Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1152: Strategy, this must be strategy

Yang Zhen saw Luo Shanyang's eyes brightened and knew that the deflated calf was hooked. Thanks for the great azure planet civilization!


   "That's natural, but my swordsmanship is too high-end, I can only give you one of them, you choose it!" Yang Zhen said generously.


   "I want to be alone with nine swords!" Luoshan Yang said suddenly.


   "Fuck!" Sword Demon snorted coldly, frightening everyone around him.


   Luo Shanyang turned to look at the sword demon with a look of aggression, his expression was blank.


   The more complicated the sword, the less powerful it will be. This is what your old man taught me.


  The name of these swordsmanship sounds only that Dugu and Nine Swords are deeper, and they are also Dugu, and only Nine Swords. These nine swords are sure that each sword is a shocking sword.


  Everyone is dumbfounded. Isn't Senior Sword Demon allowed Luo Shanyang and Yang Zhen to gamble, afraid that Luo Shanyang will lose again?


  How could this be possible, but it was Luo Shanyang, who had just established contact with Jian Ling just now, how could he lose to Yang Zhen?


   "I want Qinglian swordsong!" Sword Demon coughed and glared at Luo Shanyang.


   "I want Qinglian sword song!" Luoshan Yang suddenly turned and said to Yang Zhen.


  Yang Zhen said with a dumbfounded face. Sure enough, all the ‘infatuation’, the seeds in my head are a tendon. Fortunately, our little idiot often stays with us, and subconsciously, his head is not funny.


   It just makes Yang Zhen a little weird. Is Qinglian sword song so famous?


  Even the old man of Sword Demon really wanted it, even his old face?


  Yang Zhen promised to come down, fearing Luo Shanyang regretted, said: "Okay, no one should regret it!"


  Luo Shanyang snorted coldly and said, "You still worry about yourself. If you can't get the Qinglian sword song after losing, believe me, there are one hundred ways to make you better than death."


  Dig grass, why don't you change your name to Luo Liangchen?


   The two of them sat down, facing the sky, and slowly closed their eyes.


   saw this scene, everyone around was breathless, staring at the two in front of him.


   At this time, Shaoguang Shengzi came to the top of the mountain step by step under the eyes of everyone.


   "Look, I can't bear to shake my son."


   "What a joke, whether it is Yang Zhen or Luo Shanyang, there are all kinds of talents. If you wait for Shaoguang Shengzi to wait, the sword spirit may be gone."


   "I just don't know how to deal with the two."


   "I'm afraid it's hard!"


   "That's not necessarily true, after all, it's Shaoguang Shengzi!"


   A group of people had a lot of discussions, all looking at the dignified Shaking Son.


   Shaoguang Shengzi seems to want to maintain an ordinary heart. Such a thing, if you don't fight it, leaving regret is lifelong.


However, just as Shaoguang Shengzi stepped on the top of the mountain, Luo Shanyang suddenly burst into a turbulent weather wave. The horrible sword mansions flew all over the mountain. Thoroughly, it caused endless sword roars on the mountain.


  The son of Shake Light changed his face and looked up into the air. Under the wind and the clouds, the sky changed, and a dreadful black cloud became ups and downs between lightning and thunder.


  At the same time, the air seemed to be drawn by some kind of power, and a terrible divine power fell from the sky and fell on three people.


   Shaking the Light Son snorted coldly, and a terrible momentum also broke out on his body, walking towards the top of the mountain step by step.


   Yang Zhen stretched out!




   There was a thunderous sound like a sunny day, and the son of the light shook, as if he was pressed against his body by a mountain, and fell down from the top of the mountain.




   Everyone looked at the air with horror.


   Yang Zhen lazily stretched out, the breath of his body gradually dissipated, as if he had not moved.


   Luo Shanyang's complexion also became difficult to look, suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards Yang Zhen.


  The gas engine that broke out on Yang Zhen was able to arouse the momentum of the whole mountain.


  This... to what extent did this **** understand the geozotics?


