Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 526: Each shows his or her special powers

Chapter 526 Each shows his or her special powers

To be honest, both Arturo and Alfonso felt that it was a bit awkward for them to sing in harmony.

 But what can be done about this?

Who makes them inferior to Lin Yuan and others?

This group of fierce men can kill instantly with just a word. The Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast is a star-level high-level alien beast no matter what, okay?

 Don’t they have any respect for face?

 Arturo complained crazily in his heart.

 They do not have the strength of Feng Chumo and Li Tianran.

 The three of them join forces, concentrate their firepower, and kill a dragon beast instantly, which is their limit.

 The tactics have been formulated and the tasks have been assigned.

 Next, it’s time to start the war!

The group of people headed by Lin Yuan cautiously approached the group of Xinghai sand dragon beasts, fearing that their breath would leak out and arouse the vigilance of these dragon beasts.

“Okay, I’ll take action first, do you have any objections?”

Lin Yuan took a deep breath and silently opened the Sharingan in his eyes.

Even for him, it is not easy to kill two dragon beasts instantly.

 It must be done without any mistakes!

Li Chaoge nodded and said softly: "Be careful."

"Ok, I know."

The next second, Lin Yuan's figure surged up, like a cheetah, and rushed towards the two Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts closest to him!

 “Divine power!”

 At this moment, Lin Yuan activated the Sharingan ability without hesitation!

In an instant, a twisted space descended, dragging the two Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts in front of them into it!

 The best way to prevent these two Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts from escaping is to confine them to their own space!

 After dragging the two dragon beasts into the divine power space, Lin Yuan launched an offensive without mercy!


 The Amaterasu black flames that ignited in his pupils quickly burned the body of one of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts!

Moreover, as long as it does not die, the flames on it will become more intense and eventually burn it out!

 “Four evil thunder shadows!”

Then, Lin Yuan raised his hand again, and the thunder energy in his body completely exploded, forming four vicious beast thunder shadows in the air, and blasted away in the direction of the other Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast!

Under the bombardment of the fierce beast's thunder shadow, the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast wailed, and its body was covered in blood and flesh!

In just a short moment, Lin Yuan severely wounded two dragon beasts one after another!

However, this is not over yet.

You must know that Lin Yuan's mission is to instantly kill these two Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts, not just to severely damage them!

 “The creation golden dragon, kill it!”

Lin Yuan shouted loudly, raised the Blue Thunder Dragon Soul Sword in his hand, and suddenly slashed out a thunder dragon soul towards one of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts!

At the moment when the Thunder Dragon Soul condensed and took shape in front of him, Lin Yuan once again activated his own power of creation and poured it into the Dragon Soul in front of him!

 For a moment, the golden light surged above the Thunder Dragon Soul, as if it was covered with a layer of golden dragon scales, and it looked extremely powerful!

Accompanied by a high-pitched dragon roar, the golden dragon soul with the power of creation suddenly flew out and penetrated the body of one of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beasts in an instant!

 Passed through the head and out from the tail, almost in an instant, this star sea sand dragon beast completely lost its life!

On the other side, Susanoo and the twin shadows summoned by Lin Yuan also easily eliminated another dragon beast!

The katana in Susanoo's hand cut a huge gap in the head of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast, completely annihilating the life of this giant beast!

 From the time Lin Yuan pulled the two Xinghai Sand Dragon Beasts into the Divine Power Space, it was less than ten breaths in total.

And when Lin Yuan released the divine power space, the two dragon beasts had turned into two lifeless corpses.

  When these two corpses appeared, everyone couldn't help but froze slightly. Although Lin Yuan had promised before that he could kill the two dragon beasts.

 But when Feng Chumo and Li Tianran witnessed this scene with their own eyes, they still felt a kind of shock from the bottom of their hearts!

 This is really... too strong!

Looking at the dilapidated bodies of the two Xinghai Sand Dragon Beasts, they could already imagine how violent Lin Yuan's offensive was.

Furthermore, even Feng Chumo and Li Tianran couldn't imagine what kind of attack it would take to directly and forcefully penetrate the huge body of the Xinghai Sand Dragon Beast.

 After the two companions were killed, the entire Star Sea Dragon Beast herd instantly boiled!

 All the dragon beasts roared angrily, obviously full of anger towards Lin Yuan and the others!

When more than twenty dragon beasts roared at the same time, their sound was so terrifying that even the surrounding space was trembling!

 The war is about to break out!

 “Brother Lin Yuan is so fierce, we can’t let our guard down!”

Feng Chumo grinned, and immediately slapped the sword box behind his back. In an instant, dozens of flying swords flew into the air with his figure!

 “I’m coming too, and all the swords will be returned to the Yuan Dynasty!”

With Feng Chumo's clear shout, he once again launched Ten Thousand Swords to Return to Yuan!

  However, this time, he did not choose to unsheath a hundred swords, but only unsheathed more than sixty swords!

 This is the limit he can reach without losing his vitality!

 At the beginning, in order to determine the winner with Li Tianran, he did not hesitate to use his body to draw a hundred swords!

 Now, there is no need for him to go to such lengths to deal with a mere Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast.

 More than sixty swords, that’s enough!

Feng Chu Mo's sword was awe-inspiring, and these sixty flying swords were like falling meteors, slashing down towards one of the dragon beasts!

 “Chi chi chi chi—”

With a series of soft sounds, the sharp flying sword instantly sank into the flesh and blood of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast!

 Subsequently, the sword energy contained in the sword blade suddenly raged in all directions, frantically destroying the torso of the Star Sea Sand Dragon Beast from the inside!

In less than five breaths, Feng Chumo also used ten thousand swords to kill a dragon beast!

After Lin Yuan and Feng Chumo made great achievements one after another, Li Tianran finally couldn't hold it back any longer. Before the group of dragon beasts gathered together consciously, he snorted coldly and headed towards a man on the edge. Xinghai Sanddramon rushed forward!

At this moment, Li Tianran used his bloodline talent without hesitation!

 A giant wolf silhouette suddenly appeared from behind him. After roaring wildly, it merged directly into Li Tianran's body, causing the latter's figure to expand crazily, as if the ancient giant wolf had come to the world!


Li Tianran's eyes were sharp. After transforming into a giant wolf, he opened his huge mouth and bit the dragon beast!

 (End of this chapter)

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