Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1233: Devil Emperor Heritage, you come to bite me!

   "Emperor Tomb, Emperor Tomb broke out."

   "My God, such a terrible atmosphere of the emperor's realm is worthy of the inheritance of the devil emperor!"

Countless surviving monks around    exclaimed, their faces full of horror.

   In mid-air, it feels like the heart is beating like a world, and the sense of strength is stronger. Even Yang Zhen feels that his heart is almost out of control.

  Chen Xiaotian's face changed wildly, hurriedly flashed to the side, with a dignified look, he roared: "All leave here!"

  Yang Zhen scolded Sheng Niang, and could not care about the others, shouted to the Jiulong Jiong, "Go!"

   This time, the benefits of execution come out.

   After the **** heard Yang Zhen’s words, the whine was gone, followed by the calf Sao, which came first, faster than the cheap cat.

   Jiulong Jiuzun did not think much, the whole person exploded at the fastest speed, and left here in a blink of an eye.

   Those magic repairs were a little bit dumbfounded. After hearing Chen Xiaotian's words, he was slightly surprised, and subconsciously looked towards Chen Xiaotian.

   is just a stunned kung fu. Nearly half of the demons and Daoxiu were present, all of them died.


   There was a dull burst of noise, Yang Zhen snorted, pale, sitting half on the ground, and grinned in pain.

  Chen Xiaotian was not much better. The real person was sitting on the ground with his ass, his mouth was breathless like a cow, his face was full of incredible looks, as if he could see that Yang Zhen could survive, something that he could not believe.

  Yang Zhen grinned at Chen Xiaotian, slowly stood up, looked around, suddenly startled.

Countless monks around wailing and wailing one after another, bleed to the end, seven holes bleed, holding their hearts, painful tears.

   is, after all, a monk above the Sacred Realm. After the heart burst, he did not die on the spot. Of course, even the powerful one who is on the doorstep, if there is no special method for timely treatment after the heart bursts, he can't survive.


   The almost beating heartbeat stopped, and countless survivors breathed a sigh of relief. They all looked pale at the monks lying on the ground, feeling terrified.

  Yang Zhen’s heart is not very good, as if someone came to him with a hammer and almost killed him.

   But Yang Zhen could feel that Chen Xiaotian's heart also exploded with the sound of the sky and earth roaring, but Chen Xiaotian had mastered the disintegration of the devil after all. This kind of injury can only make him uncomfortable, but not his life.

  Yang Zhen secretly said a pity, standing on the spot, swaying in two steps, walking towards the top of the mountain.

  Chen Xiaotian snorted, stood up from the ground, patted the mud behind him calmly, and followed Yang Zhen staggering toward the top of the mountain.

   Although a group of people retreated in time without being affected by that kind of heart beat, they did not dare to rush forward easily.

   Watching Chen Xiaotian and Yang Zhen slowly walking towards the top of the mountain, Jiulong Shengzun and the cheap cat looked at each other and said, "What now?"

  The cheap cat whitened Jiulong Shengzun and said, "What else can you do, in this case, how dare you go?"

  Nine Dragon Lord looked at the magical mountain top and said seriously: "Dare not!"

   "That's not enough, is it not good to look at Yang Xiaozi quietly here?" The cheap cat pouted, and he had almost blind trust in Yang Zhen.

  Jiulong Shengzong stared at the cheap cat and shook his head and said, "No, I have to help him."

   "Can you help?" The cheap cat glared, just about to speak, and the Jiulong Jiong laughed bitterly and pulled her leg away.


   Actually, even if he couldn't help, Jiulong Jiuzun couldn't watch Yang Zhen alone in danger.

   Watching the gloomy Shuya also followed behind them and walked towards the top of the mountain. Jiulong Jiun hummed and followed behind Shuya.

  Shuya seemed to know that Jiulong Shengzun would like to come up, beckoning beckoning without looking back.

  Jiulong Shengzun's face sank and said, "Shuya, the grudge between us, we will count later!"

   Shuya laughed, looked back at Jiulong Shengzun, and said, "Feng Yu has been resurrected. Is the grievance between the two of us really so important? After so many years, you can't let go?"

  Jiulong Shengzun looked at Shuya indifferently and said, "If you don't unscrew your head, things between us will not be finished."

Speaking of this, Jiulong Jiong stared at the blunt cliff, and said, "Feng Yu is resurrected, that is Yang Xiaozi's means. Those dead souls who died in your hands are in the dream of the deity day and night. , You said...Can the deity let go of things between us?"

The cliff was stunned, turned his head, and after he laughed, his figure became illusory, and said, "Kowloon, you are right, we are not coexisting. Since then, the old man will wait for you!"

   said, Shuya jumped forward and rushed towards Yang Zhen.

"Yang Xiaozi, the inheritance of the Devil Emperor's Tomb is not something you can touch. Look at the face of Jiulong and Fengyu. The old man advises you to leave, hurry and keep the Sanhua Holy Land, otherwise, for a while, I’m afraid you’re overwhelmed.”


   There was a tremendous loud noise, and suddenly a dark golden demon burst out of Shuya's body, a flash of thunder, like a black thunder, rushed towards the air.

   "Black lightning?"

  Yang Zhen was startled, and hurriedly watched towards the cliff.

  After discovering the black lightning made by Shuya, it was just a black lightning, and Yang Zhen suddenly stopped fighting.

   "Damn it, get a fake rule of heaven to scare people. Is it terrible for you to be a holy saint?"

   Speaking of this, Yang Zhen glanced at Chen Xiaotian, who was struggling, and laughed and said, "This is not the way that Ben Sao Sheng can touch the inheritance of the Devil Emperor's Tomb, but it is not up to you two half-hangers."

  Chen Xiaotian stared coldly at Yang Zhen and said, "Boy, do you really want to be so obsessed?"

   Yang Zhen glared and said: "It's great to ride a Pipi shrimp, you have the ability to bite me."


  Chen Xiaotian found that he couldn't talk to Yang Zhen at all. When he talked, he would definitely get angry.

   What's so great about riding Pipi shrimp?

   Even if the deity does not ride the Pipi shrimp, it is still amazing!

  Looking at the expression of beating on Yang Zhen's face, Chen Xiaotian's face was gloomy, with a hint of playfulness, and he said with a smile: "Then let the deity see how you are doing."

   Chen Xiaotian's words just fell, and the black thunder suddenly fell on the top of the As if entering the volcano, the whole mountain broke out.


   The power to destroy the heavens and the earth burst, Yang Zhen looked at the huge mountain top in front of him, and he slowly cracked.


  The world is in turmoil, and a horrible evil spirit inlaid with Phnom Penh rises into the sky.

   "Not good, Yang Zhen quickly dodge!"

  Rumbling, the voice of Jiulong Jiong came, but Yang Zhen couldn't hear it clearly, turned around and asked, "Fellow, what are you talking about?"

  Chen Xiaotian showed a gloomy look on his face, staring at Yang Zhen and said, "He will let you go all the way!"

   The wind was roaring in general, and the devil qi inlaid with Phnom Penh enveloped Yang Zhen in the blink of an eye.

   The next moment, Yang Zhen's face changed greatly.

   Shit, these magical energies inlaid with Phnom Penh are really different from other things.

   What makes Yang Zhen a little bit scolded is that among these demonic qi, there are even silk threads that are hard to distinguish under the blood moon.

   It's just that these silk threads are golden!

  Chen Xiaotian and Shuya, when they saw Yang Zhen was shrouded in golden devil qi, looked at each other and laughed together.


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