Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 385: Today, the saint saint wants to kill the crossover!

"Aha, boy, why don't you believe this deity when you say this?" The cheap cat turned a deaf ear to the people all over the mountains, and said with a look of contempt: "What is the deity's misunderstanding about the debut? The desolation of the deity is going down?"

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound source. Behind a huge mountain rock, Yang Zhen murmured: "Should I use the BGM that Xiao Xiaoxia debuted, or should I use the gambling **** BGM?"

"What is BGM?" The cheap cat asked curiously: "It sounds delicious."

As if Yang Zhen didn’t hear the cheap cat, he shook his head and said: "No, Xiao Biao’s BGM is still more suitable for battle. As for the BGM that the gambling gods dumped, it was only when the lore came. Both of them are not suitable here, let Bensao Sheng think about it, Bensao Sheng would not believe it, and could not find a suitable BGM."

On Huayan Mountain, everyone looked at the big stone with a big face, Yang Zhen and others were behind the stone. This is beyond doubt, but everyone is at a loss, what Yang Zhen is looking for BGM. Show up?

Hua Youyue and Dao Chi looked at each other, and at the same time flashed a worried look, slowly put away the Paladin in their hands and stood silently.

A beautiful face, a pair of beautiful legs and beautiful Lingshi, both women are arrogant girls, now they are waiting quietly for the man behind the stone to appear.

Yue Yufeng's face was blue and red, staring in the direction of Yang Zhen, and a trace of sarcasm flashed on his face.

Bai Lao Gui and Zuo Jianglei looked at each other, sneered together, and seemed to be determined.

"This Yang Zhen, I don't know the life and death. Nowadays, so many strong men during the robbery are coming for him. In this case, he dare to be so presumptuous and find himself dead."

"Whatever way of appearance, no matter how you appear, it is not to succumb to the strength of the strong during the robbery, and pray for forgiveness."

"Yang Zhen's sin is very evil. Thousands of dead souls staring at him under Jiuquan, how can he be so rampant?

"Let's take a look at the next step, so how do you really want to debut, and the cheap cat, it's really abominable, it must be given a lesson."


The eyes of the monks all over the mountains fell on the huge stone, waiting for Yang Zhen to appear.

Regardless of Yang Zhen's appearance, today's Huayan Mountain is also home to the powerful during the robbery period. In this case, Yang Zhenzong has all kinds of means, and what tricks can he play?

At the moment when everyone's face was uncertain, the air behind the stone suddenly buzzed, and countless talent inscriptions condensed in the air, forming a strange text.

This kind of writing is square, with an endless sense of awe, and when the sky erupts, a sound like the sound of heaven and earth sings, sweeping in all directions.


The stone where Yang Zhen was on was suddenly torn apart, and the huge roar was deafening and scared everyone.

In the dusty sky, a figure was looming, and it was a lonely body, like a demon crawling from Jiuyou.

Yang Zhen wore a piece of clothing, and his clothing was loud and fierce. The terror was like Changhong running through the sun. He carried a huge long sword on his shoulder. Like a door plate, he stepped out and walked toward the mountain.

At the same time, the inscriptions of talent condensed in mid-air, composed of several square and square characters, suddenly flickered like a breath, a sound like a voice uploaded from the nine days, resounded in Everyone's ears.

"How invincible... how lonely!"

"How invincible... how empty!"

Yang Zhen walked towards the mountain step by step, the huge sword in his hand exuded bursts of black light, the mountain wind blew on Yang Zhen, the clothes and hair blowing fluttered, hunting and hunting.

"Alone in the summit, the cold wind continuously blowing..."

There was another loud and clear voice, and all the monks in Huayan Mountain, Qi Qi was forced to petrify, staring blankly at Yang Zhen who came up step by step, looked up, looked around, and grinned to the people. 'S big smiley face, slammed the big missing sword on the ground.

"My loneliness, who can understand me!"

