Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 195: Moral abduction? Go to your sister!

A trembling roar came from all directions, stunned and deaf, and the surrounding air could feel a wave of turbulence.

The breath of a dozen strong men during the wandering period rose into the sky, condensed into a violent force in the air, and all the people's faces changed wildly in the middle of the river.

Everyone was terrified, and they looked pale in all directions. Countless sea dragons rushed towards this side, and the sky was turbulent. If there is a conflict, these sea dragon warriors will slap each one, and they will be able to put everyone here. Kill.

Including the ancient and powerful elders, the two are strong in the wandering period, they all look horrified!

No one had imagined that there were so many sea dragon warriors near the sea dragon pond. The black pressure crushed a large area. The key is that everyone in the sky is like a terrifying breath, and it is very terrifying.

Near the Great Emperor's Stele, the faces of all the people who are practicing have also changed in unison. After seeing this scene, many human monks can't even take care of their cultivation.

Just kidding, this is not a battle between two monks, nor is it a conflict between a human monk and several aliens. This situation is already a struggle between two races.

Stay here?

Stay here to find death?

Everyone was frightened to watch more and more sea dragons rush towards Emperor Island, there are more than three thousand people, and the ghost knows whether there are other sea dragons hiding in the dark?

Elder Quan was almost crying, and he looked at more and more violently as more and more sea dragon warriors rushed in, especially the powerful existence of the dozen or so wandering periods, all with blood red eyes and hot air in his nose , Staring at him with a terrible look of choice.

Yang Zhen still tilted his head and pointed to his head, but his face showed a gloating expression. He was so angry that he broke the sky.

Elder Quan turned pale and tinged, staring at Yang Zhen with a suspicious look in his eyes.

Whether to fight or not to fight, this is a problem!

But how do you fight this?

Yang Zhen was not afraid, but was just a little monk in the infant period. Elder Quan was sure to slap and cry Yang Zhen's crying father, but Elder Quan did not dare.

In this situation, Elder Quan is more confident. If he walks in front of Yang Zhen, he pokes Yang Zhen's head with his fingers. A group of sea dragons around him staring at him can **** him off!

A group of monks around looked at Elder Quan nervously. At this moment, Yang Zhen can never be killed, and once the Hailong tribe breaks out, they may have no place to run.

In case Yang Zhen, the bastard, feels that he has been aggrieved, he waved his hand in one breath and led the Hailong tribe to kill it...

Thinking of this consequence, everyone has a chilling feeling behind it.

Everyone suddenly had the illusion that it was no longer a question of whether Elder Quan had to kill Yang Zhen, but whether Yang Zhen would order the Hailong tribe to kill all the monks present.

However, why did the Hailong tribe listen to Yang Zhen's words and still look familiar, even calling them brothers?

Elder Quan's complexion gradually became obvious, and he was also aware of this problem. After a long thought, Shen Sheng said: "Yang Zhen, killing enemies in anger has happened in the realm of cultivation. This has been the case since ancient times. It’s not a big mistake..."

Hearing this, a group of worried monks around almost couldn't resist applauding the elder Quan.

Yes, there are too many things that my monks can't look at each other's eyes and slay or even kill. It is really not a big deal for dead people.

As for the elder Quan said this, is it too shameful...who cares about this now?

If Elder Quan finds himself under the stairs like this, it is considered embarrassing, then this face is really so beautiful, let alone Elder Quan lose a face, if Yang Zhen needs, everyone can throw his face to On the ground, there was a crackling sound, Yang Zhen wanted more, and everyone fell more.

At this time, who still cares about the face, it is important to have a life on the face?

I thought that everyone here nodded secretly to the elder Quan. Although the old guy usually relies on the old and sells the old, he still cares about the overall situation at the critical moment.


Elder Quan changed his face, and then said that the faces of the people who had heard this change all changed, almost couldn't help but rushed up to block the mouth of Elder Quan's old thing with his smelly socks.

But your sister, but can you die?

Elder Quan obviously ignored the expressions of crowded eyes and stared at Yang Zhen, and then said: "But... this is no longer a contradiction between human monks, but a battle between two races, you Do you really want to collude with other races and fight against humans?"

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and immediately confessed in vain.

Yeah, Yang Zhen's move is already betraying faith and disregarding human righteousness. If Yang Zhen really ordered the people of the Hailong tribe to slay killings, everyone on the scene might suffer heavy casualties. I'm afraid there will never be a place for Yang Zhen.

For a time, everyone looked at Yang Zhen's eyes and became very bad. Everyone was betting. Yang Zhen was afraid to take his life and reputation and risk the world.

Seeing the change in the look of everyone around him, Elder Quan snorted coldly, and his body was even more imposing. He looked at Yang Zhen and condemned the accusation, saying: "Although you have all kinds of things, no matter what, it is my entanglement between human beings. Now if you In collusion with aliens and against humans like me, you are a sinner of the entire human race, a traitor that cannot be tolerated!"

Elder Quan's voice is clanging and powerful, staring at Yang Zhen dyingly: "Still say, do you want to abandon human righteousness, let these alien hands be contaminated with human blood, and let your own compatriots die cruelly in the alien In your hands, you know that once the aliens are in trouble, they will surely lay dead in the wild, blood will flow into the river, and countless innocent human monks will be brutally killed, and may even be eaten by these sea dragons!"


The expressions of all the people on the scene completely changed. They stared at Yang Zhen for a while, his expression was furious, and the violent real element in the body exploded.

Among the crowd, the cheap cat looked ugly and muttered to himself, so anxiously turned around: "It’s over, and the kid Yang, who was so targeted, is isolated from humans. Damn, this bad old man is very bad. If the **** Yang doesn’t hurry up, he’s probably in trouble."

Wang Meiling palely pulled the cheap cat, walking around, and anxiously asked: "What to Yang Zhen is in a very bad condition, even if he is not dead today. I am afraid that he has become a sinner and a traitor with great sins. In this way, where is the earth and the earth, where is his place to stay?"

Seeing the changes in the looks of everyone around him, Elder Quan's mouth showed a dark smile, and looked at Yang Zhen with a playful face, murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Boy, against the old man, you still Need to live a few hundred more years, even in this state, the old man can’t kill you, but also makes you lose your reputation and has nowhere to appear."

Everyone's face became more and more gloomy, and staring at Yang Zhen's eyes became more and more bad. As the cheap cat said, Yang Zhen was indeed isolated by all the human monks present at this time.

Yang Zhen seemed to be scared to the extreme. He didn't say a word. He only looked at Elder Quan with a strange expression on his face. He didn't think that even in this situation, Elder Quan could still defeat him and push him to despair.

Everyone was relieved. The gloomy look became disdainful. Yang Zhen was still too young. In this state, he might have panicked already?

However, at the next moment, a loud, cheerful and disdainful laugh sounded and went straight to the sky, with such ironic meaning.

"Moral kidnapping? Go to your sister!" Yang Zhen laughed, reached out his finger, muttered something in his mouth, and then the Hailong leader suddenly grinned, bursting into an endless power, toward the right The elder rushed.

(End of this chapter)

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