Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 513: Death of the Red Lion

Chapter 513 The Death of the Red Lion


The red lion roared, its hair swelled, and it fiercely bit Lin Yuan like a wild beast!


Lin Yuan did not hesitate at all, raised his hand and slashed out a large piece of violent thunder!

 However, this violent thunder failed to stop the Red Lion's attack at all!

 He directly faced the lightning and rushed towards Lin Yuan!

Lin Yuan's eyes were sharp, and he raised the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand without hesitation, trying to block the red lion's sharp claws!


This guy's claws are as hard as fine iron!

As the sword claws intertwined, even the surrounding space vibrated!

Even Lin Yuan was slightly surprised. He didn't expect this red lion to be so powerful!

Moreover, in addition to its own strength, the Red Lion's offense is also extremely aggressive. It is a desperate style of play, and it does not care at all about exchanging injuries with Lin Yuan!

 This can be seen from the fact that he braved the thunderstorm and rushed up.


After his right claw was blocked by Lin Yuan's sword, the red lion did not hesitate and directly swung out his left claw, drawing a blood shadow in the air and slashing towards the former's chest!


The red lion's eyes were red, and a low roar burst out from its mouth!

Facing the opponent's almost violent offensive, Lin Yuan showed no timidity at all, and once again activated the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan!

 “Divine power!”

With Lin Yuan's low shout, the space suddenly distorted in the direction in which the red lion's claws were tearing apart!

If the red lion does not retract its claws, it will be strangled to pieces by the divine space!

Red Lion's face darkened, and he finally chose to change his moves. He suddenly retracted his sharp claws, and then his right leg burst out with great force and struck Lin Yuan!

 Speaking of which, this is the first time Lin Yuan has officially fought against monks from the four major colleges. The strength of this red lion should not be underestimated!

However, Lin Yuan is not a weak person.

The moment the red lion kicked him with his right leg, Susanoo suddenly attacked and grabbed his ankle. Then he suddenly exerted force and dragged the red lion into the air, and then hit him hard. It hit the ground!


With a roar, half of the red lion's body was forcefully smashed into the ground by Susanoo!

The other two demon cultivators stared blankly at the scene in front of them, their eyes filled with disbelief.

They simply couldn’t believe that with the strength of the Red Lion, they were forcibly suppressed by this black-haired young man of unknown origin after just one encounter!

Just when the two of them reacted and were about to come to rescue, the red lion raised his head and roared: "Get away! Leave me alone!"

The so-called geniuses generally have their own arrogance.

As the genius of the Demon Seminary, Red Lion is naturally the same!

He will never tolerate being defeated by this boy of unknown origin!


The red lion roared wildly, and a circle of blood mist suddenly burst out around him!

 Under the blood mist, the red lion's eyes were red, like a wild beast, and it was attacking Lin Yuan!

 “Blood Lion Art, defeat thousands of armies!”

 After using the Blood Lion Art, both the strength and speed of the Red Lion have been greatly improved, and the strength has been increased by nearly 50%!

His sharp claws drew blood shadows in the air, heading towards Lin Yuan to kill him! "It seems that the strength of the college's genius is nothing more than this... In this case, I am too lazy to play with you."

 After learning about the strength of the Red Lion, Lin Yuan immediately lost interest.

Although the strength of the red lion cannot be said to be weak, it is not yet to the point where Lin Yuan needs to fight with it with all his strength.

This guy, at most... is just a little better than Li Chaoge.

Thinking like this, Lin Yuan took out the Seven-Yao Divine Scepter with his backhand and poured his own energy, blood and spiritual power into it continuously!

Since he has decided to fight quickly, Lin Yuan naturally does not need to hold back.

 Subsequently, he took a step back and separated himself from the red lion that was charging forward. The Seven-Yam Divine Scepter in his hand immediately pointed towards the latter!

"seal up!"

 In an instant, the power of the ban surged out like a tide!

Hongshi clearly noticed such an obvious energy fluctuation. His expression changed and he subconsciously prepared to get out of the way.

“Isn’t it too late to think about hiding now?”

Lin Yuan grinned, his smile was extremely bright!

 “Chi chi chi chi!”

With a series of soft sounds, countless dark vines quietly clung to the side of the red lion, and then suddenly tightened, binding his body tightly in place!

After the red lion's figure was imprisoned, the force of the confinement fell on his body with great precision!

Subsequently, Lin Yuan slashed out with his sword, and an extremely violent thunder dragon soul flew out from the sword's edge and landed on the red lion's body!

After using the secret technique, the latter was blasted a hundred meters away without even being able to touch the corner of Lin Yuan's clothes. He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood!

Seeing this scene, the other two demon cultivators couldn't bear it any longer and attacked directly from the left and right!

If the fight continues like this, I'm afraid the Red Lion will really die at the hands of this kid!

However, after they double-teamed up, Lin Yuan had no intention of paying attention to them. The power of the stars gathered around him, and then vibrated loudly, forcibly shaking away the two demon cultivators!

The next second, Lin Yuan's figure turned into a flash of lightning again, and the speed was extremely fast. The red lion had just stood up, and Lin Yuan was already in front of him!

Before the red lion could fight back, Lin Yuan's right hand was like lightning, and instantly grabbed his neck tightly and lifted him up in the air!


 “You...who are you?!”

  Hongshi’s feet lifted off the ground, and in a state of almost suffocation, his eyes widened, staring at Lin Yuan, and asked with difficulty: "You are not from Tianyuan College at all!"

“I know all the geniuses of Tianyuan College! There is no one as big as you…”

"Who told you that I am from Tianyuan College? Is it just because I stay with Li Chaoge? Then you are really thinking too much."

Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Not all strong people come from your four major colleges. Their eyesight is too shallow. What's the difference between them and the frogs at the bottom of the well?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yuan's right hand suddenly exerted force and forcibly broke the red lion's neck!

The latter had almost no room to struggle, so he died in Lin Yuan's hands. Even his eyes lost all vitality.

 (End of this chapter)

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