Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1275: How did you know?

"Dig grass, what kind of bird is this?"

Yang Zhen's eyes were bigger than the cow, and he looked at the terrifying bird in mid-air incredulously.

This big bird looks similar to the legendary phoenix, but it is blue all over, composed of cold air, and there is no entity.

I've never heard of a blue phoenix, and it's too big. It's as big as a hill. If Yang Zhen hadn't seen a creature larger than this, he might have a heart attack.

With a dignified look on Han Yan'er's face, looking at the big bird flying across the sky, Shen Sheng said: "It's this breath that I have been unable to control, and sometimes I can't even feel it, why... why is it? A phoenix?"

"This is a phoenix?"

Yang Zhen pouted and said, "Phoenix has never heard of a blue one. You are waiting here. I'll go up and see what this is."

This kind of thing is definitely not born in Han Yan'er's body, but Yang Zhen is a bit strange. With his current perception, plus another female emperor Feng Yu, did not feel this breath?

No matter when this thing entered Han Yaner's body, no matter whether it was good or bad, it had to be understood.

After instructing Han Yaner, Yang Zhen stood up and rushed towards the air.

However, Yang Zhen had just moved, and the overwhelming blue phoenix burst into a sudden burst, turning into a sky-blue mist, dissipating between the stars.

Yang Zhen stood dumbfounded, and after confirming that the blue phoenix really burst, he could only return to Han Yan'er.

"It's gone, how does it feel?"

There was a look of doubt on Han Yan'er's face, and he shook his head and said, "I can feel that there is a kind of breath attached to the stars, but I can't perceive what kind of breath it is, as has no effect."

This is a bit strange.

Yang Zhen and Han Yan'er have been studying for a long time, and when there is no such blue phoenix coming out, they can only do nothing.

Seeing something worried on Yang Zhen's face, Han Yan'er smiled and said, "Relax, if anything is abnormal, I will tell you in advance."

Yang Zhen could only stop, nodded and said: "If you feel anything, you must tell me in advance, not to bear it alone."

Han Yan'er nodded and said, "I will!"

After Yang Zhen’s consciousness withdrew from Han Yan’er’s body, he checked all of Han Yan’s body up and down, inside and out, and there was still nothing to be found.

"Damn, what the **** is that?"

It’s not his own body. Yang Zhen didn’t have a solution at all. This thing came and went quickly. They were all attached to the stars in Han Yan’er’s body. The entire consciousness space seemed to be the breath of the blue phoenix, and all seemed to disappear The same, no effect.

Over the next period of time, Yang Zhen and Han Yaner gradually met some monks.

Looking at the crowd in a hurry, Yang Zhenhe laughed and said, "These are people who go to wild places."

Han Yan'er nodded and said, "I always feel that Feng Li Dasheng is not well-meaning."

Yang Zhen snorted and said, "This old boy is strange to be kind. He wanted me to die inside, so it is basically certain that the wilderness is definitely more dangerous than imagined."

If there was no one talking next to them, there was a chuckle, and then a hearty voice.

"The two must have traveled to the wilderness to find the wilderness heritage?"

Yang Zhen and Han Yan'er looked at each other, and turned to look at the source of the sound.

From this perspective, Yang Zhen was taken aback.

A total of more than ten people came, headed by two young monks, one man and one woman. Yang Zhen was a little surprised that the young monk who looked a few years younger than him turned out to be a one-off practice.

Moreover, these people have extraordinary temperaments. At least Yang Zhen has never seen such a temperament in the cultivation world. One or two immortals are full of discernment. At first glance, they know that they are disciples of famous schools. tolerance.

These people, even the clothes on their bodies are extraordinary, breathing a breath of formation.

Obviously, the clothes on these people are not ordinary clothes, but Lingbao!

"Damn, the clothes on them are all Lingbao, what is the origin of these people?"

Yang Zhen murmured, and a harmless smile of humans and animals was suddenly piled on his face, saying: "It's a pinch, a pinch, I and my sister heard that there are good things in that wild ancient place, and I ran out of the village deliberately and wanted to see See the world."

Han Yaner grinned, squeezed Yang Zhen, and yelled Yang Zhen.

The voice of light laughter came from the crowd, and it can be seen that these people are professionally trained and generally do not laugh unless they can't help it.

The man who spoke opened a folding fan with a loud look, and looked polite. He saluted Yang Zhen and Han Yaner before saying: "Meeting is destiny, under Gambo, but..."

"It turned out to be Brother Gambo, long admiration... that big name." Yang Zhen looked at Gambo with a look of surprise, and his face was full of worship.

Everyone was stunned, all with a surprised look on their faces. Someone whispered in silence.

"This person is also interesting. We haven't been walking in the world for a long time. It was just born before the news of the wild and ancient land. Where did he admire Brother Gan's name for a long time?"

"Sister Sister, don't make a mistake. This person is probably like us. He hasn't been in the world for a long time. The difference is that they may come from the mountains and villages. They are taught by scattered monks.

"Yes! Brother, I feel that there is nothing pitiful. Even the apprentices taught by the scattered seniors, as long as they are willing to enter the world to practice, it is very valuable."

After the young female disciple finished speaking, he walked over to Gambo and whispered, "Brother Gambo, shall we take the two siblings?"

With a humble smile on his face, Gambo said to the women around him: "How do you think of Sister Po Ling?"

Gu Ling gave Yang Zhen a meaningful look and said with a smile: "When we were leaving, Master taught us to go out and make friends with friends. Now it is a cause-and-effect relationship, but I don't know the two. how about?"

"Okay, okay, I said, the confidant in the sea, the neighbors in the world, the brothers and sisters when they meet."

There was a humble look on Yang Zhen's face, and Han Yan'er next to him looked shocked.

"A friend in the sea, a world close to each other?" There was a shocked look in the bird's eyes, and he glanced at Gambo.

Everyone came together in such a confused way, thinking about each other.

Among the crowd, Han Yaner said to Yang Zhen Chuanyin: "These people don't know where they came from. Will it be dangerous for us to follow them?"

in danger?

There is also danger for these people.

Yang Zhen gave Han Yaner a reassuring The smile on his face became more and more bun.

Han Yan'er glared at Yang Zhen and said, "Don't tell me you didn't notice the bird, she must have a problem."

Yang Zhen froze, Chuanyin said: "It's a mess now, who has no problem, relative to them, we are even more problematic for them."

Han Yan'er still had to speak, Yang Zhen grinned and said: "Relax, I have a lot in mind. These people are not easy to come to. They may have a way to enter the wild ancient land, so we have no trouble."

"What?" Han Yan'er was taken aback and asked, "How do you know?"

Yang Zhen blinked at Han Yan'er and said, "Guess!"

Han Yaner glanced at Yang Zhen, staring straight at him.

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