Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1215: Oh, this is amazing!

Inextricably linked to the naked eye.

Seeing the power of faith emanating from the creeping water monkey, everyone was shocked and looked at Yang Zhen in midair with a horrified look.

Even the two real powerhouses, Dao Demon and Jian Mo, also showed a surprised look on their faces, and they looked at each other with envy in their eyes.

The power of faith, this is the legendary power of faith.

From ancient times to the present, since the wild tribes of the Wan tribes, many generations of tribes have disappeared in the long river of time, but there are more ancestors, and countless monks are tirelessly pursuing the power of the world. To pass down what you have learned all your life.

With so many sects, even these powerful inheritances of the Sannomiya and Liumen have long lost the power of faith.

The power of faith, this power almost breaks down the inheritance, countless people are struggling to pursue it, and even hesitate to open the school to pass on the countless inheritance to more disciples of the door, in order to one day be able to condense the power of faith under the door, to achieve The ranks of the real super sect.

But... no one can succeed again, not even the three houses and six doors.

Everyone in the world has become smarter and more deceitful, weaker and stronger, most of them have no faith. Where can we talk about faith?

Nowadays, in the whole cultivating world, either you count me or I count you, even if it is between the same class, most of them are not fatal friendships.

This kind of interest, let alone the power of faith, no one stabs in the back, that is, the cause and effect and goodness of people who are usually good.

For the power of faith, many people have lost their patience. They are tirelessly pursuing this illusory power. It is better to practise the real element in a down-to-earth manner. One day they can break through the realm of the emperor, and even achieve immortality. Doing things.

But today, just today, everyone watched as many water monkeys actually exuded the power of faith, all infused into Yang Zhen alone, this kind of thing that can cause the whole world of cultivation, can't it be shocking?

Countless people exclaimed, and the hottest ones were those who were against the sky.

Some people say that those who are against the sky are more likely to condense the power of faith than the many sectarian forces that follow the sky, but the people who are against the sky have bitter self-knowledge. , The power of faith, but there has been no progress.

Yang Zhen He...what did he do, why did he suddenly inspire the power of faith in the water monkey?

Seeing the ray of faith power lifted into the sky like this, and merged into Yang Zhen's body, at the next moment, Yang Zhen slammed into the sky of genocide and the punishment. Eyes, for fear of missing every detail.

This triggered the whole process of the power of faith, and it was still high-definition.

Being able to witness such a scene has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations. It is much greater than seeing the source of cause and effect that can be seen but cannot be refined, and the benefits brought by the power of faith.

"This... simply... simply..."

The sword demon murmured to himself, not being able to say a complete sentence.

There was a dignified look on the face of Dao Mo, Shen Sheng said: "As a result, Yang Xiaozi has almost created a big era. I am afraid that the future cultivation world will be really lively."

The Sword Demon was surprised for a moment, and looked at Tao Mo in surprise. When Dao Mo turned his head, there was a look of uncertainty on his face, and he asked, "Do you want to go there too?"

Dao Mo saw the sword and demon for a moment, and then nodded, "Since ancient times, we all seem to have entered a misunderstanding. There are many powerful presences among the magical tribes in the wild era, but most of the ordinary people are mortals who have never been obscured. , Those people, I am afraid that is the true source of the power of faith."

Sword Demon apparently thought of this too, and turned to look at the piously worshipping water monkey group, muttering to himself: "The water monkey group, although strong enough, is obviously not obscured, with limited wits and coincidences. Next, for the entire group of water monkeys, Yang Zhen kept one person and one sword under the punishment of genocide, so... water monkeys are grateful, this is the real power of faith, this is to pray for Yang Zhen To help Yang Zhen fight against the punishment!

"It should be!"

A smile flashed on the face of Dao Mo and said, "We have to calculate this matter well. Maybe the real world will start soon because of Yang Zhen's move."

The sword demon smiled bitterly and said, "I just don't know if it is a blessing or a curse for many barbarians who have never been civilized."

Dao Demon was stunned, shaking his head and said: "It's not a disaster, after all, I want those barbarians to produce the power of faith, it is impossible to oppress with power."

Sword Demon grinned and looked at Yang Zhen, who had almost disappeared into the thunder in the air, and said, "This kid has brought a great fortune to the world."

Thinking of this, both Sword Demon and Dao Mo were shocked, and they both looked at each other a bit awkwardly.

Yang Zhen... For the creation of the world, the strength of that life's faith, even if a little bit of Yang Zhen's body, this kid may be able to go to heaven.


The two bad old men said in unison.

After talking, the two looked at each other in unison. They both looked a little bit crying and laughing, but both hearts were alive.

Countless people around them heard the conversation between the two, and they all became hot. Everyone was thinking about each other, but now they don't care much about Yang Zhen's life and death.

Of course, this is just a small number of people. Most people still hope that Yang Zhen will survive.

As everyone knows, Yang Zhen is now kicking his feet and scolding his mother in Thunder, and grinned at the teeth of Thunder Dragon.

"I said that you are really **** owed, Ben Sao Sheng asked you to pause for a while, but not to let you retreat now, this little request that you do not agree?"


Answering Yang Zhen, it was Thunder Sky's fury. A punishment for destroying the earth and destroying the earth fell from the sky. With a bang, Yang Zhen fell into the clouds.

Yang Zhen was suddenly angry, staring at the terrifying clouds in the air and shouting: "Evil shadow black scorpion, swallowed this dog saying to Ben Sao Sheng!"

Evil Shadow's black stomach is no smaller than Teng Tianzhi. He heard Yan Yan's bright eyes and his eyes roared upwards. Between his mouths, he threw away into the sky and thundered. In the blink of an eye, he swallowed. I don't know how much Thunder Dragon , Hovering in the air, making a funny laughter.

Yang Zhen was This is a strange look at the power of faith in the body.

This is not the first time Yang Zhen has gained the power of this belief.

The 10,000 monks rescued from Mozong in the Western Regions earlier, as well as the 3,000 monks rescued in the Youzhou mainland and the Dayou purgatory, all released the power of faith to Yang Zhen.

It's just that this kind of power entered Yang Zhen's body and disappeared almost without a trace. Yang Zhen didn't find it for a long time. He once thought that this kind of power could not survive, so he had to give up.

Yang Zhen was surprised by the fact that the murky water monkey can now release the power of faith.

However, what really surprised Yang Zhen as if he had hit the 50 billion yuan mark was that this time, Yang Zhen discovered the two forces of faith in his body.

Oh, this is amazing.

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