   Luo Shanyang opened his eyes, his body suddenly weakened a few points, the swordsmanship that had just condensed in the air, slowly dissipated, and was free again in the air.


   Yang Zhen seemed to notice Luo Shanyang's gaze, opened his eyes and grinned, said: "You continue, you continue, I have to wait a while!"


   Shaking the light of the Son looked at Yang Zhen humorously, and walked slowly towards the mountain again.


   This time, Shaoguang Shengzi walked extremely carefully, apparently afraid that Yang Zhen would stretch again!


   Luo Shanyang snorted coldly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he could not see where, Yang Zhen was almost a layman for Kendo!


  As Luo Shanyang closed his eyes again, those free swords in mid-air condensed again.


  Yang Zhen blinked, and there was a giant mother in her heart who didn’t know if she should speak out.


  Where is the sword spirit?


  Why can't Ben Sao feel it?


  The sword meaning in the mountains and the wild is true, and Luo Shanyang communicates the sword spirit in front of him, and the Liu Xinjian that is condensed is also true.


   But Yang Zhen couldn't find where the sword spirit was hiding.


   How does this compare?


Seeing Luo Shanyang's breath condensed again, the violent air in mid-air was like a sea of ​​oceans, and there was a burst of whistling sounds, and even Shaoguang Shengzi was coming to the top of the mountain, Yang Zhen frowned. , A harmless smile of humans and animals piled up on his face, and he said, "Brother Jianling, come out, let's talk?"




   Shaoguang Shengzi laughed out loud and looked at Yang Zhen with a ridiculous look.


   The rest of the people looked at Yang Zhen with a dumbfounded face, and immediately laughed, and some excessive calves even bent down, which seemed to be fun enough.


  The corners of Luoshanyang's mouth are almost cramping, and he opened his eyes angrily and shouted angrily: "Yang Zhen, are you intentional?"




   The horror of the sword in mid-air lost its traction, and it exploded completely, and the sword-mans like the ocean and the sea fell towards the top of the mountain.


   Shaoguang Shengzi did not have any preparations, and was the first to bear it. He was almost poked into a sieve by Jianmang, and there was a strange cry. He even rolled down from the top of the mountain.


   Yang Zhen and Luo Shanyang were also uncomfortable. The horrible sword fell on their bodies, and their faces became pale.


   This is the will of the world, who can bear it?


   Yang Zhen looked at Luo Shanyang with an innocent look, his temper was also rubbing up: "Ben Sao Sheng is intentional, you have the ability to come and bit me?"


Damn, you, Ben Sao Sheng, are willing to communicate with Jian Ling with your mouth. If you can't find the location of Jian Ling's bastard, you would have grabbed Jian Ling and pressed it on the ground until it was honest~www.wuxiaspot. com~The sword spirit is not a bird saosheng, can't he say hello?


Among the crowd, the Lord Tianshan looked at Kowloon expressionlessly, and an old old man in Jiulongtang was blushing. He coughed and said: "You know, Yang Zhen, there are so many guts and thieves, this must be a strategy Strategy!"


   Lord Tianshan said, "Why does this Lord Lord think he can't seem to find the sword spirit?"


   "Couldn't find it?" Jiulong Jiuzun froze, shaking his head and said, "No, there is nothing Yang Xiaozi can't find in this world. He just doesn't want to find it now."


   "Is this really the case?" The Lord Tianshan said doubtfully.


Jiulong nodded seriously and said, "It must be so, Yang Zhen is in the heart of Luoluoshanyang. After all, Luoshanyang has established contact with Jianling. Hey, this kid is bad enough. This way, he may still be provocative. The trust between Luo Shanyang and Jian Ling was finally established."


   "It's an insidious and cunning kid, but... the method is pretty good, but there is a loss of light!" The Lord Tianshan summed up.


  Yang Zhen scratched his head, as if he didn’t see Luo Shanyang’s gaze to eat people. He licked his face and said with a smile: "Little guy, come out, okay, let’s chat with each other?"




   The newly-raised Shako Son kicked on the stone and nearly fell.



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