Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1418: Pingbai has an extra wife for no reason?

Longevity, invincible, what a hell!

Yue Long made a stern look at the scene in front of him, as if he were living in his dream.

What is Long Meng?

Not to mention the people of Yang Zhen and Su Di Gong, the people of Qianlong Yuan, who want to use the dragon malaria, have to be cautious as if they are waiting for their own Lao Tzu.

But such a terrifying thing that is not obedient and terrifying. In front of Yang Zhen, he behaved like a grandson, and he turned into pure heaven and earth energy?

Do you look at this pure, like what Long Wan did?

Yue Long made his face almost twitch, and looked at Yang Zhen in disbelief. What kind of **** and grudges all turned into little stars.

"Yang Zhen, how did you do it, do you know what this means for us?"

Seeing Yue Long's excited look on his face, he almost flew up to kiss Yang Zhen, and everyone's face showed a forceful look.

Yang Zhen was also dumbfounded, looking at Yue Longshen dumbfounded, and said, "I don't know what it means to you, but I know that to you, it's a disaster. Because you can't leave this place."

Yue Long stumbled for two steps, his face pale, and then waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter whether I can leave here or not. You know, Qianlongyuan is full of dragon malaria, even if we are the people of Qianyuan Carefully falling into Long Meng is also dead, without exception."

Speaking of this, Yue Longshen came forward, with the most harmless smile on his face, and almost flatteringly said: "Yang Zhen, the enemy should not be solved, you should see, I have not killed, I have not killed any Su. The people in the imperial palace, but you, killed so many people in Qianlongyuan, of course... although I am wrong first, but I just want to play a game with you, I don't want to do anything excessive. , How did you do it? This is really important for us."

Countless people looked at Yue Longshen with a blank face. This guy's way of changing his face was really fresh and refined. He succeeded in making a group of people stunned on the spot and didn't know what to do.

Everyone looked at each other, looked at Yang Zhen, then looked at Yue Longshen, and finally set their sights on the same embarrassing Emperor Su Di Gong.

The mother-in-law's face flashed with a suspicious look, and she immediately smiled. On an old face, the folds were almost flattened. She was a few dozen years younger than usual, and looked at Yang Zhen's eyes, which made people shudder.

It seems that when she is in her tens of years, her mother-in-law is not Yang Zhen and other people who do not marry.

Feeling her mother-in-law's eyes, Yang Zhen shivered twice and took two steps backwards. She looked at Yue Longshen with coercion and said, "That, this Xiongtai, are you making a mistake on the set, we are Enemy, you have to kill all the people here just now, and now you seem to be the prisoner of the ranks, without the threat of Long Meng, do you think you can make a dozen or five?

Yue Long made his face pale, looked at all the people in Sudi Palace who wished to swallow him alive, and snapped his face, and said to Yang Zhen sincerely: "Yang Zhen, there are not enough people in Sudi Palace For fear, if you want to leave me, they can’t do it. How can you resolve the grievances between us? Is this enough?"

With that, Yue Long snapped and pulled it on his face again.

Rao is a powerful emperor, and half of his face is swollen.

This is a maniac, a maniac without compromise!

Yang Zhen yelled, for the first time it felt like he had encountered an enemy.

This **** can't even have a face, what is he going to do?

The Emperor Su Di Gong stepped forward and said with some worry: "Yang Zhen, this person is a lunatic, just leave it to us to deal with it."


There was a dignified look on Yang Zhen's face, and he said to Yue Long Envoy: "Go, I won't kill you!"


Hearing this sentence, Yue Long made a blank expression on his face, pointed to his nose, and said, "I am the Emperor Realm!"

"I know you are an emperor realm. Although there is no emperor realm that died in my hands, I have broken many emperor realms, so the emperor realm is not enough!"

Yang Zhen said with a serious explanation.

In a sense, Yang Zhen is also a lunatic, an out-and-out lunatic.

And Yue Long made such a lunatic in front of Yang Zhen, just like a child, and it was not worth mentioning.

Yue Long made sure that he looked dumbfounded, staring blankly at the crowd and saying, "Well, today you are the winner, but next time,, I won't be right with you, Yang Zhen, or we How about the worship? You are the eldest brother, the eldest brother is on top, please accept..."


Yang Zhen glared and said: "Damn, what the **** is going on with you bastard, do you believe me or not?"

"Can't you be a big brother?"

Ambassador Yue Long almost cried, thought for a moment, and said, "Will you be a grandpa? Am I your grandson? Grandpa is on, please accept..."


Yang Zhen kicked Yue Long to kick!

Yue Long made a scream: "Yang Zhen, I will be back. Your formation is too important for Gan Longyuan. We will get it at all costs. Trust us, we can do it. ."

Yang Zhen flicked the soil on his leg and muttered to himself: "It's a madman!"

At this moment, the mother-in-law suddenly came up, grabbed Yang Zhen's hand, and was speechless with excitement.

Yang Zhen was taken aback, and quickly pulled his hand out, grabbed the hand of the Emperor Su Di Gong, and felt the kind of soft bonelessness, which made me feel more stared at his eyes Asked: "What do you want to do?"

A strange look appeared on her mother-in-law's face, and she laughed and put Yang Zhen and the emperor of Su Di Gong together. She nodded and said, "What a pair of two people, it's a match made in heaven. The mother-in-law is the master, you two, now You can get married!"

"Wh... what?"


The eyes of Yang Zhen and Han Yan'er suddenly glared round.

The Emperor Su Di Gong's eyes also almost glared out, and said quickly: "Mother-in-law, what are you talking about, it's just fooling around!"

The mother-in-law smiled and patted the hand of the Emperor Su Di Gong and said: "Child, mother-in-law looked at you when you grew up. What do you think, mother-in-law understands, you can rest assured that mother-in-law can be the master, if anyone dares to say nothing, mother-in-law If you fight this old fate, you have to..."

Speaking of which, her mother-in-law suddenly turned around and looked at Yang Zhen and asked, "Boy, can my Emperor Su Di Gong be pretty?"

"Pretty?" Yang Zhen stunned and nodded. "It's not only pretty, it's rare in the sky, rare on the ground."

"That's fine!"

"No, aren't you arbitrarily mandarin ducks, and besides, my woman is on the side, so you can give a face."

Yang Zhen felt the cold pressure from the iceberg.

The three saints, Hua Youyue, remotely transmitted the pressure.

What's this about? There is another wife in the middle of nowhere?

"What is this?" The mother-in-law walked to Han Yan'er and took Han Yaner's hand, said: "Child, which man does not have three or five women's dreams, and as long as the man has the ability to control several women, is not it? Easy thing, or say, kid, can't you?"


Being questioned to no avail, Yang Zhen glared directly.

Damn, dare to say that Ben Sao Sheng is not good, believe it or not, let me show you a room now

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