Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 1424: Hi fellow, how about swimming?

problem occurs!

What a big deal!

After leaving, Yang Zhen's face appeared uncertain.

From within a thousand miles of this place, to refine the world, what the **** is this emperor going to do?

Refining the heavens and the earth is what the emperor can do, that is, refining one side of the heavens and the earth into a virtual world, and stripping it from the main world.

Doing so will pay a great price, or even stagnate for a few years. If it fails, this world may have no place for the emperor.

Heaven and earth are not tolerated. Under the order of heaven and earth, if an emperor is not tolerated, what kind of power will erupt to destroy an emperor?

If this is the case, it must be another catastrophe!

Dig the grass!

Yang Zhen's heart was disturbed, and his face was unbelievable.

Something must have happened. If nothing happened, how could this great emperor suddenly appear?

It's just that Yang Zhen can't protect himself now, and there is still something to worry about what the great emperor is not.

Yang Zhen decided to find an old forest in the mountains to get in and wait until the penalty was over.

The Sanhua Holy Land is not in the circle painted by the emperor, and it should not be affected. If Yang Zhen returns to the Sanhua Holy Land, once the day penalty breaks out, the entire Sanhua Holy Land will probably no longer exist.

As for the Palace of Su Emperor, Yang Zhen can't take care of so much. I hope that when the emperor was refining the world, Emperor Su would have woken up.

If the young lady lying in the crystal coffin is also an emperor, maybe the Emperor Su Palace can still survive, if not...

My obedient, Su Di Gong is moving away!

When Yang Zhen was leaving, he glanced at Hua Youyue and others from afar, and when he saw that everyone's expression was still stable, he felt relieved, but the **** cat's **** didn't seem to be able to support the wall. Yang Zhen stared. It looked for several times, but didn't find Yang really existed. He looked around him as if looking for him.

At this time, Yang Zhen couldn't control the growth of Linmen's foot breath. The punishment came immediately, and Yang Zhen had no chance to bring the **** cat **** to him.

Looking up at the sky, Yang Zhen passed by, and there was a breath of thunder everywhere, just like the Flash, flying all the way, and the lightning was almost pulling out behind him.

Northland, the extreme north!

Yang Zhen came here again, and the people who were familiar with him were gone, and those familiar with them also disappeared, but they didn't know whether the Pi tribe was still there.

Under such changes in the world, the Tribe people may have avoided the world.

In the cold weather, Yang Zhen stood alone in the mountains, took a deep breath, and the power of consciousness exploded violently, covering a thousand miles of land.

No man's land!

Without realizing any human breath, Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. This time he could not involve any human beings. Otherwise, it would be a very troublesome thing to be contaminated with cause and effect.

There was no one around. After Yang Zhen took out the Xingquan sword, Tianxuan sword came out. One sword cut a large mountain to make the ice palace out, and a huge formation was portrayed around it, hidden in the mist.


Next, it is the day to wait for the punishment to come.

To the southwest, the rumbling sky and earth vision continues, and Yang Zhen can feel the movement of the great emperor's refining the world.

But after all, it is very far away, and can be felt, but there is not much impact, and Yang Zhen does not pay much attention.

In this way, after nearly half a month, Yang Zhen gradually got used to this clean life.

Early in the morning, Yang was really retreating, and suddenly opened his eyes and whispered.

Not far away from the mountain, it seems that something is arching from arch to arch.

If ten days ago, Yang Zhen could not feel this faint breath.

It's just that Yang Zhen is now a powerful player. Whether it's five senses or cultivation, he has improved several times. Where can that weak breath escape Yang Zhen's consciousness?


Yang Zhen got curious, stood up, rubbed his hands, walked up two steps, jumped into the deep stream with a leap, a perfect falling action, got into the mountains.

Digging the grass, that pleasant feeling almost made Yang Zhen groan.

If anyone on the blue planet sees this scene, they will be shocked.

Even Yang Zhen still feels like a dream.

The power he possessed could almost destroy most of the blue planet.

Yang Zhen, who entered the mountain and rock like a fish, walked through the mountain quickly, and came to the arch not far away.

After seeing the man clearly, Yang Zhen suddenly wanted to scold his mother.

A person!

There is a person here!

And still an old man!

The old man was struggling to move forward in the rock, and his hands kept pulling the rock in front of him.

Anyone who sees this situation may be scalded and numb.

The old man doesn't trim, his hair grows to the heel, and his beard grows to the heel.

Even his face is gray, if not a pair of bright eyes like starry sky, Yang Zhen thought it was a native monkey.

The old man's movements are very slow, like a sloth, a slow grasp, then a slow arch.

At the speed of the old man, Yang Zhen pondered, and when he climbed out, Yang Zhen's son would hit soy sauce.

Yang Zhen didn't feel any hindrance, learning the old man's movements, swam to the old man, waved his hand, and said, "Hi, fellow, how about swimming?"

When the old man saw Yang Zhen, he was terrified, and he seemed to want to stand up. His head hit the rock and made a thud.

Seeing the old man's unbelievable gaze, Yang Zhen grinned with a simple smile and hurriedly said, "You can rest assured that I am a good person. How can you be trapped here? Do you want Bensao Sheng to take you out?"

The breath of this old man is very Yang Zhen can't see what he is doing, but who can build a cow here, how can he be a general person?

The old man Yang Zhen didn't dare to rely on was too close, and he was secretly vigilant while showing a harmless smile from humans and animals.

After the old man was surprised, he looked at Yang Zhen strangely, shook his head, did not answer Yang Zhen's words, and then arched upward one by one.

In this action, slow Yang Zhen felt like ten thousand kittens were scratching.

Seeing that the old man arched by no one on the side, sat quietly and quietly, it seemed that he didn't see Yang Zhen at all, and Yang Zhen was suddenly angry.

"I said that you old man, Ben Sao Sheng is kindly willing to help you, you don't have to say thank you, just when Ben Sao Sheng is air?"

The old man noticed that Yang Zhen was ordinary, grinning, showing his white teeth, and said, "No, it will be over time."

"Digging the grass, you old man, there are words in it, Ben Sao Shengfei is taking you..."

Before he finished, Yang Zhen's complexion changed completely.

He even... couldn't move!

This shock really made Yang Zhen choking enough, and yelled at the old man: "Old man, you are awesome, Ben Sao Sheng is just trying to help you, you don't need you to say that you don't need it, there is no need to imprison Ben Sao Sheng. Here, what are you doing? Emperor?"

The old man laughed and shocked Yang Zhen's eardrums. He looked back at Yang Zhen and said, "Young man, not the old man is imprisoning you, it's only allowed to enter, not allowed to go out!"

Yang Zhen was taken aback for a while, and tried to climb down, and he recovered his calmness.

But when Yang Zhen wanted to climb up, the feeling of imprisonment came again.


Yang Zhen's face changed completely.

No wonder this strange old man is so slow.

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