Invincible Cheating Device Of Xianwu

Chapter 198: Invincible\r

Although the leopard demon was extremely contemptuous of the two between words, he attached great importance to them in his heart, and he had always been jealous of the white light in front of Yan Chixia, and he knew that if he let this white light get close, he would not be happy.

But in the next moment, Sen Sen was cold, white light flashed, and his figure instantly moved tens of meters, but no matter how fast he was, how could he compare to this white light, he only felt a pain in his back, and the stinging sound was like a silk drape being torn apart, and the scale armor on the back of the leopard demon was suddenly cut by white light, twisted into butterflies flying in the sky, from the neck to the tail, a long line of blood suddenly appeared.

At that moment, the leopard demon almost felt that he had been cut in half alive by this white light, but fortunately, his scale armor was hard enough to resist the attack of this white light.

Yan Chixia saw that she missed a blow, her heart moved, and the white light suspended in the air was magnificent, buzzing and shaking, and burst towards the leopard demon ~ .


The leopard demon roared, he knew that his scale armor could only barely block this white light, but if this white light cut the cut blood line behind him and twisted into his body, he - didn't he die immediately?

Seeing the white light bursting out, the leopard demon was frightened, his whole body was cold, and in an instant, the space around him was like a river rolling up a huge vortex, the vortex was rolling, and the white light fell into it, and the speed was actually much slower, which gave the leopard demon a chance to escape.

The white light failed to assassinate the leopard demon, brushed a back roll in the air, and the sword light flashed, smashing several powerful ghosts.

Yan Chixia killed here, forcing the leopard demon to flee and avoid, turning his head to see, Gao Han was still standing in place, he was shocked in his heart, and shouted: "Senior brother, you still haven't made a move, when do you have to wait?" ”

Gao Han looked up at the roots of the trees that spread all over the heaven and earth, and smiled slightly: "The time has come." ”

He saw in the stone stele of Lanruo Temple that the dryad had once pulled out of the ground, and knew that although this dryad could easily not move places, it could still move, but now the roots of this dryad have spread all over the heavens and earth, even if it is not so easy to go, he is waiting for this time.

Gao Han shook his robe and stepped out.

"Little ones, kill them all!"

At the dryad body, the dryad saw Yan Chixia killing and killing, and was furious, and ordered all his subordinates to kill, at this moment, an earth-shaking sound sounded, the rolling sound wave shocked and spread, and a figure rushed wildly, behind him, pulled up a rolling air wave, and the air wave flashed with Mars, more like the sparks that this figure quickly rubbed the air, like a 100-meter dragon roaring madly.

Wan Ma Qi!


The dryad was shocked, and immediately called the roots of the sky tree to stop it, but in front of the rapid and violent figure, these roots were as fragile as tofu, and before they got close, they were torn apart by the rolling and concussive sound waves set off by the terrifying figure.

The speed at which a person runs is like thousands of troops running wildly, invincible, and whatever stands in his way will be smashed into powder alive.



The huge bull demon appeared in front of Gao Han, his speed was much slower than the leopard demon, so he was much behind the leopard demon, and Gao Han met on a narrow road, five feet long, three feet tall body, black as steel, like an iron mountain is daunting, running at full speed, the ground rumbled and shook, two long horns, even a small mountain Gao Han had no doubt that he would collapse.

The bull demon let out a searing breath from his mouth and nose, and rumbled towards Gao Han.

Huge body, a speed of 100 meters of breathing, two long horns, this is his simplest, but also the roughest, most effective means of attack, once knocked down by him, even if not pierced by the horns, it will be smashed into meat sauce alive.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The earthquake shook, and Gao Han had a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he was not afraid to rush straight at the bull demon.

0 ······ Ask for flowers... ·········


The two collided fiercely, and amazingly, Gao Han, who was not as tall as the bull demon's legs, knocked the bull demon out, like a missile soaring, and blood sprayed out like a waterfall.

Moo! Moo! Moo!

The bull demon erupted into a miserable scream, and when it crashed to the ground, it was already a soft pile of flesh and blood.

His bones were shattered by Gao Han the moment of contact, and if someone cut open his flesh, they would find that there was not a single intact place in his body.

Gao Han didn't even look at the bull demon that turned into a corpse, and rushed away, sneering in his heart: "The flesh is your strength, why not mine?" ”

..... ........ 0


The two scarlet eyes on the dryad's body shrank suddenly, within a radius of 10,000 meters, it can be said that they are all his domain, everything cannot escape his perception, just now, he suddenly found that one of his most relied on subordinates, the bull demon, was killed alive by that man.

This is, the dryad suddenly regretted a little that he had sucked Xia Hou's spirit dry and provoked such two evil gods.

He still doesn't know, even if it is not for him to kill Xiahou, Gao Han will come to the door, no why, just for the thousands of dead purposes for hundreds of years, he is in it, and he stays out of it, watching them die, the stone stele of Lanruo Temple is more like a collection of grievances placed on those people hundreds of years ago, and it took hundreds of years for Gao Han to know, hoping that someone can avenge them.

"High... High...... Crouch! ”

Even from a distance of thousands of meters, Yan Chixia still saw this scene, her eyes were full of disbelief, he never expected that Gao Han would actually crash the huge bull demon to death, how incredible it was.

He thought that Gao Han would avoid the bull demon, but he did not expect that Gao Han would choose the most violent way.

Kill him! Mouth.

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