Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 350: Ben Sao Sheng Guoran Jiren Tianxiang!

Damn, I haven't cultivated any effects yet. As a result, Soul is missing a majority, and the whole person is incomplete. How can I feel a little uncomfortable.

Looking at the big and small eunuchs on the azure planet, which face can hang a smile every day, almost all of them are depressed, why not because it is incomplete.

Yang Zhen feels this way now, and the trousers feel chilly. The most important thing now is not to get rid of the eternal infamy, but to find a way to fill the soul.

After hearing Yang Zhen’s words, the cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded and said, “Boy, what expression do you have, regret it? Why didn’t you just see you look downcast?”

Yang Zhen was furious and glared at the cheap cat and said, "Damn, it's not your **** who has incomplete feelings, or will Ben Saosheng try a small operation for you?"

The stupid cat was stunned. When he saw Yang Zhen's sight, Mao exploded: "Die, why are your eyes so evil?"

Yang Zhen laughed straight, and the staring cat was creepy and screamed out: "The deity warns you, don't mess up, the deity is actually very powerful, and you can fly you with a slap."

Sao Chicken is gloating over: "Bragging!"

The cheap cat was furious and kicked towards the Sao chicken: "What's the matter with you, you Sao chicken!"

The two guys were together, and Yang Zhen kicked: "Both gave Bensao Sheng a pause, cheap cat, what are you talking about, how can Bensao Sheng get this soul back?"

The cheap cat said with a lip: "It's not impossible to make it back. After three years of raising the state to the level of the Great Saint, you can complete the soul through the Holy Law!"

"Grass!" Yang Zhen glared, and suddenly remembered something: "Why didn't the Sanhua Saint Maiden fill up the soul of her own, she had to get the Sanhua back, how troublesome?"

"What do you know?" The cheap cat's unpredictable look: "Although it can complete the soul through the holy dharma, it is not as perfect as the Sanhua homing. In the realm of the great holy, everything pays attention to cause and effect, your boy. After changing the cause and effect of the San Hua Sheng Nuo, let’s quickly find a place where no one can hide it. Otherwise, once the San Hua San Nuo is completely resurrected, you will definitely be the first to settle the accounts with you."

Yang Zhen waved his hand and said, "Then she has to be resurrected first. Afterwards, she will talk about it later. Ben Sao Sheng is in trouble now, and he doesn't care about this one. After three years of training, he came to the realm of the Great Saint to come to Ben Sao Sheng. Say, the cycle is too long. Is there a quick and easy way, like something to eat?"

The stupid cat looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded, and shook his head for a long time before sighing: "How can the deity know you whimsical guy? Just eat something. Do you think your soul is fat, eat something good?" Can you make it up?"

"No?" Yang Zhen froze: "Damn, this is a little troublesome."

"No!" The cheap cat's head shook like a rattle: "Don't ask, it really isn't!"

"Yes!" Sao Ji sorted out the feathers that were always bad, and suddenly a word popped out.

The cheesy cat's face changed a lot, and he hurried up to hug Sao Ji's mouth, and said to Yang Zhen: "The kid is talking blindly, don't take it seriously, kid."

After talking, the cheap cat turned his head and glared at Sao Ji, and said fiercely: "Damn, Sao Ji, you bastard, telling the truth, do you want to kill the kid?"

"Three years!" Sao chicken could actually speak in abdomen. He heard that the cheap cat was all excited, looking at Sao chicken, and gritted his teeth. "You **** recruited from the real, what the **** are you, why? Will it be a little?"

The meaning of Sao Ji is obvious. Even if Yang Zhen is not killed now, Yang Zhen will not survive for three years.

Yang Zhen stepped forward and squeaked with both hands, and said in a word, ""

"Aha!" The cheap cat jumped three feet tall and looked at Yang Zhen's expression of the sun so big today: "What expression are you looking at, why did you look at the deity so much, the deity remembered that there is such a thing , After eating, it can complement your soul, but..."

"But what?" Yang Zhen breathed a sigh of relief: "Just do it, and quickly tell Ben Sao Sheng, Ben Sao Sheng can be counted as you make up for it."

The cheap cat pouted his lips and said, "Although Heaven and Earth Treasure is magical, you can't make up your god's soul out of thin air. Even if it's completed, it's nothing more than nothing. It can only give you a little longer life. After all, your god's soul is Dissipation is missing, not shrinking."

Yang Zhen froze for a moment, and hurriedly said, "You wait!"

With that said, Yang Zhen was immersed in his body and felt the missing soul.

The spirit in Yang Zhen's body at this time is indeed like an apple that has been chewed by a dog for a long time. At a glance, Yang Zhen has a feeling of pain in the egg.

At the next moment, Yang Zhen burst into laughter suddenly, looking at the cheap cat and the rooster, looking at each other in unison.

"Boy, what are you laughing at?" asked the cheap cat with a curious look at Yang Zhen.

"Ben Sao Sheng Guoran Jiren Tianxiang!" Yang Zhen said with a frown, pulling the beard of the cheap cat's face: "You just said, shrink?"

"Yeah, shrink, can you let go of the deity first, it hurts a lot."

Yang Zhen grabbed the cheap cat, and threw it into the sky with a whizz, and threw it up to a hundred feet, scaring the cheap cat to groan and groan.

"Ben Sao Sheng can feel that those spirits have not disappeared, as you said, they have shrunk, and they are now wandering in their bodies."

"Wow wow wow, I'm scared to death, I'm going to catch this... what? Didn't it disappear?"

The cheap cat fell to the ground with a snap, couldn't even take care of the pain, and grunted up, looked at Yang Zhen in amazement, and whispered, "What? How could this have not disappeared?"

"It hasn't disappeared, sure it hasn't disappeared!" Yang Zhen was proud.

The cheap cat was dumbfounded and muttered to herself.

"Impossible, how could it be, shit, what the **** is your kid?"

"It's called a talent, you know a chicken!" Yang Zhen couldn't conceal his triumphant face, and didn't want to hide it. His running posture became arrogant.

"Damn, who is that guy in front of you, and you are so arrogant when you run?" A group of monks looked at each other behind them.

"It's not Yang Zhen's **** who actually broke the shackles of heaven and earth. Now that the heaven and earth near the forbidden life collapsed, who didn't escape at the fastest speed of birth."

"The guy in front is arrogant to run, but the speed is really fast, and he learns this is the way he cultivates? Also... too arrogant, but the speed is really fast enough."

"What body style needs to run so arrogantly, are you afraid of being beaten?"

"Run so fast, do you just want to fight and catch up with him?"

"Sure enough, there is arrogant Don't talk about it, hurry up and find Yang Zhen's bastard, and wait for the scope of life's forbidden land, there must be a predecessor organized to find Yang Zhen to ask the crime, everyone, we still Hurry up."


The cheap cat followed Yang Zhen all the way, all with a surprised look on her face, and kept mumbling: "Damn, what a wicked!"

Yang Zhen glanced at the cheap cat and said, "I will study Bensao Sheng's evil spirits later, you haven't told Bensao Sheng, what can you eat to fill the soul!"

The cheap cat was stunned, smirked, and said with a playful face: "Boy, I will talk about this matter later. Now let's talk about the little girl, how do you think she is?"

"Tao Dao?" Yang Zhen asked, dumbfounded, "What's wrong with her?"

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