Invincibility Starts with Full Attributes

Chapter 387: Wild technology **** players!


The air waves on Yue Yufeng were surging and awe-inspiring, and a terror that made it difficult for people to look directly into the sky.


The big missing sword in Yang Zhen's hands was unremarkable, just like a door panel from where it was removed, and suddenly crossed a shadow, rushing towards Yue Yufeng.


With a loud and deaf symphony of Jin Ge, Yang Zhen's big missing sword hit Yue Yufeng's vibrating stick. The air was violent and the whole person was flew out.

Yang Zhen's strength is so great that Yue Yufeng was surprised, but the cultivation strength between the two was different by a whole realm, so despite the amazing strength of Yang Zhen's physical strength, he was shocked to withdraw.

Yue Yufeng was also uncomfortable. The whole person staggered back, his body trembling, his face changing, pointing at Yang Zhen, "You... what is the weapon in your hand, is it the legendary magic weapon?"

"What is Mowu Guiwu, Ben Sao Sheng is a big missing sword, just a door plate, you don't have to be afraid!" Yang Zhen laughed, stood up, and rushed towards Yue Yufeng again.

Yang Zhenhan of this encounter was hearty, he could not remember how long no one could withstand his full blow, and it was still more comfortable to fight with the strong man during the robbery.

Yue Yufeng's face was ugly. He stared at Yang Zhen who rushed over and said with a cold sneer: "Boy, if you think that this brute force alone can win the transitional robbery, then you are wrong."


A tremendous thunder dragon roared in mid-air and landed on that huge stick, suddenly making a sound of dragon yin.

Everyone's face changed greatly, and they quickly backed away, looking at Yue Yufeng with a horrified look.

"This is... this is Lei Long. I didn't expect Senior Yue to have controlled Tian Lei to such a degree that he could be integrated into the exercises."

"It's terrifying, even if Yang Zhen's body is even stronger, it is just a wandering monk. Now that Senior Yue's exercises contain the attributes of Tianlei, Yang Zhen may be unable to bear it soon."

"Look, Tian Lei is furious!"


The terrifying sky thunder was violent and fierce in the midair, and the thunder dragon roared the candle sky, as if to destroy the heaven and earth, and marched towards Yang Zhenyao.

Yang Zhen was trembling, staring at the Thunder Dragon clouds in the air, muttering to himself: "Sure enough, as the cheap cat said, these strong men can control Tianlei during the robbery period. It’s so much better. Sao Sheng wants to go to the top of the mountain at a loss to attract thunder. There is such a kind of artificial thunder, and there is no need to give money. What real thunder."

No one heard Yang Zhen murmur, everyone was shocked by Yue Yufeng's momentum.

When everyone looked horrified, when he moved his eyes to Yang Zhen in amazement, he heard the sound of Ding Dang Dang in a dazed expression.

Under the eyes of all eyes, Yang really took a huge hammer, melted some broken copper and rotten iron with the golden lotus sky fire, and refined it into long metal strips.

"What is Yang Zhen doing?" The people looked at each other: "At this time, there is still a mind refiner, what did Yang Zhen's head think?"

"Is he refining the coffin for himself?"

"The Taoist laughed. Have you seen the coffin made of metal bars?"

"Look, look, Yang Zhen started to assemble!"

The sound of ding ding was endless, Yang Zhen inserted the metal strip around his body, and made a metal cage in a blink of an eye.

"This... this is a cage?"

"It's ridiculous. Under such a terrifying sky thunder martial arts skill, I want to resist such a cage?"

"It’s over, Yang Zhen was smart, but this time he did something so confusing. Not to mention that the gap between the cages is so big, Lei Long can get into the whole line, saying that Yang Zhen can’t move in place at this time. Almost lost all the possibility of dodge, isn't it going to be alive and chopped to death by sky thunder?"

