Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 182: Aren't you thirsty? Come, drink water! 【Second update!

Chapter 182 Aren’t you thirsty? Come, drink water! 【Second update! 】

Although the cell was a two-person room, it was obvious that another person had already moved in before Lin Yuan.


 After Lin Yuan entered the cell, the alloy door of the cell was closed behind him.

On the upper bunk of the cell, a bald man turned sideways and glanced at Lin Yuan with dissatisfaction.

 The next second, there was a clear look of surprise in his eyes.

This bald man obviously did not expect that the person who was placed in this cell this time would be such a handsome young man.

 “Boy, what did you do to get here?”

The bald man narrowed his eyes narrowly and asked with a sneer.

However, Lin Yuan ignored him and made his own bed. If nothing else happened, he would have to live in this cell for a month.

“Boy, are you deaf or mute? Can’t you hear me, or can’t you open your mouth?”

Seeing that Lin Yuan didn't pay attention to what he meant, the bald man's face instantly darkened.

 You know, this place is no different than anywhere else.

 This is the Heavenly Prison, the prison for warriors!

 If you are not aware of it, you will die miserably.

The bald man has already made up his mind in his heart. If this kid is still so unscrupulous, he will teach him how to behave in the prison!

Although he didn't see through Lin Yuan's martial arts skills, it didn't matter.

Such a brat whose fur may not have even grown yet, has just broken through to level 6 after dying, so he has nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, the bald man sneered and said, "Boy, I'll give you a chance to admit your mistake. Did you see the tea cup over there?"

“I’m very thirsty. Come over here and get me a glass of water.”

  Although the good days of being alone in a cell were broken, things were not too bad after all.

 Isn’t it just to serve me that I sent such a little devil?

What is followed in the prison is precisely the most primitive law of the jungle, the weak eats the strong!

 You are weak, even if you are asked to eat shit, you must be obedient!

After the bald man spoke these words, Lin Yuan first looked at him in surprise, then turned around and picked up the teacup on the table.

 The bald man smiled secretly in his heart.

Originally, he thought this kid was a thorn in his side, but he didn't expect that he would give in so quickly after just a few words of intimidation.

Even in prison, as long as there are people to serve you, you can still live a fairy-like life!

The bald man thought happily in his heart.

However, at this moment, something unexpected happened to him.

Lin Yuan took his teacup, walked straight to the toilet, and scooped out a cup of toilet water.

Then, Lin Yuan turned around and handed the tea cup in his hand towards him, with a warm smile on his face: "Aren't you thirsty? Come on, drink some water."

 For a moment, the bald man's face turned extremely gloomy!

 He jumped up from the bed suddenly, grabbed Lin Yuan's collar, and said angrily: "Boy, are you looking for death?!"

If he still can't tell that Lin Yuan is playing with him, then his life can be regarded as wasted for so many years.

 However, Lin Yuan's face still showed no trace of fear.

He glanced at the bald man and said calmly: "I advise you to let go, otherwise, it will not be as simple as asking you to drink the water."

The bald man laughed angrily: "I didn't expect that even though you are young, your tone is not young!" "I want to see you, how can you let me drink this glass of water!"

"If you can't do it, don't blame me for pushing your head into the toilet, then you can have a good drink!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the bald man's right fist suddenly hit Lin Yuan's head!

The warriors imprisoned in the prison are extremely ruthless in their attacks.

When Lin Yuan competes with others outside, he often selectively avoids vital points and launches attacks.

And the bald man in front of him attacked his vitals as soon as he took action!

However, what was completely beyond his expectation was that although his punch hit Lin Yuan's face firmly, it did not give him any impact.

The bald man was slightly startled, and soon found the crux of the problem.

 Because his punch directly hit a piece of lightning!

 This guy... is actually a person with super powers? !

What Lin Yuan used was the elementalization ability of the Thunder Fruit!

 He calmly took a step back, and the thunder condensed into his head again.

“I thought you had a lot of strength, but I didn’t expect you to be a paper tiger.”

Lin Yuan shook his head and spoke calmly.

 According to his estimation, the bald man in front of him has at most the strength of a sixth-order peak warrior.

Since the opponent's Qi and blood have not yet formed special characteristics, it is naturally impossible to hurt Lin Yuan in the elemental state.

 “Even if you are a superpower, I...”

The bald man was about to speak harshly, but the second half of his sentence was stuck in his throat.

 Because at this moment, Lin Yuan had already placed a blue thunder blade across his neck.

The speed was so fast that even he couldn't react at all!

 “Listen, I don’t like to cause trouble.”

"But if you take the initiative to stir up trouble, then I don't mind doing something drastic."

"Although killing is not allowed in the sky prison, if you are only half-disabled, no one will care, right?"

Lin Yuan's voice sounded slowly and quietly in the ears of the bald man.


This bald man swallowed hard.

His eyes were staring straight at Lin Yuan.

However, in his heart, the shock was even greater than the fear!

 Speaking of which, the bald man's stay in the prison was not too short, and he had not heard of threats that were several times more serious.

Comparatively, these threats from Lin Yuan are not painful at all.

 What really shocked and frightened him was not Lin Yuan's words, but his strength!

 Around Lin Yuan, there was the blue power of Qi and blood that was like thunder.

He never imagined that such a young man, who looked to be in his early twenties at most, would be a strong man at the level of a martial arts master!

Only now did he realize that the young man in front of him who was imprisoned in this cell was not at all like a harmless little white rabbit as he had imagined.

 But...a real lone wolf with fangs and claws!

 (End of this chapter)

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