Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1327: 1 point to be invested

   Shit, if you can really find the Devil Emperor's Mound before the Demon Cultivation, and obtain the Devil Emperor's heritage, it will definitely be a stimulating thing for the thief.

  Thinking about the expressions on those faces like Mozun and Lord, Yang Zhen couldn't wait.

Jiulong Shengzun looked at the excitement on the faces of Yang Zhen and the cheap cat, and even the chickens fluttered with their wings, as if everything had been done, and the expressions of Chen Xiaotian and others were left to appreciate the strange feeling. , Almost made Jiulong Shengzong think that Yang Zhen already knew where the Devil Emperor Tomb was.

  Looking at the fantasy expression on the faces of the three people, Jiulong Shengzun's face was black, and he coughed and said: "I have to remind you that we still don't know where the Devil Emperor's Mound is."

  Not only do you not know where the Devil Emperor Tomb is, everyone does not even know when the Devil Emperor Tomb broke out.

  If you know it, Moxiu will definitely send more staff, not to mention the overwhelming, it must also be a magical aspect, covering the sky and covering the sun.

   Hearing Jiulong Shengzun's words, the cheap cat looked stagnant and muttered to himself: "I dug the grass and said for a long time, I haven't found the emperor's mound, and wasted his expression."

   Speaking of this, the cheap cat turned to look at Yang Zhen and asked, "Boy, are you sure you can find Emperor's Tomb before they finish playing?"

  Yang Zhen glared and said angrily: "You think I'm a hundred Xiaosheng from the rivers and lakes, and I return to the Emperor's Tomb. Now I have just figured out where it is now."

   The stupid cat was stupefied, and said angrily: "So what did you just laugh like that?"

   Yang Zhen pouted and said, "Who said that he could not rehearse the emperor's tomb first?"

   The cheap cat looked speechless and stared, not planning to talk to Yang Zhen.

The Jiulong Jiulong smiled bitterly and said, "According to what you just said, Mozun Shuya and Venerable Chen Xiaotian, it is impossible to live endlessly with the people of Su Di Gong. I won't let you go, even those in the Palace of Su Di may have regarded you as a nail."

  Yang Zhen waved his hand indifferently and said, "There are already many people who see me as a nail in their eyes, and they don't care about the Su Di Palace."

Speaking of which, Yang Zhen suddenly said, "I remembered that the two demon and deity were both in trouble with Sudi Palace. There were no such demon repairs around him. Obviously, those demon Xiu did not follow them, and must have been guarding somewhere. As long as we find these people, we still have trouble finding Emperor Tomb?"

   The cheap cat jumped three feet tall and laughed, saying, "What are you waiting for, hurry up and find, and we will be able to do things if we find it."

For doing things, the cheap cat has always been keen on this and has never been tired. Yang Zhen also wants to see what is in the emperor's tomb. He simply said: "Wait for me, I will see if I can find those magic repairs. "

  The slug bank is such a big place, Yang Zhen searched the rest of the place, and suddenly his eyes lit up, hey laughed and said, "I found it, come with me!"

  After finishing, Yang Zhen jumped to swallow Tian Tian, ​​this guy was too big, the target was too obvious, and it was not suitable for secretly doing things.

  Jiulong Shengzun's face had a strange look, followed by an excited little cat jumped down.

   saw that the cheap cat also jumped down, Yang Zhen's eyes almost glared out, and said in amazement: "Damn, when did you learn to fly?"

   The pride of the cheap cat said, "Boy, let's talk about it, what else does the deity learn? Wait, wait, you say... fly?"

   said, the cheap cat looked dumbly under his face, and was whizzing down, suddenly howling, four legs kicking wildly.

   "Dig grass, save the deity quickly, the deity will fly fart, Sao chicken... Sao chicken, where are you?"

