Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1388: Gao Lengren set up not to collapse!

It is a must to see, but what to see, and when to see it, Yang Zhen has not thought about it yet.

The plan can't keep up with the changes. Yang Zhen has never been a man who has made a decision. After taking one step at a time, sometimes he can't be separated from his ancestors. As long as his brain is better and his strength is stronger, then it will be fine.

On the azure planet, it shows that there is a little more money, here... the fist is the final one.

Only this time, it is not something that Yang Zhen can solve with one fist. It requires a lot of fists, a lot of fists.

Lin Ruochu looked very excited, as if to see Luo Jin was a very happy thing.

"Master Luo Jin has high prestige in the Western Union, and seems to have the information we don't know. Following him, he will definitely be able to see the wildest treasure!"

Seeing the excited expression on Lin Ruochu's face, Yang Zhen asked in surprise: "Just seeing the wildest treasure?"

Lin Ruochu froze for a while, and said with a smile: "Even at the top of the Xiyuan Mountain, it's already amazing to be able to see the Wild Treasure. Do you still want to get the Wild Treasure?"

"Why, can't you?" Yang Zhen smiled at Lin Ruochu.

After these few days of contact, Lin Ruochu is not as cold as when he first met, and occasionally can make a joke with Yang Zhen.

After hearing Yang Zhen’s words, Lin Ruochu chuckled and looked at Yang Zhen eccentrically, saying, “I remember someone who once said a sentence, what I forgot, it seemed to say that people have no dreams, and salty What's the difference between fish."

The eyes of Yang Zhen and the cheap cat were rounded.

"Where did you never say this?" Yang Zhen asked curiously.

Lin Ruochu shook his head and said, "It is said that a young genius from the Northern Territory said it. I found it very interesting, so I wrote it down."

"What's his name?" Yang Zhen and the cheap cat looked at each other.

Lin Ruochu thought for a moment and said, "I forgot, but it is said that this person has an extraordinary talent, but compared with Luo Gongzi, I don't know who is higher or lower."

Yang Zhen nodded and said seriously: "A person who can say such things must be a man of longitude and latitude. He may be super handsome, and his name is also good."

Lin Ruochu chuckled and said, "A person who can make you look so high is really rare. Maybe the guy will be happy after he knows."

"Well, he is very happy now!" Yang Zhen grinned and blinked at Lin Ruochu.

Lin Ruochu froze, turned his head and asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Zhen shrugged and said, "It's a very ordinary repair, Yang Tianxiu, you know."

Lin Ruochu stared at Yang Zhen for a while, and said, "If you don't say it, now there are so many people on the top of Xiyuan Mountain, and there are prestigious predecessors. Someone will know your true origin sooner or later."

Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Relax, I'm not a good person, oh yo, it's coming, is it the top of Xiyuan Mountain?"

Seeing that the atmosphere was not far away, Lin Ruochu also put away a joke mentality and said: "Guo Lao will bring people over later, we just need to keep here, not to let Moxiu take advantage of it, as for the wild, treasure, Even if you think about it, you don’t want to come here, although... although you are very powerful, there are still many gaps between Luo Gongzi and Jin Chanzi."

"There are still a lot of gaps?" Yang Zhen stunned and asked curiously.

Lin Ruochu nodded and said, "Naturally, there are many gaps. Although Yang Tiehe is powerful, he is not a united enemy in front of Master Luo Jin, let alone Jin Zenzi, his Zen heart is very powerful. "

Hearing this, Yang Zhen was taken aback. He did not expect Jin Chanzi and Luo Jin to be so powerful.

The Holy Realm is on the verge, is it amazing?

Yang Zhen pouted, and did not know anything about Lin Ruochu as a woman.

When the Sao Sao is forced, you will know who is really powerful.

The real strongman always plays on the last finale, and it is still the kind of appearance that flashes the eyes of the blind.

"Damn it, cheap cat, BGM must be louder when it comes up."

Yang Zhen turned to the cheap cat.

The cheap cat thought for a while, and said, "Boy, the BGM that the deity knows has been used. Is there anything new in your place?"

This question asked, as if Ben Sao Sheng was already poor.

At the moment, Yang Zhen teaches an absolutely great BGM to a cheap cat.

The eyes of the cheap cat suddenly brightened like a small two hundred watt light bulb.

"Have you remembered?"

The cheap cat grinned and said, "Then you must wait for it to shine."

Lin Ruo at the side looked dumbfounded and asked curiously, "What are you two talking about?"


Yang Zhen and the cheap cat said in unison, and then looked at each other, they all laughed.

Damn, I missed the **** with the sword.

The Dajian sword is broken, and the evil shadow blackhead is also affected. The Xingquan sword has its own sword spirit. Yang Zhen wonders when to find a new home for the evil shadow blackhead.

In the midair, the breezes blew the desolate top of Xiyuan Mountain, like the opening of a horror movie, blowing Yang Zhen creepy.

Lin Ruochu, the cold sister, was not afraid, and the shoulders of Yang Zhen who had been prepared were useless.

The next step was simple. After Yang Zhen and Lin Ruochu gathered with Guo Lao and others, they held the western position on the top of Xiyuan Mountain and watched Jin Chanzi and Luo Jin performing.

Of course, on the top of Xiyuan Mountain, there are still many prestigious predecessors, and Lin Ruochu was right.

"See? No, the wild and alien species covering the sky and covering the sun is the strong man of the Su Emperor Palace." Lin Ruochu pointed at the split day beast.

Yang Zhen stunned for a moment, and said, "It's so powerful!"

"That is nature. The Palace of Su Di is extremely mysterious. This time I came to the Western Region Holy Gathering, and the status is not under Master Luo."

Lin Ruochu's face flashed with excitement, as if he were standing on the back of a split-day beetle.

Yang Zhen suddenly realized that the Su Di Palace still has such great prestige here. I don't know if the Emperor Su Di Palace came.

"Look, then... that is actually the Sanhua Holy Land, the legendary Sanhua Holy Land, but I am an admirer of the Sanhua Holy Lady."

Lin Ruochu jumped up suddenly, his little daughter's expression flashing on her face, where there was a little bit of Miss Gao Leng's look.

Yang Zhen pouted and mumbled: "It's really shameful for Gao Leng."

"Isn't it the Sanhua Saint Maiden, maybe my wife will be the next moment."

"What?" Lin Ruochu's eyes widened, and said, "You can't talk indiscriminately, and be careful to provoke the upper body. It is said that the Sanhua Saint Maiden is reincarnated, and this life is about the same age as you."

Yang Zhenhe laughed, and did not continue this topic.

Obviously, the atrium is still a bit far away from the Western Lin Ruochu's news about Miss Gao Leng is somewhat blocked.

At this moment, Luo Jin suddenly laughed and greeted the Sudi Palace and the Sanhua Holy Land. He said aloud: "The Sanhua Shengmai and the Sudi Palace Empress who can usher in the Sanhua Holy Land are really Luo Mousansheng. Fortunately."

Yang Zhen looked dumbfounded. This bastard's shifting target was really fast.

"How about, Master Luo is the one who can stand in front of the Emperor Su Di Gong and the San Hua Sheng Nuo, do you feel bad?"

Lin Ruochu glanced at Yang Zhen, and said happily.

"Shut up, the cold people don't fall apart."

Yang Zhen stared at Lin Ruochu angrily.

"Hey, the people who shook the Holy Land are here too!" Lin Ruochu whispered suddenly.

Yang Zhen grinned, shit, everyone is almost here, I don't know where the old kid Chen Xiaotian is lying on his stomach.

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