Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1175: Great sky! Reincarnation!

Yang Zhen, who thought he could get some benefits, did not expect that if he wanted to condense the so-called tenth green lotus, he would have to enter the Holy Land directly.


   Didn’t say that people who did not condense more than ten green lotus could not enter the Holy Land?


  Yang Zhen with a strange look on his face, accompanied the Qinglian Gate Master and others to the Holy Land.


   Seeing the holy place of Qinglian Gate, Yang Zhen wanted to scold his mother. This ancestor of Qinglian Gate is too frugal. Just make a cave and use it as your own holy place?


   And it is still a sitting place, such a place that will never come out once entered, is it so casually chosen?


  Seeing the expression on Yang Zhen's face, the Qinglian host said with a smile: "Yang Xiaoyou feels that the holy land in front of her is a bit shabby?"


  Yang Zhen nodded his head and didn't say anything inappropriate. After all, it was someone else's housework. It was easy to offend people by saying too much.


  Although Yang Zhen is not afraid of offending people, not being afraid of offending people does not mean that Yang Zhen is a fool.


   It’s just that Yang Zhen is a little curious. Will there be a cave overgrown with grass here? Will the Qinglian Gate be cleaned or repaired?


  I'm trying to make a facade or something, and it looks taller. This wild country and wilderness, I don't know if it is a deserted cave.


   The cave is not very big. It is similar to the cave behind Baiyun Mountain where Yang Zhen once stayed. The cave that understands the Taoist Sutra. The only difference is that it looks more desolate than that cave.


There was a bitter smile on the face of Qinglian Gate, and he said: "It looks very desolate here, but it is full of magical things. It is not that we do not even repair the place where our ancestors sat. No one can move."


   "What does it mean to move?" Yang Zhen asked curiously.


Both the adult mother-in-law and Zhou Tong also have strange expressions on their faces. If the ancestors of their own ancestors sit like this, even if the gatekeepers of the natural gate and the heavenly gate are not angry, the adult mother-in-law and Zhou Tong also It will be violent.


   Qinglian Gate Master sighed and said to Yang Zhen: "Yang Xiaoyou can take a grass here to see."


  Yang Zhen walked forward curiously, squatting on the ground was a handful, hewed a handful of weeds, the next moment, what shocked Yang Zhen happened.


   came from a faint vitality. Those unplugged grasses did not know why, and they gave birth again. They grew slowly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and became a finger length in the blink of an eye.


  Although it looks a little different from the previous weeds, it is generally the same whether it is the air machine or the position. It looks like it has not been moved.


   Yang Zhen stared blankly at the weeds in his hand, stood up, and came into the air.


   Qinglian Gate Master was surprised for a moment, a look of admiration appeared on his face, and also came to Yang Zhen's side.


   "Have you ever seen what's coming?" There was a smile on the face of Qinglian Gate Master, looking at Yang Zhen curiously.


   Zhou Tong and Cheng Gui's mother-in-law also followed, looking at each other, and all set their eyes on Yang Zhen.


   Yang Zhen did not observe the surrounding terrain, but closed his eyes and covered all the surrounding mountains and mountains with the power of the soul.


   The face of Qinglian Gate was full of surprise, nodding and said: "Yang Xiaoyou's attainment in the Jizo technique is the first person in the young generation that the husband has seen except the ancestor of Kaiyuan Palace."


  Ghost-in-law looked at Zhou Tong with a smug look and snorted: "No wonder he can break the formation of the Yuan Gong ancestor."


   Qinglian gate sighed, said: "Such a brilliant and colorful Yang Xiaoyou, but not my six middlemen, it is a pity."


  Zhou Tonghe laughed and said, "That's the old master!"


   Qinglian, the master, said with a smile: "How can a joke be taken seriously?"


  Zhou Tong glared and said, "You are wrong, is the old man the kind of person who doesn't talk?"


   Qinglian master smiled and looked at Zhou Tong and asked, "Being a master, what can Yang Xiaoyou teach you?"


   Zhou Tong spoke up, mumbled a few words, did not speak.


   The owner of Qinglian didn't pursue it, and said with a smile: "This place is very unusual, but even the ancestors of Kaiyuan Palace can't see the mystery. I don't know if Yang Xiaoyou can see through it."


Zhou Tong chuckled and said, "It's not enough to see through. This kid is just nine green lotus. You were almost dead in that year. If you don't give some benefits to make Yang kid happy, the old man will not let you go. Qinglian Gate."


   The Master Qinglian gave a strange look at Zhou Tong, and said, "You can rest assured that this time, the Master has done such a ridiculous thing?"


   Zhou Tong hummed and said, "Your old man is still trustworthy, but you are sure that Yang Xiaozi can really condense the tenth green lotus?"


   Qinglian Gate Master frowned, shaking his head and said: "I'm not sure, but I have a feeling."


   "What do you feel?" Zhou Tong asked curiously.


   The owner of Qinglian looked at Yang Zhen hesitantly and said, "I always feel that he has not only realized nine Qinglian."


  Zhou Tong took a deep breath and opened his eyes wide and asked, "Do you feel this way too?"


   Speaking of this, Zhou Tong laughed, staring at Yang Zhen and said: "Boy, look, the old man said, surely not only the old man doubts you, but you still don't admit it now?"


   The master of Qinglian shook his head and said, "Mo Yao wants to disturb Yang Xiaoyou, maybe I can find something."


   Zhou Tong still had to speak. Yang Zhen took a deep breath and opened his eyes.


   "Did you find anything?" Zhou Tong asked curiously.


   Yang Zhen looked strangely at the Qinglian Gate Master. Instead of answering Zhou Tong's words, he asked, "Who created this place?"


  Qinglian Gate Master was surprised for a while, and said with surprise: "This place was discovered by the ancestor, why was it created by man?"


  Yang Zhen nodded and said, "Excuse me, your ancestors cannot create such a place. The person who created this place is probably an emperor!"




   Everyone was taken the master of Qinglian, with a strange look on his face, asked: "Yang Xiaoyou said, this place was created by an emperor with great magical power?"


"What was created is true, and Mo Da Shen Tong would not know it. This place is a reincarnation of heaven and earth, and it is extremely strong. If I am not wrong, the ancestor of Kaiyuan Palace read this place and must warn the gatekeeper that it must not be destroyed. Pattern of the mountain."


   The Qinglian Gate Master was shocked and nodded and said, "It's true, but the ancestor of the Kaiyuan Palace didn't explain why. Will Yang Xiaoyou tell Yi Er?"


  Yang Zhen shook his head and said: "It's not easy to say, but this place may be related to a secret."


   "What's the secret?" Zhou Tong said impatiently: "You kid, selling Guanzi to death is almost anxious."


  Yang Zhen took a deep breath and said, "Heaven and Earth Tribulation!"


   Hearing this, everyone was stunned.




  Zhou Tong looked blankly at the surrounding environment and asked with a puzzled face: "What does this have to do with the world and the world?"


   Yang Zhen glanced at Zhou Tong and said, "Heaven and Earth Tribulation may be a kind of reincarnation of heaven and earth, and here, people have been sent to the world and they seem to want to repeat the reincarnation."


   Everyone was shocked.





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