Looking at the speed of the tail of the cheap cat, Yang Zhen wanted to see if the legendary unfallen cat was true, but it is not suitable for wasting time now. After the white cat glanced at it, it grabbed at hand, and the cheap cat suddenly turned Sky flew up and came to Yang Zhen's shoulder.

After falling on Yang Zhen's shoulders, the cheap cat was so scared that the hair exploded, and his face was full of fear. After looking at Yang Zhen's feet, he wailed and said, Yang Yang Zhen's clothes said: "Shit, scared to death Deity."

  The face of Jiulong Jiulun was ridiculous. Looking at the cheap cat, I wondered if this **** would fall and die, would it be the first spirit beast to die since ancient times.

  Sao Chicken smiled happily and smiled, and was jumped onto the body by the cheap cat, and his head was scratched and scratched several chicken feathers.

   Watching the two **** of the cheap cat and the saucy chicken about to fight in the air, Yang Zhen pulled the cheap cat back suddenly and said, "Okay, stop it, we don't have much time."

   This is just a cheap cat. He looked at Yang Zhen excitedly and asked, "How far is it?"

  Yang Zhen grinned and said, "Walking through the iron shoes has nowhere to look, so you have to come without any effort, and Ben Sao Sheng did not expect that these people will be demon under our eyes!"

   "Under the eyelids?" The cheesy cat and the Jiulong Jiuzun stared together, then immediately squinted their eyes wide and said, "Just below?"

   Yang Zhen snapped his fingers and said, "Wait for you to play a show with your deity, remember to put a little bit into the performance, don't be too fake."

   After telling Jiulong Shengzun, Yang Zhen dropped the cheap cat on his shoulder and rushed down, screaming while running, and the one who called was miserable, hysterical, almost broke his throat.

   "Fuck, you Scorpio!"

   Jiulong Shengzun showed a furious look on his face, roared, and leaned towards Yang Zhen.

  Yang Zhen laughed and turned his back and said: "What Dao Zun Dao Dao, is not broken by the heaven of Ben Sao Sheng, ruined Scorpio, you have the ability to chase me."

  The look of anger on Jiulong Shengzun's face was more intense. Between the flicks, the nine mad dragons roared, and the surrounding world and earth shook.

   The air waves in Yang Zhen's body were even more terrifying. Between the roar and the sky, the strange roar of the sky, a burst of violent force shattered the surrounding space, and the turbulent flow of the void was nourished.

   Watching two powerful Dao Xiu rushing from the air, the Mo Xiu hidden on the ground looked at them dumbly, staring at them dumbly, not knowing what happened.

   "This... what shall we do?"

   A black man in a black robe hiding in the black robe, staring at Yang Zhen and Jiulong Shengzun, asked dumbly.

The faces around Moxiu were all in a dumbfounded One of them said, "The Lord let me wait for the Emperor's Mound, and didn't let us grow branches outside the festival. This is obviously the two Daoxiu internal strife, we are Just open one eye and close one eye, as long as the two don't destroy the emperor's tomb, we haven't seen it right."

   The rest of the crowd nodded one after another, all hidden, and even the magical energy of their bodies had converged.

  Jiulong Shengzun watched the black crushed Moxiu on the ground all disappeared, and there was some worry on his face. He said: "Boy, in case those Moxiu come out to block, with both of us, we can't kill!"

   Yang Zhen grinned and said: "Look at me!"

  Finally, Yang Zhen roared, and said to Jiulong Shengzong: "Damn, I'm all Taoist, you still chase it, see my invincible thunderbolt second battalion, the arrogant and toxic gas scattered."


A tremendous loud noise came from the ground, Yang Zhen shattered the void and smashed a whole mountain. The endless Yang Chen rose into the sky. After the circle was scattered, let alone the naked eye, it was even the power of consciousness. Blocked up.

   Jiulong Shengzun and Yang Zhen's figure suddenly disappeared into countless demonic fixations.

   "No good, I'm fooled!"

  I don't know who yelled, and countless black crushed demons sprang out, but where can I find traces of Yang Zhen and others?


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