Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 133: I will beat you to conquer you, but I will beat you to scare you! 【Second update! beg

Chapter 133: I will conquer you, but I will scare you! 【Second update! Please subscribe! 】

 No one can survive ten breaths in Song Wenhui's hands.

Even a sixth-level warrior can’t do it!

Because after receiving the blessing of Lin Yanji's supernatural power, Song Wenhui, who was covered with flame energy and blood, was already infinitely close to the seventh-level warrior!

Any warrior who is approached by Song Wenhui will usually end up with only one fate.

 That means being seriously injured and eliminated!

If Song Wenhui had to deal with the forty or fifty new warriors on his own, I am afraid that he would have exhausted his energy and blood and be forced to be eliminated.

 But it was precisely because other people in Jingwu shared part of the pressure for him.

 This made Song Wenhui more comfortable in the melee.

 He is like an emotionless fighting machine, eliminating everyone close to him from the battle of survival one by one!

Even in the monitoring room, the leaders of major martial arts schools were full of praise for him.

 “Jingwu, you have recruited a good young man!”

 “Who says it’s not the case? I’m really envious.”

“It is estimated that after this freshman fraternity competition, he will not be far away from breaking through to the seventh level warrior, right?”

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, a martial arts master of this age, just listening to it, already feels that there is no end to the monster, and the future is promising!"

 Although in the survival battle, Song Wenhui eliminated all warriors from various martial arts universities.

 Even so, it still cannot cover up the light emanating from him.

 At this point in the fraternity competition, the most dazzling talent must be none other than Song Wenhui.


 When the melee broke out.

 Lin Yuan, with a calm face, took Chu Yu to hide in the dark and observe.

 Anyway, if you hit yourselves, it will be fine as long as it does not affect me.

 He has always been a low-key (sullen) person.

The limelight thing is not suitable for him.

The world is in your sleeves, you walk at night in brocade clothes, keep a low profile, low profile is the way to go!

 For him, no matter which side wins in the end, that’s a good thing!

 But it happened to be at this time.

 The god-level selection system has been triggered again!

【Option 1: Come forward to help Yanjing Wuhan University, fight against everyone in the Wuhan University Alliance, and win the final victory. You will be rewarded with 8,000 points of vitality and 5,000 spiritual power. 】

【Option 2: Come forward to help the Wu Da Alliance, defeat the Yanjing Wu Da Alliance, and achieve the final victory. You will be rewarded with 10,000 blood points and 5,000 spiritual power. 】

  【Option 3: Choose to sit back and watch the battle. The reward is 5000 points of vitality and 2000 points of mental power. 】

Looking at the options in front of him, Lin Yuan felt his teeth sore.

This is such a cheating system, why do you have to force yourself to fight?

 I decided not to fight this fight!

 “I choose the third option!”

Lin Yuan said without hesitation.

 Although the rewards for the first two items are higher, there is no way for him to join the battle at this time, so don’t even think about it!

What's more, as long as you watch the battle from the sidelines, you can pick up five thousand points of blood for free. How cool is that?

 After Lin Yuan made his choice, the rewards chosen by the system were immediately distributed!

 He let out a long breath.

 At this moment, his own energy and blood reached 80,000 points!

Now, even if it is a head-on confrontation with Fang Nian, Lin Yuan can do it. He does not rely on the Mangekyo Sharingan, but relies solely on his own energy and blood to forcibly defeat the opponent in a short period of time!

Perhaps, look at the new warriors from various martial arts universities.

Other than Song Wenhui, no one can steadily surpass Lin Yuan in terms of Qi and blood strength!

 After receiving the extra reward, Lin Yuan was satisfied and continued to observe the battle situation.

 As time goes by, the outcome is finally decided!

On the Jingwu side, the losses were extremely heavy.

Including Song Wenhui, there are nine people in Jingwu!

 At this moment, six people have been seriously injured and have completely lost their ability to fight.

Even the normally lazy and cynical Tangdiman showed extremely fierce blood and did not take it seriously even if he fought until he was covered in blood! He used his own strength to forcefully injure two sixth-level warriors!

At this moment, there are only three people in Jingwu who still have fighting ability, namely Song Wenhui, Lin Yanji and Tong Hu!

 The losses on the Wuhan University Alliance's side were even more severe.

Nearly 70% of the warriors have lost the ability to fight due to serious injuries!

 These people are equivalent to being eliminated!

 Among them, half of the new warriors were eliminated by Song Wenhui alone!

 After a scuffle broke out here, the teacher in charge of the rescue simply stayed here.

After seeing someone seriously injured, he pulled him out of the battlefield and sent him to the infirmary on campus for treatment.

However, more importantly, the morale of the Wuhan-Dalian Alliance has been completely shattered.

He was defeated by Song Wenhui alone!

This man is like a demon who cannot be defeated!

 The most important thing in a warrior’s spirit is fearlessness and fearlessness.

 When the warrior felt fear in his heart.

So, just in terms of momentum, half the battle is actually lost!

The remaining new martial artists in the Martial Arts Alliance were shocked by Song Wenhui alone.

He just stood there calmly, but no one dared to take even half a step forward.

 “The Wuhan-Dalian Alliance is out of business.”

Lin Yuan, who was watching the battle from a distance, happily made a conclusion.

 With insufficient unity, having too many people may not actually be a good thing.

 Just relying on this temporary alliance, no matter how large the number is, it is just a straggler.

Song Wenhui defeated and scared dozens of people by himself!

Even Lin Yuan did not expect that the final outcome would be like this.

"No one else?"

Song Wenhui looked around, his eyes indifferent and slightly cold.

 No one dared to step forward, no one dared to respond.

The new martial artists in each martial arts school have already acquiesced in their hearts that Jingwu won this battle in the end!

 However, at this moment.

A figure carrying an alloy sword slowly stepped out, stood in front of Song Wenhui, and said softly: "And me."

Looking at this familiar figure, Lin Yuan couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Why is he here?

 No...the most important thing is, what is he doing out at this time? !

The familiar figure raised his head, and his voice was calm but firm: "Shen Xiao, a formal member of Wudu University in the Magic City, please give me some advice!"

The figure standing in front of Song Wenhui.

It is Shen Xiao!

 If Lin Yuan guessed correctly.

This guy must have just arrived here.

 Because, in the previous melee, although Lin Yuan saw other members of Mowu, he did not see Shen Xiao!

 But it happened to be at this moment when Song Wenhui was at the peak of his momentum.

 Shen Xiao chose to stand up and challenge the opponent!

Let alone others, even Lin Yuan felt that this guy... must be crazy!

 (End of this chapter)

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