Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 233: Choice reward: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Chapter 233 Choice Reward: Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

Just when Lin Yuan finished speaking.

 Two options immediately appeared in front of his eyes.

【Option 1: Accept Wang Tianjie's proposal, compete with all forces for the 'Heart of the Abyss', and gain control of the secret realm of the Abyss. Reward: 50,000 blood points, 50,000 spiritual power, and the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. 】

【Option 2: Protect yourself wisely, reject Wang Tianjie's proposal, and give up competing with all forces for the 'Heart of the Abyss'. Reward: 50,000 blood points, 50,000 mental power, and three Devil Fruit upgrade cards. 】

  【Tip: The risk factor of this option is extremely high, so the host is advised to make a careful choice. 】

Looking at the options that popped up in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

 First of all, through the options given by the system, he can now confirm that the ‘Heart of the Abyss’ must exist.

However, the prompts given by the system made Lin Yuan hesitate.

According to Lin Yuan’s long-term experience, generally speaking, the system rarely gives dangerous prompts.

 It seems that it is indeed not an easy task to seize food from the hands of all forces and get the heart of the abyss.

But even so, Lin Yuan was still not ready to give up.

 For others, this may be a great opportunity.

 But for Lin Yuan, his only thought was to leave the secret realm of the Abyss Realm in advance so as not to worry his family and friends!

Furthermore, what Lin Yuan is even more worried about is that while he is away from China, the Xu family may take action against his own family members!

  After all, given Xu Tianwu's hatred for him, there was nothing he couldn't do.

 Before entering the secret realm of Abyss Realm, Lin Yuan also talked about this matter with Wang Zhanlin.

 He also promised Lin Yuan that he would protect his parents as much as possible.

However, even so, Lin Yuan still couldn't completely rest assured.

It’s not that he can’t trust Wang Zhanlin, it’s just that as the principal of Mowu, Wang Zhanlin is already busy with trivial matters and cannot always pay attention to his parents.

If anything goes wrong, Lin Yuan will definitely regret it for the rest of his life!

This is the most important reason why Lin Yuan is so eager to leave the secret realm of the Abyss.

If Xu Tianwu really dares to attack his family, then he will definitely... let the entire Xu family be buried with him!

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan's eyes couldn't help but flash a sharp look.

Then, he muttered silently in his heart: "I choose the first option! The heart of the abyss...I will never give it to anyone else!"

“Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully making the choice! After the host successfully obtains the ‘Heart of the Abyss’, the system will automatically issue rewards.”

I have to say that in addition to Lin Yuan having to get the Heart of the Abyss, the reward given in option one is also what Lin Yuan urgently needs.

 That is the ‘Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan’!

 According to the system, after the Mangekyo Sharingan evolves to eternity, not only will the power of each move increase, but it will also no longer have to bear any side effects!

After entering the secret realm of the Abyss, he has been using the abilities of the Mangekyō Sharingan such as Amaterasu, Kamui, and other gods without restraint.

 This has also directly resulted in Lin Yuan's eyesight beginning to decline significantly.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before Lin Yuan becomes completely blind.

If he misses this opportunity, Lin Yuan doesn't know when he will get the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.


After Lin Yuan gave the answer, Wang Tianjie turned his head, looked at Li Fengyou, and asked, "What about you?" Li Fengyou spread his hands helplessly: "Do you think... I still have a choice? ?"

If she were to make a choice, with Li Fengyou's character, she would never take such a risk.

 But now, since Lin Yuan has made her choice, she can only follow this pirate ship.

“In that case, let’s make a plan now.”

Wang Tianjie’s eyes flashed with excitement.

Even if the ‘Heart of the Abyss Realm’ is found in the end, it will most likely belong to Lin Yuan.

 But Wang Tianjie is the kind of character who is afraid of chaos in the world!

In his opinion, as long as all forces are fighting together, there is no need to worry about not getting any benefits from it?

Even if you pick up corpses on the battlefield, you can probably make a fortune.

What's more, if you really get the 'Heart of the Abyss', you can make Lin Yuan, a genius with unlimited potential, owe them a favor.

 “Plan? How to make a plan?”

Li Feng glanced at him sideways and asked, "Do you know where the Heart of the Abyss is?"

 “How could I possibly know this.”

Li Fengyou rolled his eyes and said bluntly: "Then you still make a stupid plan."

Wang Tianjie was not angry either. He smiled and said, "But it is precisely because we don't know the specific location of the Heart of the Abyss that we need to make a plan!"

“Now, as far as we know, there are two major North American organizations, the ‘Order of the Phoenix’ and the ‘Order of the Dead’, searching for the location of the Heart of the Abyss.”

“In terms of numbers, there is definitely no way we can compete with the forces of various organizations.”

 “However, we are not without advantages.”

Having said this, Wang Tianjie turned his head directly, looked at Lin Yuan, grinned and said: "This boy's ability to control the Abyssal Beast is our greatest advantage!"

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then quickly realized his intention: "You mean, you want me to send the Abyssal Beast to collect intelligence for us?"

Wang Tianjie nodded: "That's right."

“Moreover, it is best to have a small and fast abyssal beast, which can reduce the risk of being killed by others.”

“Also, you can pay as much attention as possible to the movements of other forces. If any force gets information about the Heart of the Abyss, we may be able to detect some clues.”

After considering Wang Tianjie's proposal, Lin Yuan said thoughtfully: "This is indeed a good idea. Let's do it as the senior said."

 In his pet space, there are quite a few abyssal beasts that meet the requirements.

For example, the 'Ghost Dancer' can transform into dozens of phantom butterfly clones, greatly expanding the search range.

There is also the ‘Underground Scorpion’, which can travel freely under the ground. Its ability to conceal its aura is also extremely powerful and will hardly attract the attention of others.

After the three people discussed for a while, they roughly finalized a plan on how to search for the ‘Heart of the Abyss’.

As long as they know the approximate location of the ‘Heart of the Abyss’, they should take action accordingly!

 (End of this chapter)

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