Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 337: So vulgar! So absurd!

?Everyone looked at Yang Zhen with a suspicious look, and as weird as the expression on his face. Follow-dream-.lā

In this case, Yang Zhen did not follow the will of Liu Gongzhu and broke Ning Wuxie's situation, but he ran into it with his own head. Is it really stupid?

Even Liu Gongzhu was shocked. I didn't expect Yang Zhen to say such a thing. He laughed and said, "Okay, courageous, and worthy of my spiritual school!"

In the hearts of everyone, Liu Gongzhu said that he no longer asked about this matter, but let Yang Zhen and Ning Wuxi solve it by himself.

Of the more than two thousand people, only Ning Wuxu is the most happy, with a smile of gloating and gloom on his face, and a better congratulation. How to get it?

In addition to the legendary mountain and river maps, what other talents can match the mid-mountain maps?

The old palace owner looked at Yang Zhen with interest, and apparently admired Yang Zhen’s courage and courage. He said: "Yang Xiaoyou’s spicy hotness has been heard by even the old lady. This is just this one. The old lady is already very Pleased."

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback again, this time looking at Yang Zhen's eyes with deep envy.

Yang Zhensolarly stood on the stage, not only won the favor of Hua Ling Nu and Mo Ling Nu at the same time, but also received the approval of both Liu Gongzhu and Lao Gongzhu. This kind of treatment, there is almost no second.

In contrast, Ning Wuxu's attention has become almost worthless in front of Yang Zhen, which makes everyone feel unreal.

Hua Youyue and Mo Xueling looked at each other, and both looked at Yang Zhen with some surprise.

In particular, Mo Xueling said with a sour face: "This guy seems to be able to become a high-profile presence everywhere."

Hua Youyue smiled and didn't speak, but she looked at Yang Zhen more firmly.

At this time, Ning Wuxu, who had a gloomy face, suddenly laughed, and the feather fan was light, staring at Yang Zhen and said: "The old palace master has always loved Mo Po. Presumably, the congratulations Yang brother will present is also related to the way of culture."

Everyone looked at Ning Wuxu with a look of dismay, and even the grumpy walnuts scolded: "Ning Wuxie, asshole, don't even have a face?"

It was almost difficult for a strong man to let a cook come up with the gift of knowing about the culture. Everyone looked at Ning Wushuang with a look of contempt, and there was no more stunning than before.

Ning Wuxu ignores the surrounding questions and contempt, but only smiles somberly, staring at Yang Zhen, and seems to have settled Yang Zhen.

The Sanrenza in Beiguyuan frowned, and said with a sigh: "Without lack of heart, it is not enough. After returning to Beiguyuan this time, he was imprisoned in a cave for three years!"

Hearing this, everyone in Beiguyuan changed his face.

Where is the grotto?

That's hardly a place to stay.

However, this matter has developed to the point where it is now. In fact, it can't be blamed for Ning Wuqin. He is already riding a tiger. Even if he fights both sides, he can't let Yang Zhen show his way.

And most of the people on the scene thought that Yang Zhen could not come up with a talent treasure that could be comparable to Banshan.

Although Ning Wuxu is shameless, he has forced Yang Zhen to the end!

Faced with this situation, Yang Zhen has almost no chance of winning. Today, he lost his face.

At this moment, the three lotus seat suddenly took a deep breath, stepped forward, stared at Yang Zhen Shensheng and said: "Yang Xiao's friendly tone, dare to say that my Beiguyuan was just taking some broken out, the half-mountain map is indeed Dilapidated products, but even dilapidated products, it is also a rare treasure of talent. If you put it elsewhere, it will definitely cause a sensation and be the same as Wanbi."

"Since Yang Xiaoyou thinks this is a tattered thing, where else is that tattered thing that day, still say...Yang Xiaoyou intends to personally draw a treasure that is not a tattered talent and give it to the old palace master as a gift?"

Hearing the words of the three lotus, all the people in the room exclaimed again, looking at Beiguyuan with a stunned face.

This time, even the old palace owner showed an unpleasant look, staring deeply at the three rosettes, and the smile in his eyes grew deeper.

In contrast, Ning Wuqin, but ecstatic, looked at the three rosettes gratefully, and was almost on the spot.