Seeing Yang Zhen actually cocooning himself, Yue Yufeng laughed similarly, pointing at Yang Zhen and said, "Yang Zhen, this is your own self-seeking way, don't blame the old and the physical and mental hard-working."

Yang Zhen'welded' the last metal bar and glanced up at Yue Yufeng, saying, "Okay, old lady, fight with Bensao Sheng without putting gold on your face in a pretentious manner, and it's just a matter of not doing anything at all. Are you here to try to force Lu Yousan and Xiaoguliang to lead Bensao Sheng out? Now that Ben Sao Sheng has come out, you are still very annoying. Let’s hurry up and get some more thunders. I won't die in a while, you old face has no place to put!"

"Why doesn't it matter? It really doesn't matter!" Yue Yufeng's whole body shivered and said to Jiang Zuolei: "Jiang Daoyou, please help the old one!"

Jiang Zuolei looked at Yang Zhen in consternation, and his face was all angry. He nodded and said, "Yang Zhen is arrogant..."

"Stop, stop!" Yang Zhen tried the sturdiness of the metal cage and said to Jiang Zuolei: "Don't give yourself a reason to shoot, I'll give you a reason..."

Hearing this, everyone had a ridiculous feeling. Many of the strong men who were present during the robbery wanted to suppress Yang Zhen, so that Yang Zhen could tell the secrets about the Sanhua saint, the life forbidden land, and the bone mountain ban, He even wanted to **** the ascendant from his hands, and he was worried that there was no sound reason to shoot him. Yang Zhen was so arrogant that he wanted to find a reason for the strong during the robbery? to find a reason, why?

A ridiculous look had just appeared on everyone's face, and Yang Zhen took a deep breath suddenly and yelled: "Jiang Zuolei, I am your grandfather!"


The deafening voice slammed into everyone's ears, and everyone looked shocked, and they were all dumbfounded.

Actually... actually cursing the street!

Even the cheap cat looked at Yang Zhen dumbfounded: "Damn, I learned another trick, and... can I still do this?"

Jiang Zuolei's face was stunned, apparently also forced by Yang Zhen, his lips trembling, pointing at Yang Zhen, you, you, your speechless, then roared, waving his hands, one Fei Longyin roared, thunder and thunder exploded, and the thunder cloud erupted by Yue Yufeng was even more violent, as if it were earth-shattering, ups and downs, and a terrifying thunder dragon rushed towards Yang Zhen.

The two strong men during the robbery stage were simultaneously furious, enough to make the world discolored, Lei Longhuanghuang, roaring the heavens.

"Oh!" Yang Zhen was startled and hurriedly shrank his neck, sitting cross-legged on the ground, covering his eyes with his hands.

Seeing Yang Zhen's idiot-like behavior, he was almost laughed out loud while everyone was stunned.

Damn, under the power of such a terrifying martial art Thunder Dragon, Yang Zhen trapped himself in a metal cage without saying anything, and sat on the ground with his hands covering his eyes.

This... Is this Yang really looking for death?


A tremendous loud noise came from the earth, and the entire Huayan Mountain trembled, and a violent wave of earth rose into the sky, covering the metal cage where Yang Zhen was.


Thrilling thunder dragons descended from the It seemed like a catastrophe, and landed firmly on the place where Yang Zhen was.

"Yang Zhen!"

Hua Youyue exclaimed, just about to rush forward, Yang Zhen's proud and cheap voice came from leisurely.

"Damn, Ben Sao Sheng really is a **** player of wild technology, this Faraday cage is simply perfect!"

When the dust cleared, Yang Zhen sat unharmed in the Faraday cage and was reaching out to pick up a Thunder Dragon. The rest of the Thunder Dragon roared and roared.

"Dig grass, dig grass and dig grass!" The cheap cat's eyes were shining and she kept spinning around: "Boy, what kind of artifact are you, tell the deity quickly, it's too dangling, it's just dangling too!"

(End of this chapter)

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