Invincibility Starts with God-level Selection

Chapter 561: The land of Shura!

Chapter 561 The Land of Shura!

Looking at the grateful Black Mist Demon Lord in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but scratch his head.

 Damn it, this guy must have been burned to death by himself...

 Lin Yuan is now very afraid that the Black Mist Demon Lord will say "Abba, Abba, Abba, Abba..."

 Brother, you must believe me. I really just want to burn you to death. I never thought about burning you into a retard!

While Lin Yuan was thinking wildly, the Black Mist Demon Lord finally spoke.

 “My dear friend, thank you for your help and solving the stubborn illness that has troubled me for many years!”

 After the Black Mist Demon Lord said these words, Lin Yuan was stunned on the spot.

Stubborn illness?

 What kind of illness?

Since when did I help you cure your stubborn illness? !

The Black Mist Demon Lord seemed to have noticed Lin Yuan's doubts. He chuckled and explained: "Ever since I practiced the 'Mist Demon Sea Transformation Technique', my mental strength and soul have been affected by the black mist all the time. of erosion.”

“And if I want to resist such erosion, I have only two choices. One is to stop practicing the Mist Demon Transformation Sea Kung Fu.”

“However, for me, this is equivalent to cutting off my lifeline of cultivation, which is absolutely impossible.”

“In this case, I have only the second option left, which is to purify as much as possible the black mist that has eroded my mental power and soul!”

“But the second option sounds simple, but is actually extremely complicated.”

The Black Mist Demon Lord said bitterly: "Over the years, I have tried countless divine objects to purify the black mist attached to the soul, but... most of the divine objects are useless. to any effect.”

“Even if it works, it only inhibits or slows down the erosion speed of the black fog, completely treating the symptoms but not the root cause.”

Listening to the Black Mist Demon Lord's explanation, Lin Yuan gradually began to understand something: "So... is this why you set your sights on the fire attribute divine symbol in my hand?"

The Black Mist Demon Lord nodded and said, "That's why I have no choice, so I want to seize all hope."

"If I continue to practice regardless of this, I'm afraid I will be dead before I can break through to the cosmic level!"

"But now...thanks to your fire! It has solved the trouble that has been bothering me for so long!"

The Black Mist Demon Lord's tone was full of excitement and gratitude.

Lin Yuan obviously did not expect that the flames he had condensed to burn out the soul of the Black Mist Demon Lord could have such a miraculous effect!

" are not going to fight for this divine symbol in my hand now?"

Lin Yuan blinked and asked calmly.

"Well, now that my goal has been achieved, the value of this divine inscription to me is not that great, and it is not worth taking the risk anymore."

 After the inner demon that had troubled him for a long time was lifted, the Black Mist Demon Lord seemed to feel much more refreshed.

 For him, the value of divine writing itself is not that great.

 Because this fire-attributed divine inscription is not consistent with his own attributes at all, even if he takes it in his hands, it will not have much effect.

Hearing the words of the Black Mist Demon Lord, Lin Yuan immediately felt dumbfounded.

He obviously did not expect that things would develop in such a direction.

You know, he was even prepared for a life-and-death fight with the Black Mist Demon Lord, but he didn't expect it to end in such an anticlimactic manner!

Honestly speaking, this can be regarded as an unintentional intervention!

"Since senior is unwilling to fight me to the death, I will leave first."

Lin Yuan cupped his hands and prepared to leave.

  If it was not necessary, he would not want to fight to the death with the Black Mist Demon Lord.

 After all, the latter ability is indeed a bit tricky.


Just when Lin Yuan was about to leave, the voice of the Black Mist Demon Lord rang in his ears again!

 “Is there anything else?”

 Lin Yuan turned around, but he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart, ready to fight the Black Mist Demon Lord at any time.

"Don't be nervous. Since I'm not going to compete with you for that divine inscription, I won't take action against you again."

“The risk of offending your mysterious and terrifying master for a dispensable divine inscription is too great.”

