Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 199: The most powerful illusion, other gods! 【First update! 】

Chapter 199 The most powerful illusion, another god! 【First update! 】


Accompanied by an extremely furious beast's sound, the black demon ape relied on its own willpower to resist the nerve paralysis caused by the snake's venom. After roaring, it rushed towards the giant snake in front of it!

The next second, one of its thick palms directly blocked the opponent's snake's neck, and its other fist was like a giant hammer, punching the giant snake's head one punch at a time!

I don’t know how many punches were thrown, but the black demon ape was still unable to resist the neurotoxin in the snake venom, and finally fell limply to the ground.

With great force, the black demon ape furiously punched the giant snake dozens of times. At this moment, it collapsed on the ground, and it was obvious that it had no room to fight back.

At this moment, Lin Yuan's figure broke away from the divine power space.

His move just now, which sent him into the divine space, was a new move he developed.

Because Lin Yuan has been thinking that since he can transfer other things into the divine space, why can't he also transfer himself into it?

After repeated trials several times, Lin Yuan finally proved that his conjecture was feasible!

As long as he can be teleported into the Divine Power Space, what happens in the outside world will not have any impact on him.

 Previously, he used this move to perfectly avoid the giant snake's attack!

However, this move is not invincible.

 Opening the Divine Power Space requires the consumption of mental power, and teleporting oneself into the Divine Power Space will intensify the consumption of mental power!

Lin Yuan was able to dodge in the divine power space for less than five minutes, but his own mental power had already been exhausted.

 “It’s really hard work.”

 After Lin Yuan escaped from the Divine Power Space, he sighed sincerely.

 He looked around and found that things were going exactly as he expected.

The green giant snake and the black magic ape fought to the death. Both sides were injured. Although both sides were still alive, they had no energy left to get up.

 Based on the current injuries of the two abyssal beasts, it is almost impossible to kill them.

 The crisis was finally resolved quietly by Lin Yuan.

 At the same time, the system's beep sounded in Lin Yuan's ears.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully completing the choice. You will be rewarded with 10,000 blood points, 8,000 spiritual power, and the new Mangekyō Sharingan skill: Other Gods!”

 With a feeling of double vitality and spiritual replenishment, Lin Yuan knew that the reward from the system had arrived!

 Subsequently, Lin Yuan summoned his character panel for the first time in a long time.

Host: Lin Yuan

 Equal level: late seventh level

 Qi and blood: 175,000 points

  Mental power: 142,000 points

Powers: Nightfall, Hide

 Devil Fruit: Thunder Fruit

 Special ability: Mangekyō Sharingan

 Comprehensive evaluation: excellent potential

At present, Lin Yuan's qi and blood have reached 175,000 points, and his mental strength is also quite good, reaching over 140,000 points!

It is no exaggeration to say that now he is definitely the best among martial arts masters!

In fact, as long as he accumulates another 25,000 points of Qi and blood, he can successfully break through to the realm of the eighth-level venerable.

 After breaking through to the eighth level, he had more or less room for self-protection in this secret realm of the abyss.

Lin Yuan's incredible upgrade speed, I'm afraid not many people in the whole of China can match it. However, what Lin Yuan really cares about is not the substitute in terms of energy, blood and spiritual power, but the new ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan, another god!

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan directly opened the Sharingan panel and checked the abilities of other gods.

                                                                                         In the most powerful illusion, it can manipulate others unknowingly, and permanently and completely change people's thoughts and will , and can turn everyone seen by the caster into his puppet! 】

  【Other gods consume a lot of the caster's mental energy, and will drain all the caster's mental energy instantly! 】

  【Whether the other gods can successfully activate it depends on the mental power consumed by the caster, the mental power and mental state of the opponent! 】

【If the other gods fail to release, the mental power consumed by the caster will not be returned, so please use it with caution! 】

 After seeing the introduction of other gods’ effects, Lin Yuan really took a breath.

 The effect of Amaterasu is to create everlasting black flames.

 The effect of divine power is to distort space and transport objects into the divine space.

 But when you come to other gods, you can actually directly and completely change the will of others and make them become your own puppets!

With such a strange and powerful effect, it is no wonder that the pupil technique is called the "most powerful illusion technique".

However, although the effects of other gods are powerful, they also have many limitations when used.

 First of all, every time it is activated, all one's mental power will be exhausted.

Even so, it may not guarantee the success of the operation.

Lin Yuan calculated that with his current mental power, at most he could only use other gods to forcibly control the will of some seventh-level Qi and blood warriors, which was not of great significance.


Lin Yuan's thoughts changed, and his eyes quickly fell on the two dying beasts in front of him.

Logically speaking, the mental power of abyssal beasts is not as strong as that of humans.

 In his near-death state, he was even more depressed to the extreme.

Perhaps, I can try to use other gods to subdue these two eighth-level abyssal beasts?

As soon as this thought arose in Lin Yuan's heart, it was like a wildfire that set off a prairie fire and could no longer be suppressed.

You must know that with Lin Yuan's current strength, it is difficult to even protect himself in the secret realm of the Abyss Realm.

But if you use other gods to successfully control the two eighth-order abyssal beasts in front of you, then you will be equivalent to possessing two extremely powerful combat capabilities.

 Safety has also been greatly guaranteed.

However, with my current mental strength of just over 140,000, can I really successfully activate other gods and control the two abyssal beasts in front of me?

For a moment, Lin Yuan couldn't help but hesitate.

It seems that he sensed Lin Yuan's confusion, and the selection system was triggered accordingly!

  【Option 1: After taking the ‘Tianyou Demon Flower’ to enhance your mental strength, try to conquer the two eighth-level abyssal beasts in front of you! The reward is a ‘Secret Realm of the Abyss’ illustrated book and 5,000 points of energy and blood! 】

 【Option 2: Choose to kill the two eighth-level abyssal beasts in front of you and leave this place quickly! Reward 1 Devil Fruit upgrade card and 5 fairy beans! 】

After seeing the options that appeared in front of him, Lin Yuan was really stunned.

The ‘Tianyou Demon Flower’ that can enhance one’s own spiritual power?

Is this the name of that black magic flower?

Lin Yuan flipped his right hand and took out the gorgeous black magic flower directly from the system space.

 (End of this chapter)

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