The voice gradually disappeared, and the cold wind slowly dissipated. Yang Zhen, who was missing a sword by himself, appeared to everyone beside him. Dang'er Lang was very relaxed, but he suddenly gave a lonely absurd feeling, as if he was really Is invincible and becomes lonely.

Damn, is this **** poisonous?

This way of appearance can only be imagined by the **** Yang.

A group of men sneered again and again, looking at Yang Zhen with a contemptuous look, turning their heads to get the same feeling, but suddenly stagnation, as uncomfortable as eating a toad.

Countless women around all looked at Yang Zhen indifferently, no matter who had an **** and no escort, and even those half-old milfs, they looked at Yang Zhen with both eyes open, and they wished to pounce on them immediately. Looks like.


Countless men bowed their heads and looked blankly at the lush grass under their feet. They doubted their lives. What do women now think?

"Dig grass!" The low-pitched cat's low-pitched voice came suddenly, circling around Yang Zhen in a hurry, looked up at Yang Zhen with admiration, and said anxiously and excitedly: "666, kid 666, this kind of The way to appear is shocking. Today, the deity has never heard of it. Teach me quickly. Teach me quickly. The next time the deity will appear in this way, it is almost 6!"

Yang Zhen glanced at the cheap cat, his eyes were all lonely and lonely, then he froze for a moment, then blinked and said: "Damn, it's too deep into the play!"


Yue Yufeng snorted and pointed at Yang Zhen with a trembling hand. "Absurd, it's ridiculous. Nowadays, there are a lot of seniors during the robbery period. How can you allow a junior to be so arrogant, Yang Zhen? ?"

Yang Zhen looked at Yue Yufeng in surprise, turned to Hua Youyue and asked, "Who is this old demon?"

Hua Youyue chuckled silently, looked at Yang Zhen without blinking, shook her head and said, "I don't know, it seems like a senior named Yue Yufeng."

"Oh!" Yang Zhen's voice was drawn for a long time, and he shook his head. "I don't know, Luo Yufeng knows one. What's your relationship?"

"What Luo Yufeng, old people don't know what Luo Yufeng, Yang Zhen'er, old people think you are a talented junior, it is not easy to practice, say everything you know, take everything off your body, the old body can help you to you Seniors ask for love, maybe they will spare you!"

Yang Zhen oh yelled, looked at Yue Yufeng with surprise and said, "So, did you come to Ben Sao Sheng this time and did not carry the determination to kill?"

Yue Yufeng frowned and said in a cold voice: "Naturally there is no determination to kill, why do you have this question?"

Yang Zhen nodded and said, "That means, if you come this time, as long as I tell you what I know in my heart, and I hold many heaven and earth treasures in my hands, I can leave this place without any damage?"

Yue Yufeng looked at Yang Zhen in consternation, frowned and looked at Bai Laogui and Zuo Jianglei, nodded and said, "The old man can promise you!"

In this way, it is naturally the best ending. Everyone who is present is not aware of it. Yang Zhen broke the shackles of heaven and earth, and it is simply nonsense.

No one wants to bear a restless factor and kill Yang Zhen in Huayan Mountain.

"Damn it!" Yang Zhen suddenly glared, looked around and said: "What predecessors and seniors have been in trouble for a long time, you don't want to fight me, but you want to grab my things, if you want, you just say Ah, Ben Sao Sheng didn’t give it to you, why did he make such a good teacher and make Ben Sao Sheng so excited for so long, come and , Just ask the big sword in the hands of Ben Sao Sheng!"

A group of people looked at Yang Zhen face to face, Yue Yufeng had already given him the steps, he still wanted to fight?

"Yang Zhen, you... are you looking for death?"

"Find you paralyzed!"


"Fuck you!"


Yang Zhenbang exploded and rushed towards Luo Yufeng: "A group of idiots with a decent appearance, Xingshi mobilized the public to find Bensao Sheng. Don't you have a face, this matter spreads, how will Bensao Sheng be defiled in the future? Confess? Still thinking about Xiaoguliang, who is embarrassed to be a sao saint. It’s amazing to be a good cult. Ben sao saint is going to kill the cross today!

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