Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 145: I'm so proud of you! 【Third update! 】

 Chapter 145 I’m proud of you! 【Third update! 】

 After more than ten hours of process, the survival battle finally came to an end.

However, many people did not expect such a suspenseful survival battle.

 Within a few hours of opening, the ending was already decided.

The one with the largest number of survivors is, without a doubt, the Demon City Wuhan University. Counting Shen Xiao, there are a total of seven people left until the end!

  In other words, in the survival battle, Mowu scored 21 points!

  Comparatively, Southeast Wuhan University, which was originally ranked first, had only three survivors and only scored nine points.

So, Mowu easily surpassed Southeast Wuhan University, became the well-deserved first, and won the freshman fraternity competition!

Although Southeast Wuhan University was miserable, at least it accumulated enough advantages in individual battles and team battles to barely get second place.

 The worst one is undoubtedly Yanjing Wuhan University.

Although Jingwu won all fourteen individual battles, he was evenly matched by Lin Yuan in the team battle.

Originally, I thought I could win back a victory in the survival battle, but I was put in the way by the Southeast Martial Arts University, and I met Lin Yuan who had just realized the Amaterasu Black Flame...

 In the end, in the survival battle, Jingwu’s entire army was wiped out, without getting even a single point, and the total score only ranked fourth in the league competition!

I have to say that this round of the friendly competition was really unexpected.

Mowu bucked the trend and returned to win the first place!

Southeast Wuhan University successfully secured its second place!

Zhejiang Wuhan University, which was originally ranked third, fell to fifth place due to poor luck in the draw!

The most surprising thing is that Jingwu, who has always won the championship in the league competition, did not even make it into the top three this time!

Someone on the Internet commented that this freshman fraternity competition of prestigious schools is the most exciting and also the most surprising fraternity competition in recent years.

However, even though Yanjing Wuhan University did not achieve very good results this time, no one still doubted the overall strength of Jingwu University.

 After all, individual battles and team battles are broadcast nationwide.

Everyone has seen how powerful Jingwu's overall strength is, and as for Song Wenhui, it is even more powerful and suffocating.

As for the survival battle, due to the competition system, it will not be broadcast anywhere.

 So, except for those in the surveillance room, no one can watch the images of the survival battle from any channel.

This also led to the fact that after the final results of the friendly competition came out, the public opinion on the Internet was about to explode.

 Everyone who pays attention to the fraternity competition is discussing this matter with great enthusiasm.

“Yanjing Wuhan University is ranked fourth? Is that fake? I feel like there must be something shady. Jingwu University is so strong this year, why are you telling me that it is ranked fourth?”

"Don't speak out if you're not smart. It's easy to make people laugh. This freshmen's fraternity competition is held at Yanjing Wuhan University. You told me that there is a shady story? What do you mean? Jingwu is shady for itself? "

"Hahaha, I support the grumpy old man. It is indeed reasonable. However, this year Jingwu only ranked fourth, which is really weird. It is probably because it was targeted and sniped by several other Wuhan universities."

“I think this is also the case. After watching the individual battles and team battles, I feel that no martial arts school can steadily beat Jingwu in terms of overall strength. It must have been done by the joint efforts of several other martial arts schools!”

"Don't pay attention to these false names. Anyway, in my heart, Yanjing Wuhan University has always been the uncrowned king!"


 The discussion online was particularly lively.

Some people are complaining about Yanjing Wu Da and believe that the rules of the friendly competition should be modified, otherwise it will be too unfair.

Some people also focused on the new martial artists from several other martial arts schools, and even made extremely detailed combat power analysis tables. Even ‘Song Wenhui’ has been rated as the first among the freshmen in this fraternity competition by default.

However, what they didn’t know was that the first person in their eyes had his right arm burned off by Lin Yuan using Amaterasu, and he is still preparing to restore the remaining limbs.

The reason why Lin Yuan is not as famous as Song Wenhui is naturally because the survival battle was not broadcast nationwide. The audience could only get a general idea and had no idea what happened specifically.

 Lin Yuan, on the other hand, just emerged completely in the battle of survival and defeated Song Wenhui against the odds!

Although his reputation is not obvious, Lin Yuan doesn't care.

They are all just false names. When you become truly powerful, the so-called reputation is just an accessory to your strength!

Although the outside world does not understand Lin Yuan's strength, this group of new warriors at the same time have already regarded Lin Yuan as a 'devil king'.

 Whenever Lin Yuan's name is mentioned, it is taboo.


 Five-star hotel in Kyoto.

Everyone in Mowu, from the principal Wang Zhanlin to Lin Yuan and his group of substitutes, all gathered around an extremely wide round table.

 The waiters on the side kept bringing dishes and placing them on the round table.

These dishes all looked extremely delicious and exquisite, and some of them were even meats that Lin Yuan had never seen before. They should have been taken from some high-level exotic animals, and were paired with corresponding seasonings. Just smelling them made him feel fragrant. .

Wang Zhanlin booked them the highest-level dinner in this hotel.

The raw materials alone cost at least nearly 100,000 yuan.

If you include service fees, reservation fees, table fees, etc., you will definitely not be able to book this table without four to five million.

Four to five hundred thousand for a meal, how extravagant can you think it is!

 At least, that’s the case for Lin Yuan.

However, for Wang Zhanlin, four to five million is nothing at all. He can kill a strange beast and get nearly ten million in harvest at least.

 The most important thing is not the price.

Even if the table costs one million, two million, or even five million, Wang Zhanlin can book it without blinking an eye!

  After all, this is the first time in so many years that Mowu has won the first place in the freshman fraternity competition of major prestigious schools!

“Come, let me toast you to the glory you have won for Mowu!”

 “I’m proud of you...!”

Wang Zhanlin filled his goblet with champagne, then stood up and looked around at everyone with a smile.

 He was really satisfied with this result!

 Originally, he just hoped that Mowu could retain the top three spots.

I didn’t expect these guys to be so competitive, and they came back in first place right away!

 Other than pride and pride, Wang Zhanlin really can’t feel any other emotions!

Seeing Principal Wang’s excitement, everyone stood up and raised their glasses together: “Congratulations to Mo Wu!”

 (End of this chapter)

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