Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 156: ‘Ant Butcher’ He Shengtu!

Chapter 156 ‘Ant Slaughter’ He Shengtu!

After pondering for a moment, Li Fenyou finally spoke: "So what do you mean, the person who controlled the swarm of gold-eating ants to attack the train came here just for this 'Beast Spirit Crystal'?"

 Lin Genshan smiled bitterly and nodded: "That should be it."

 Luo Tong quickly asked: "Is there any basis for this?"

 “Of course there is.”

 Lin Genshan sighed and said, "The story of what happened starts two months ago."

“At that time, I don’t know who leaked the news about the successful research on beast spirit crystals.”

“So, someone controlled the alien beast and sneaked into the laboratory, preparing to steal this beast spirit crystal.”

“However, the beast spirit crystal is the hard work of all our scientific researchers for many years, so it is naturally stored in the highest security secret room in the institute.”

“That time, the other party did not succeed, so we became more vigilant and applied to the Ministry of Armed Forces for a higher-level alert force.”

 At this point, Lin Genshan's face gradually turned ugly: "We originally thought that under such circumstances, the other party should give up anyway."

“What I didn’t expect was that after the theft failed, he directly chose another more extreme method, which was to kidnap scientific researchers in the institute!”

You must know that although Yanjing has invested a lot of guard force in major scientific research institutes, its protection of scientific researchers is still slightly insufficient.

 First of all, few people would do anything to scientific researchers, and secondly, because scientific researchers also have their own private lives, and they don't like to be protected by warriors.

 And the other party just seized this gap!

 Lin Genshan continued: “Including me, he kidnapped a total of twelve scientific researchers in the institute.”

 As soon as he said these words, everyone was stunned.

Luo Tong subconsciously asked: "Were you also kidnapped?"


Lin Genshan nodded and said, "He tied us up in an abandoned warehouse and tortured us day and night, trying to force us to submit and coerce us into helping him get the beast spirit crystals from the research institute!"

 Speaking of this, Lin Genshan slowly pulled up the hem of his clothes.

 Everyone could not help but hold their breath.

 Because Lingenshan's body was covered with traces of re-healing after being bitten by insects and ants. It looked like a mess with almost no smooth skin.

It is conceivable what kind of inhuman torture Lin Genshan suffered at that time!

Luo Tong couldn't hold it back anymore and cursed angrily: "What an inhuman beast!"

Later, Lin Genshan continued to speak calmly: "When he learned that the secret room where the beast spirit crystals were stored could only be opened by me, the director, he killed eleven other people without hesitation. "

“Fortunately, the Ministry of Military Affairs used various means to find the location where I was kidnapped and rescued me.”

"However, that devil was not brought to justice. He was very powerful and his methods were very cunning. Even when faced with the pursuit of the military department, he still escaped calmly."

“In the end, among the kidnapped people, I was the only one who survived.”

 Speaking of this, Lin Genshan's tone was inevitably a little sad.

However, what Li Fenyou and Luo Tong are more concerned about is the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes!

Of course, Lin Genshan also understood and quickly got to the point: "After the Ministry of Military Affairs intervened in the investigation, they quickly found out the identity of this demon."

"His real name is 'He Shengtu'. He possesses the strength of an eighth-level venerable and is a telepathic user." "However, the path he takes is somewhat evil. He will forcibly control the spirits of alien beasts, making them The beasts fight for him!"

After hearing the name, Li Fenyou quickly frowned and subconsciously said, "So it's him?"

Luo Tong looked surprised and asked, "Senior Li, do you know this person?"

 Li Fenyou shook his head: "I don't know him, but I know him."

"He Shengtu, also known as the 'Ant Butcher', he can indeed forcibly control the spirits of alien beasts, but he is particularly fond of insect-shaped alien beasts like ants, probably because of the spirits of these alien beasts. The force is relatively weak and easier to control.”

“He is a Class A wanted criminal, ranked 127th on the ‘Black List’.”

“However, his ranking on the ‘Black List’ has recently risen, reaching ninety-three.”

“I think it must be related to him kidnapping the researchers of your Seventh Scientific Research Institute.”

 The so-called ‘black list’, to be more precise, is China’s Most Wanted List.

The ones recorded above are all wanted criminals who may pose a major threat to China!

 The higher the threat and the more harmful the wanted criminal is to society, the higher his ranking will be on the black list!

He Shengtu can be ranked 93rd on the black list, which is enough to show that he is a quite terrifying person.

Li Fengyou rubbed her temples, and she finally connected Lin Genshan's intelligence with the information she already knew.

What He Shengtu is good at is precisely controlling exotic beasts, especially ant-like beasts!

This method completely coincides with the man behind the scenes who is controlling the swarm of gold-eating ants to attack the train!

 Up to now, Li Fenyou was about 90% sure about the identity of the person behind the scenes.

 ‘Ant slaughter’, He Shengtu!

 Although the current situation is still that they are in the light and the enemy is in the dark, at least Li Fenyou has roughly determined the identity of the opponent!

With this thought, Li Fenyou spoke again: "Old sir, if possible, I hope you can cooperate with us in the future."

Lin Genshan nodded and said calmly: "This matter originated from me, and I will cooperate with you unconditionally."

At this moment, Luo Tong asked doubtfully: "By the way, Mr. Lin, aren't you the director of the Seventh Research Institute? Why did you think of going to the Magic City?"

Ling Genshan smiled bitterly: "Going to the Magic City is not for anything else."

“The most important thing is to improve the synthesis formula of ‘Beast Spirit Crystal’. Although the scientific research conditions in the Magic City are not as complete as those in Yanjing, they still have their advantages.”

“At the very least, many rare and rare exotic animal materials are only available on the market in the Magic City.”

 When Lin Genshan said this, Luo Tong couldn't help but nodded and agreed with the other party's statement.

Compared with Yanjing, the business atmosphere in the Magic City is indeed stronger.

This also directly leads to the fact that many rare materials that cannot be purchased in Yanjing can be purchased on the black market in the Magic City.

“The raw materials for synthesizing beast spirit crystals are too rare. My original intention was to come to the Magic City to see if I could find a suitable substitute.”

“Furthermore, for fear of attracting attention, I deliberately did not disclose the news to anyone in the scientific research institute, nor did I apply for any protection from the Ministry of Armed Forces.”

 “What I didn’t expect was that my whereabouts would still be exposed…”

“If all the people on this train die in the ant wave, the old man will also be to blame..."

 Speaking of this, Lin Genshan couldn't help but sigh, his tone full of self-blame.

 (End of this chapter)

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