The Black Mist Demon Lord smiled and said in a very friendly manner: "I just want to thank you for curing the stubborn illness that has troubled me for so many years."

Hearing what the Black Mist Demon Lord said, although Lin Yuan did not relax his vigilance at all, he smiled and asked: "Then how do you want to thank me?"

Black Mist Demon Lord smiled and said: "Here is an admission token to the 'Land of Shura'. I got it by chance. If you need it, I can give this token to you." ”

 “The land of Shura? What kind of place is this?”

Lin Yuan was slightly stunned, with a bit of confusion in his eyes.

"Well... to put it simply, it is a killing place. Killing people in the Shura Land will not only not result in any punishment, but will also be rewarded by the rules of the universe!"

“The stronger the person you kill and the higher your talent, the less cosmic rewards you can get.”

“It is precisely because of this that many powerful men who are famous for killing have risen from the land of Shura!”

 Listening to the introduction of the Black Mist Demon Lord, Lin Yuan was slightly moved.

However, he still remained vigilant and asked: "According to you, this should be considered a good thing, right? Then why do you want to give it to me again?"

Black Mist Demon Lord smiled and said calmly: "I know you are wary, but there is a reason why I will give you the admission token to this land of Shura."

“First of all, this entry token to the land of Shura can be regarded as my backup.”

Lin Yuan frowned and subconsciously asked, "What's the back-up plan?"

“Of course it’s a backup plan to solve the hidden dangers in my body.”

Black Mist Demon Lord smiled and said: "I have already made preparations. If the stubborn disease on my body cannot be eliminated no matter what, then I will simply enter this land of Shura and rely on killing in exchange for a glimmer of hope!"

Lin Yuan nodded: "Then you are quite decisive."

I have to say that there is nothing wrong with this statement made by the Black Mist Demon Lord, and it is completely reasonable.

"Secondly, since I no longer have any use for this token, I will simply give it to you, which can be regarded as settling the cause and effect between us." Lin Yuan frowned and asked, "What are you talking about? The cause and effect refers to..."

"I don't want you to hold a grudge against me because of what happened today. You know, I am a very cautious person and I never want to make too many enemies."

“So, if we can resolve the cause and effect between us with this token, that would be great.”

For a moment, Lin Yuan burst into laughter: "What you said is quite interesting."

 “So, you agree?”

  “What should I object to if I can get such a good thing for free?”

 Lin Yuan smiled and stretched out his hand. Upon seeing this, the Black Mist Demon Lord flicked his wrist and shot a token as black as ink into his hand!

“Is this the admission token to the Land of Shura?”

 Lin Yuan looked at the Shura Token in his hand, which was made of unknown material, and clearly felt the chilling aura emanating from the token.

Just based on this aura, Lin Yuan felt that the Black Mist Demon Lord was not trying to trick him.

What's more, the other party has absolutely no need to do so.

On the Shura Token, one side is engraved with the word "Xiu", and the other side is engraved with a Shura ghost face, which looks extremely scary.

At this moment, the system prompt sounded in Lin Yuan's ears again.

 【Option 1: Take the Shura Token and go to the Shura Land for experience. Reward: 1 million qi and blood points, 1 million spiritual power, and a lot of creation power! 】

  【Option 2: Return the Shura Token to the Black Mist Demon Lord, and express that the Shura Land is too dangerous and he is unwilling to go there. Reward: 250,000 blood points, 250,000 spiritual power! 】

  【Option 3: Find the market where you are staying and auction the Shura Token in your hand, the one with the highest price will get it. Reward: 800,000 qi and blood points, 800,000 spiritual power, and the skill: God and Demon Body Refining Technique! 】

Looking at the options that appeared in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He obviously didn’t expect that just by going to the Land of Shura, he would be able to gain a million points of energy, blood and mental strength, and even... a lot of creation power!

 If he remembered correctly, this was the first time that the system used the power of creation as a reward!

According to Lin Yuan’s understanding of the system, the system will never give out such high rewards for no reason.

