Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 306: It's really not humble at 1!

The world is divided into three thousand, and each monk has his own way. Like the means of the Yuanzheng monk, it is a bit mean.

Yang Zhen became more and more surprised when he looked at it, and he was able to use a half-mountain spring as a game for the offspring. This monk of Yuanzheng not only knows the ancestral land of the Cambrian city very well, but also is very proficient in geozoology, although it is only one of the branches. , But also enough to make most people amazing.

In Yang Zhen’s opinion, the means of Yuanzheng’s monk is too much shame, and there is no corresponding means to eliminate the cause and effect of heaven caused by this kind of shame, so at this time, Yuanzheng may become very powerful. , But also suffering from the pain caused by the evil spirit.

Cambrian Guard had sent someone to fill the Banshan Spring under the order of the Cambrian City Lord. Yang Zhen came to the ancestral stele with the Cambrian City Lord, and his eyes lit up.

Compared with the Yuanzheng monk, the three-stroke bureau arranged by the ancestor of the Cambrian city is obviously the most noble burial bureau between heaven and earth. Even Yang Zhen nodded secretly when he saw the location of the ancestral stele. .

It is worthy of the gold champion, and can be cultivated and succeeded in the large door of the spiritual school, which is full of talents in the world, and has learned the secret art of the spiritual school. The Yuanzheng monk was just opportunistic by the Yuanzheng monk.

Everyone looked at Yang Zhen with a curious look. It was not the first time for everyone to see the ancestral stele. No matter how they looked, they couldn't see why. The most attention of all the people present was Yang Zhen.

Seeing how Yang Zhen nodded, the Cambrian city host asked nervously: "Yang Xiaoyou, how can this leak of talent be compensated?"

The ancestral monument is not small, Yang Zhen looked up, it was about ten feet in size, and the inscriptions on the talents on it had worn out and could not be seen clearly, but he could still feel a mighty talent from it, surrounded by The ancestral stele slowly radiated away in all directions and enveloped the entire city's main palace.

Yang Zhen did not answer the question of the Lord of the Cambrian City, but slowly closed his eyes, with a trace of doubt in his expression, and began to observe the talent inscription on the ancestral stele using his consciousness.

This is a relatively old inscription of talent. Before long, Yang Zhen opened his eyes and said with admiration: "What a magnificent article!"

All the masters of the Cambrian City were shocked, and they were suddenly shocked to Yang Zhen by heaven and earth. In the eyes, everyone looked surprised.

The content on the ancestral stele is already very vague. If Yang Zhen came a few years ago and was able to see the above article, everyone would not be too surprised, but now the content on the ancestral stele is not read through, even if it is one The two words are also very vague. This is still a lot of people have seen the extension book of the Lord of Cambrian City. If they are replaced by another person, the first time they read it, they can’t see clearly what is portrayed above. content.

But Yang Zhen was able to read it through with just one glance, and he watched it with the power of consciousness with his eyes closed. How could such a strength not arouse the shock of everyone present.

"Can you see clearly?" Han Yan'er looked at Yang Zhen in amazement, his eyes shining with surprise.

Yang Zhen was stunned and asked, "Do you not see clearly? This degree is already clear."

Everyone looked at Yang Zhen in silence for a while, and the Lord of the Cambrian City smiled bitterly and said: "Yang Xiaoyou's strength is mysterious, can it be compared to the average person, in fact, you are the first in recent years to read the article completely without reading Tuo Ben? people."

Yang Zhen suddenly realized, oh, he said, "Maybe I am a little savvy."

Hearing this, a group of people stayed together, and Han Yaner said with a smile: "You are really not humble at all."

Yang Zhen smiled and said: "Humility is my true character, low-key is my characteristic, I am a person who never tells lies, and of course, never tells the truth!"

Seeing Yang Zhen blinking non-stop, Bing Lai blinked to Han Yan'er's lap, and said with a bitter smile: "Yang Xiaoyou, can there be a way to crack?"

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "It's not difficult to crack, the difficulty is how to have a long history, but also to give the Yuanzheng monk a lesson, otherwise it just fills the half-mountain spring, but solves the monk's evil spirit, this is called What, after the spread, the world still thinks that the saint saint can’t compare with that monk.

The Lord of the Cambrian City was shocked and nodded in a hurry: "It is extremely, the demon monk is really abominable. If Yang Xiaoyou can solve the stubborn disease of the ancestral stele, and can teach the demon monk a lesson, it would be better."

Yang Zhen glanced at the master of the Cambrian City and turned to Han Yan'er: "Tao Dao, can I borrow your sword for a while?"

Han Yan'er looked at Yang Zhen suspiciously, handing the long sword to Yang Zhen, and said with a smile: "The long sword is named Riying. The sword shows noble spirit, and the person without noble spirit can't exert any of her power. , Are you sure you want to use it?"

Hearing this, the Lord of Cambrian said hesitantly: "Otherwise, Yang Xiaoyou chooses a long sword in the Lord's Mansion?"

Yang Zhen took the long sword in Han Yan'er's hand and said: "There is no long sword that Ben Sao can't use in this world...except Yueying's acid sword."

"Moon Shadow Sword?" The Lord of Cambrian City looked for a while, exclaimed: "But the holy soldier in the hands of the Flower Girl?"

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "That sword is actually nothing. It's just a little cold and a little wayward, I don't like it very much!"


The master of the Cambrian City took a deep breath and said with amazement: "Yang Xiaoyou is really talented. That sword is an extremely rare holy soldier. The old man asked himself that he didn't have the power to use that sword."

There was a flash of light in Han Yan'er's eyes, and he muttered to himself: "Holy soldiers have spirits, choose their own masters, and Sun Shadow is also a holy soldier. If you have the opportunity, you can see the style of Moon Shadow Sword!"

Yang Zhen lipped his lips. This trail is good for anything, especially a pair of thighs is better. The only bad thing is that it is too aggressive. This hasn’t met the little girl before, so I thought about fighting. The two really met one day, and it was really going to be hilarious.

I don’t know what kind of shocking glory will be bursting from the shadow of the moon to the moon!

Thinking about it, Yang Zhen pulled out the long shadow sword, slowly came to the front of the ancestral monument, and looked up quietly at the natural lines on the ancestral monument.

Everyone looked at Yang Zhen curiously, even breathing as slowly as possible, Qi Qi's eyes widened, for fear of missing every detail.

If you can see how Yang Zhen solves the problem of the ancestral monument, then everyone on the spot will practice under the shadow of the ancestral monument, and it will become more effective.

Long time no see Yang Yang's actions, everyone began to look at each other.

The old man with a white beard and the old man with a black beard looked at each other and asked, "What is Yang Xiaoyou doing at this time?"

The old man with a black beard pondered for a moment, and hesitantly said: "Maybe it is to re-draw the inscription of talent, after all, there is already a popular article on the ancestral stele. Could it be that the new inscription of talent is not successful?"

The host of Cambrian City heard the words light up and nodded and said: "If it is re-drawn, I am afraid that it will be the best result, but..."

Han Jingtian smiled and said with a playful look: "I'm afraid that with Yang Xiaoyou's heart, he won't rewrite the article for others. Although this person is a ancestor of the predecessor, he can redraw the inscriptions of other people's talents and want to achieve the original I'm afraid the effect is extremely difficult."

Han Yan'er stared at Yang Zhen's back, and suddenly whispered, murmured: "Does he really want to portray a new talent inscription?"

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