"What? When did Yang Dingtian say he wanted to make a copy of Mobao himself?"

"Just kidding, don't say Yang Dingtian is just a cook in the virtual period, a great genius during the robbery period, and it is impossible to make a secret treasure comparable to the half-mountain map. Isn't this a strongman?"

"Sure enough, **** is still old and spicy. The words of the three rosettes immediately forced Yang Zhen to the point of no return."

In the crowd, both Mo Xueling and Hua Youyue's faces changed, and they stared deeply at the three rosettes.

Mo Xueling flashed a bit of anger to his pair of phoenix eyes and whispered, "Ning Wuqin is all right. Now even the three rosettes have come forward to target Yang Zhen. Do you not want the face of Beiguyuan?"

The old woman of Mo Chifeng coughed heavily and gave Mo Xueling a meaningful look.

Mo Xueling's expression lingered, he stopped talking, and turned his head with a hum.

Hua Youyue shook her head, like she said to herself: "Even if you know that you will fall into the wrong hands, the three rosettes can only do so. The Beiguyuan can make Yang Zhenqi's dilemma disappear, but he can never fail!"

"Why?" Mo Xueling said angrily.

Hua Youyue chuckled and looked at Yang Zhen murmured and said, "This time, what will you do?"

Everyone looked at Yang Zhen in amazement, not to mention Yang Zhen, even other irrelevant people frowned. Obviously, this situation was helpless.

However, what surprised everyone was that Yang Zhen's face did not seem to be a bit panic, but the smile on the corner of his mouth became more solemn.

At the moment when everyone was wondering, Yang Zhen suddenly said to the three rosettes and Ning Wuxu: "It is rumored that the Confucius is a person of great integrity, but now I see a group of decent descendants in Yang Dingtian. You are lost."


The appearance of the three rosettes was furious, and a horrible wave of talent fluttered out of the body, covering the sky and the sun, like a sea of ​​anger!

Faced with this situation, everyone changed their faces, and in a horrified shout, they stepped back, looking at the scene beyond their imagination in shock.

Yang Zhen actually completely angered the powerful existence of a robbery period, which is almost the same as finding death.

And once Yang Zhen has no face today, even if he offends the Beiguyuan, even the Academy of Linguistics can't save Yang Zhen's life.

Everyone looked blankly at Yang Zhen, unable to understand why Yang Zhen did so, almost arrogant, arrogant and unknowing.

In the face of all eyes, Yang Zhen's face did not change in the face of such a terrible talent, and said with a smile: "You are right, today Ben Sao Sheng will let you know, what is the real Wen Taowu slightly."

With that said, Yang Zhen walked to the board where the talented Wenbao was placed, squinted at the three rosettes and Ning Wuxu and said, "Do you two think Ben Sao Sheng is insulting you?"

Yang Zhen, who was holding the wolf pen, laughed, and the whole body was covered with wind and no wind. He stretched his hand and dipped the wolf pen in the ink. There is also a genius who is blue and blue, and you can’t recognize any words written by Ben Sao Sheng, do you believe it?"

"Joke!" Ning Wuxu sneered again and again. Hearing that Yang Zhen really wanted to write a word in front of everyone, Ning Wuxu let down.

Under such circumstances, how can Yang Zhen win? Mo said that he should write a few words, that is, one thousand and ten thousand. As long as it is a word, how can it not be recognized?

Uh, uh, uh!

Strike Dragon Snake ~ ~ Yang Zhen wrote eight large characters on the paper at a very fast speed, all in one go, without pause, and everyone was stunned.

No one expected that Yang Zhen dared to write an inscription in public, and he wrote it quickly and steadily.

Obviously, Yang Zhen wanted to dedicate this word to the old palace owner.

The people held their breaths together, stretched their necks together and looked at the words written by Yang Zhen.

The eight big characters appeared in front of everyone, and Ning Wuqian's face changed wildly, blurting out: "Catch the toad, grab your urine?"

"Damn it, Yang Dingtian, how dare you write such absurd words as gifts to the old palace master?"

Hearing Ning Wuxu's words, all of the people present counted one, all of them changed their faces, and looked at Yang Zhen with a sad face.

Damn, you can just draw a few words and give it to the old palace master. You actually write... Write such a vulgar word?

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