 For such a simple task to have such a level of reward, that can only mean one thing.

That is... this so-called 'Land of Shura' is extremely dangerous, even far more dangerous than what the Black Mist Demon Lord introduced!

However, the more dangerous the place, the more interested Lin Yuan is!

 After all, wealth can only be found in danger.

 Only in dangerous places can there be great opportunities!

 After giving the Shura Token to Lin Yuan, the Black Mist Demon Lord thought that he had settled a cause and effect, and left with satisfaction.

Only Lin Yuan remained where he was, feeling that something was not quite right.

He thought hard and couldn't figure out what was wrong.

 But this feeling always surrounds him.

“Forget it, don’t think about it, there’s nothing wrong with it, let’s go find the Land of Shura first!”

Lin Yuan shook his head and cleared his mind of distracting thoughts.

 Subsequently, just as he was about to set off, he suddenly became confused and finally realized something was wrong.

 Damn it...he doesn't even know where this Shura land is!

How can he get to this place if he doesn't even know the location of Shura Land? !

 For a moment, Lin Yuan just wanted to slap himself twice.

I was so thoughtful, but I forgot to ask the Black Mist Demon Lord for a star map!

 Fortunately, the system seemed to be aware of Lin Yuan's predicament, and soon projected the star map to the Land of Shura in front of him.

“Host, please follow the instructions on the star map and arrive at the Land of Shura as soon as possible!”

Looking at the star map in front of him, Lin Yuan couldn't help but shed tears of excitement.

 At critical times, the system is still reliable!


After clarifying the location of Shura Land, Lin Yuan embarked on the journey again.

However, he did not go directly to the Land of Shura. Instead, he first found a market closest to his location on the star map, and purchased everything he needed in this market. And an extremely high-performance spaceship!

Lin Yuan understands the principle that if you want to do your job, you must first sharpen your tools.

In addition, he also spent a high price of 300 million galactic coins to customize an extremely special weapon in a war weapons store in this market chain!

 A weapon...enough to carry the power of creation within his body!

 Its shape is also that of a long sword.

According to the person in charge of the war weapon shop, the weapon they forged for Lin Yuan is enough for him to use all the way to the cosmic level!

 It seems that you get what you pay for, which indeed makes sense.

 Furthermore, since what Lin Yuan purchased was a customized weapon, he deliberately stayed in this market for nearly a month, just to wait for the forging of his weapon to be completed.

After everything was ready, Lin Yuan took the spaceship and headed towards the direction of Shura Land!

 The land of Shura is hundreds of thousands of light years away from Lin Yuan's current location.

For him, this is destined to be an extremely long journey. The time spent on the journey is at least more than half a year!

However, Lin Yuan didn't care at all.

 After all, he also needs time to settle himself.

Whether it is his latest understanding of the Law of Time, or stabilizing his too-rapid improvement in strength, or getting familiar with the fire-attribute divine inscriptions obtained from the Holy Star, it will take a lot of time.

This period of time on the spaceship was just enough for Lin Yuan to practice in seclusion for a while.

Lin Yuan was content, but Xiaoyou was suffering.

You know, this little guy just woke up from his deep sleep, but now he has started to stay in solitary confinement with Lin Yuan again, almost to the point of being autistic.

 Fortunately, Lin Yuan understood the nature of this little guy and collected a lot of delicious food during the time he stayed at the market, so he managed to coax the little guy.

It is worth mentioning that the closer the spaceship accompanying Lin Yuan got to the land of Shura, the more interstellar robbers he encountered.

What surprised Lin Yuan was that among these robbers, there were actually some black hole-level monks!

Although the strength of these black hole-level monks cannot be called powerful, the fact that they are black hole-level monks and willingly degenerate into interstellar pirates is bizarre enough.

You must know that as long as you reach the black hole level, no matter which small force you join, you will definitely be treated as a guest!

What’s even more bizarre is that once these interstellar robbers start fighting, one becomes more ferocious and braver than the last, as if they don’t care about life and death at all.

 (End of this chapter)

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