Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 138: The true power of these eyes! 【Third update! beg

Chapter 138 The true power of these eyes! 【Third update! Please subscribe! 】

 After going through so many battles, Lin Yuan's experience can be said to be extremely rich.

 Yemu and Xiyin, two completely unrelated skills, were cleverly connected by Lin Yuan.

 In this way, Song Wenhui could not determine his location.

Furthermore, in terms of mental strength, Lin Yuan is better than Song Wenhui.

It is simply impossible to pinpoint Lin Yuan's position with the help of mental fluctuations.

Song Wenhui frowned and carefully observed the movements around him to prevent Lin Yuan from sneaking up on him.

At this moment, a piece of gravel next to his feet suddenly moved!

Got you!

Song Wenhui's eyes flashed, and without hesitation, he aimed directly in that direction, punched in the air, and blasted out!

 However, what he didn't expect was.

 His punch failed!

 “It’s just a little’s time to end it!”

Lin Yuan's figure emerged out of thin air behind him, with lightning lingering on the alloy battle, and suddenly slashed towards Song Wenhui's back!


The extremely sharp blade cut a deep wound directly on Song Wenhui's back!

His sword was not fatal, but it was more than enough to make Song Wenhui lose his fighting ability.

The strategies Lin Yuan used were really just some small tricks.

 After he entered the invisible state, a subtle light of lightning popped up from his fingertips, causing the gravel next to Song Wenhui's feet to move slightly a short distance.

Logically speaking, with Song Wenhui’s combat awareness, he should be able to tell that this was a trap set by Lin Yuan.

 However, Song Wenhui, who was highly nervous under such an intense battle, was still fooled!

 He misjudged Lin Yuan's location.

Of course, you have sown the bitter fruit of failure for yourself!

Lin Yuan withdrew his alloy sword.

 Blood dripped down the blade.

 He won this battle!

However, it was not easy for him to win.

The qi and blood armor around him also shattered into pieces under Song Wenhui's previous fierce attack.

Even the bones in the places hit by Song Wenhui's fists seemed to be broken.

 The power of the opponent's 90,000 points of basic energy and blood burst out, that's not scratching an itch.

 But if you win, you win!

 There was total silence all around.

 Everyone closed their mouths and focused their attention on Lin Yuan.

 In the eyes of these people, disbelief is clearly written!

Lin Yuan actually won!

 He actually defeated Song Wenhui!


How can this be!

Looking at Song Wenhui who fell to the ground, everyone felt that this was really incredible!

Song Wenhui is like a **** of war.

 The unrivaled Jingwu captain.

   unexpectedly… unexpectedly…

He was defeated by Lin Yuan, the substitute of Wudu University.

 This matter is really hard to accept.

You must know that when all the martial arts majors formed an alliance and gathered so many new martial artists, there was nothing they could do against Song Wenhui.

But Lin Yuan did what they couldn't do.

what is this?

This is like someone forcibly pressing their heads and telling them that you are not even as good as a mere substitute!

 “Don’t get too proud too early…”

 “I haven’t…lost yet.”

Just as everyone was preparing to accept the fact that Lin Yuan defeated Song Wenhui with great difficulty, the latter stood up again slowly and with difficulty, holding his arms. Song Wenhui showed with his actions that he can fight again!

  Although, his chest and back were all covered with stab wounds, and blood was even flowing out.

But his extremely tenacious will still supported him to stand up.

Lin Yuan frowned and said to dissuade him: "Stop moving, your wound will open and the bleeding will increase."

 “Who cares about this kind of thing.”

Song Wenhui grinned, as if he was smiling!

Then, he said in a deep voice: "I am participating in this friendship competition not for anything else, but to find an opponent who can compete with me!"

"It surprised me that…"

“The one who finally pushed me to this point was a substitute.”

 “But, it doesn’t matter.”

“Now that you have found your opponent, let’s have a hearty battle!”

 “I will absolutely, absolutely...will not lose to anyone!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Song Wenhui's body began to undergo some changes that were visible to the naked eye!

 The energy and blood around him began to boil as if on fire.

 Scarlet blood mist suddenly spread around him!

Even the two stab wounds on Song Wenhui’s chest and back are no longer bleeding!

Lin Yuan frowned slightly.

He always felt that the scene in front of him seemed familiar.

 The next second, he finally remembered it!

Once, when fighting Song Wenhui, Li Yanze, the deputy captain of Zhejiang Wu, used this trick!

 Violent blood!

 It has extremely side effects, but it is a secret technique that can bring your body to peak condition in a short period of time and even break through its limits!

 What Lin Yuan didn’t expect was.

In order to defeat him, Song Wenhui even forced the use of violent blood technique in this situation!

 Given his current physical condition, if he was forced to bleed, he would have to stay in the hospital for at least three months afterwards.

 Otherwise, there is no way to recover!

Lin Yuan sighed slightly and said, "I advise you to stop."

Song Wenhui said solemnly: "I will prove to you that I will never lose!"

 The next second, Song Wenhui's body suddenly rose up, and he rushed toward him like a running cheetah.

 In a state of violent blood, Song Wenhui's momentum was even stronger than before!

"Why bother."

Lin Yuan sighed slightly.

 He glanced at the other party calmly and indifferently.

He knew very well that with his current strength alone, he would never be Song Wenhui's opponent in a violent state.

However, what Lin Yuan knows better is that he will not lose.

 Because he still kept the last trump card!

“Let me show you the real power of these eyes.”

Lin Yuan stared ahead and directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan!

The dark hooks like boomerangs look so weird in the scarlet eyes.

Previously, Lin Yuan only used Amaterasu Black Flame to swallow up the flame energy and blood blessed by Lin Yanji.

 But now, he is going to officially use Amaterasu on Song Wenhui!

The reason why Lin Yuan never used Amaterasu in previous battles.

 The reason is also very simple.

It’s just to have an upright battle with the opponent, and also to sharpen your own martial arts!

 But now, apart from Amaterasu, Lin Yuan has no other ability to use against Song Wenhui!

As his eyes focused, the dark black flames of Amaterasu rose and burned directly on Song Wenhui's right arm!

 (End of this chapter)

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