Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 501: The guardian of the peak black hole level!

Chapter 501: The Guardian of the Peak Black Hole Level!

Facing Lin Yuan's question, Feng Chumo shook his head and grinned: "Neither of the two, I am a person who doesn't really like to take the initiative to make friends, and I don't need any companions."

 “I came to you, I just wanted to have a chat with you.”

 “Want to chat with me?”

 Lin Yuan looked surprised: "What is there to talk about with me?"

 “To be honest, I’m very interested in you.”

Feng Chumo looked at Lin Yuan with a half-smile, and spoke meaningfully.

Lin Yuan: "...How are you interested?"

Brother, what you said can easily lead to confusion!

Feng Chumo thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, I don't know for sure. I just feel that you are different from them, which makes me a little confused."

“For example, Arturo and Alfonso clearly have the temperament of casual cultivators. They are shrewd and philistine, and they will do whatever it takes to gain benefits.”

“Their vision is too narrow, so the upper limit is bound to not be very high.”

 “But the feeling you give me is different.”

 “Sometimes I even feel that you and I are the same kind of people.”

"So, I am very interested in you. If I have the chance to meet you in the secret realm of the Star Sea, I hope... to have a battle with you!"

 Lin Yuan: “???”

Why do you have to stand up with me?

Aren’t we teammates?

 Do you fight your teammates too? No one cares, no one cares!

Then, Feng Chumo ignored Lin Yuan, who looked astonished. He stood up and said with a smile: "Okay, I have said everything that needs to be said. I look forward to meeting you in the secret realm of the sea of ​​stars."

Before Lin Yuan had time to speak, Feng Chumo left with the wine glass in hand.

Lin Yuan looked helpless.

He now knows why Arturo didn't recruit Chumo to join his group.

This guy is indeed quite arrogant.

Furthermore, I am afraid that not many people can tolerate his self-talking temper.

However, Lin Yuan didn't think too much about it.

 After all, the Secret Realm of Star Sea is so big, it’s hard to say whether we can meet this guy.


This spaceship, which was like a giant steel beast, traveled in the dark and boundless universe for nearly ten days.

During this period, what Lin Yuan did was practice every day in the training room inside the merchant ship.

I have to say that although this is a spaceship used for commerce, the various facilities inside the spacecraft are quite complete.

 In the practice room, not only the gravity can be adjusted, but also the mental pressure can be adjusted.

 In this way, practicing in the practice room can not only consolidate one's own Qi and blood, but also steadily improve one's mental strength.

After this long interstellar journey, Lin Yuan and the others finally arrived at their destination, the entrance to the secret realm of the Star Sea!

Hundreds of thousands of miles away, Lin Yuan could already see the entrance to the secret realm of the Star Sea through the window string of the spacecraft.

Even Lin Yuan was a little shocked by the scene in front of him.

Before seeing it with his own eyes, Lin Yuan had never thought that the entrance to the Star Sea Secret Realm would be so... spectacular!

 That’s right, it’s spectacular.

 This was the only word Lin Yuan could use to describe the scene in front of him. The entrance to the Star Sea Secret Realm is like a dark wormhole.

 At its edge, it looks like a broken star ring, glowing with silvery white light, quiet and beautiful.

“Okay, stop looking, pack up and prepare to enter the secret realm.”

Arturo came to Lin Yuan's side at some point. He chuckled and reminded: "By the way, remember to bring the soul seal. After entering the secret realm later, I will join Alfonso as soon as possible. If the conditions are the same on your side, If possible, you’d better come to me and Alfonso as soon as possible!”

 “Yes, I will.”

Lin Yuan nodded and spoke calmly.


 The merchant ship left after sending them thousands of miles away from the entrance to the secret realm.

Looking closely at the entrance to the secret realm surrounded by broken star rings, Lin Yuan felt a sense of shock from the bottom of his heart.

 The universe is always so mysterious and vast, and there are always things beyond cognition.

Since the Star Sea Secret Realm is about to open, many star-level monks have gathered around the entrance of the secret realm.

Of course, almost more than half of these stellar monks are monks from the four major colleges.

However, Lin Yuan soon discovered that there was no one within 10,000 meters of the entrance to the Xinghai Secret Realm.

Arturo seemed to notice Lin Yuan's doubts and explained: "Now the Star Sea Secret Realm has not been officially opened. Except for the guardians, no one is allowed to step within 10,000 meters of the Star Sea Secret Realm."


Lin Yuan was slightly stunned at first, and then directly opened the Mangekyō Sharingan. Sure enough, he found four figures standing on the broken star ring, each guarding the four directions.

What surprised Lin Yuan was that even though they were thousands of miles apart, he could clearly feel the momentum and coercion exuded by these four figures!

 Before this, Lin Yuan had never felt such tyrannical pressure from anyone!

"Yes, for such an important place as the Star Sea Secret Realm, it is naturally impossible for the four major colleges to remain undefended."

Arturo said calmly: "These four guardians are from the four major academies, and they are all black hole-level experts!"

“In addition, there is actually an immortal and powerful man sitting here.”

“However, unless something unexpected happens, the Immortal Powerhouse usually doesn’t show up.”

“Four experts at the peak of black hole level…”

Lin Yuan now understood why these four people on the Shattered Star Ring could exude such tyrannical pressure.

You must know that even a monk who has just entered the black hole level has a vitality, blood and mental strength of more than five million points at least!

As for the monks at the peak of the black hole level, after all, their vitality, blood and spiritual power should have exceeded ten million points, right?

 Speaking of which, this was the first time that Lin Yuan had such close contact with a powerful person above the star level.

 The black hole-level pressure made him awed and excited at the same time!

 For Lin Yuan, the black hole level... is just the next target he chases.

 Even if it is a steep mountain, he can still climb it.

“It will take two days for the Star Sea Secret Realm to be opened, so please wait.”

 After taking a look at the time, Arturo immediately began to close his eyes and rest.

 The same is true for Alfonso and Feng Chumo.

Not just them, almost all the star-level monks in the audience were silently recharging their energy, waiting for the moment when the Star Sea Secret Realm was officially opened.

 (End of this chapter)

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