hurt by the power of the Holy Realm, otherwise, even the Great Saint, who wanted to rely on a branch, wanted his life?


  What kind of joke?


  Yang Zhen burned the soul, this is the first time he burned the soul completely.


  Not only burned the soul, but all the power in the body burned.


   This is a helpless way for a monk to arouse his potential before he dies.


  Once the monk fully stimulates the body's potential, it proves that the monk is determined to die.


  Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er turned pale.


   "Elder Mei, can Yang Zhen break through successfully?"


   Hua Youyue hurriedly asked Mei Wuhua around her.


   Mei Wuhua looked at Yang Zhen strangely, shaking his head and said: "This incredible way of breakthrough, the old man has never heard of it, but..."


   "But what?" Hua Youyue took a deep breath and looked deeply at Yang Zhen.


  Yang Zhen is acting and wants to come to nothing, no one knows what he will do next!


  Burn all the powers and stimulate the potential. According to legend, it is not necessary to die!


   But even if it is not mortal, there are only a few who can succeed. Throughout the Great Desolation, no one can find a second person to succeed.


   Never find a second person?


   "Does Yang really want to imitate that man?" Hua Youyue suddenly exclaimed with a surprised look on his face.


Mei Wuhua nodded bitterly, and said, "This crazy boy, the man did such a ridiculous thing only after he entered the saint. Even in the state of the great saint, the man is still under nine deaths and lives among the five great saints. Barely succeeded under the law."


  Flower Youyue's complex eyes flow, and beside Han Yan'er, the cheap cat was stupid.


   "Damn, Yang Xiaozi is playing big this time. Such a crazy thing is that the person couldn't do it."


   "What is he going to do?" Han Yaner's face showed a startled look.


   There are not many things that can make stupid cats fool directly. At least Han Yan'er has never seen such expressions on stupid cats.


   "He wants to merge the power in his body!" said the cheap cat Shen Sheng.


   "What?" Han Yaner was shocked, looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief, and asked, "How is this possible?"


  Each kind of power has its own characteristics, how can it be integrated?


The cheap cat laughed bitterly and said, "No, it's not impossible. Someone has done this before. It's not right. Where did this kid hear this thing? That guy was gambled on the Great Realm to complete everything. Yes, why did this kid dare to do this? What did he use to gamble? Or was he chased by a big saint, it was crazy."


   "He will succeed."


   Hua Youyue and Han Yan'er said in unison.

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