Invincible Cheating Device Of Xianwu

Chapter 224: Corpse Transformation\r

The four big men had been rushing to the wind and dust for a long time, and three of them fell asleep as soon as they touched the pillow, breathing very groggy, only the tall and thin man was not breathing heavily, and obviously had not completely slept over.

Gao Han moved his gaze to the wooden board covering the female corpse, the paper cup covering the female corpse was slowly opened, the female corpse slowly got up and got off the wooden bed, slowly walked towards the four sleeping men, the wooden planks pressed between actions creaked.

"Corpse?" Gao Han frowned and thought, this woman's corpse does not have any popularity, and her body is full of strong corpse qi, but this woman has not been bitten by zombies, and has not yet been buried, and even if she is buried, she must be buried in the corpse breeding place to have the opportunity to become a zombie.

"How did the corpse become "five nine three"? Either she is manipulated, or her ancestors are buried in an extremely powerful corpse raising place, and can even affect future generations. ”

Gao Han searched his mind for accounts of the Maoshan party and came to this conclusion.

Gao Han is more inclined to the second conclusion that she herself is likely to be born in the lunar and lunar years, such people are too yin qi and usually do not live long. In fact, even if it is a woman, there is more yang energy than yin qi, and once a person allows yin qi to overshadow yang qi, it indicates that the person's life is not long in coming.

Born in a lunar and lunar year, coupled with the fact that the ancestors were buried in the place where the corpse was raised, two factors were indispensable, making her a zombie just after she died.

This female corpse was wearing a plain white life dress, her face was ordinary, her face changed from bluish to pale gold, her forehead was wrapped in a white scarf, her pupils were all black, bursting into a faint light, three inches of nails grew on her ten fingers, four two-inch long sharp teeth grew between her lips, and her mouth opened slightly, which was actually a sharp tooth with interlaced canine teeth.

The four men slept side by side on the bed, the female corpse was close to the bed, blowing one by one, blowing all over the three men at once, and the other man seemed to feel something, and then the female corpse held his breath when it blew him.

"Yin cavitation body!"

Gao Han saw at a glance what the woman was doing, spitting out Yin Qi between the mouths and noses of the three men, and they would inadvertently inhale Yin Qi into their bodies in their sleep, because Yin Qi was like the body, their blood temperature would gradually decrease, their bodies would gradually decrease, and then they would lose their ability to resist.

These four men are not ordinary people, this woman obviously has a trace of wisdom, may feel that she is not their opponent, so she chose to make them reduce their resistance and then suck blood one by one.

Yin cavitation body is obviously not a thing that can be achieved overnight, the female corpse is constantly swallowing Yin Qi, the three sleeping men are not aware at all, breathing gradually slows down, the temperature of the body surface also begins to decrease, and gradually becomes stiff, or in a moment or three, the three people will die completely, allowing the female corpse to suck blood. Only the tall and thin man held his breath like an ordinary person.

Gao Han was about to take action to destroy the female corpse, but he was afraid that the female corpse would kill the three people completely, and even Gao Han could not save them at such a close distance.

The tall and thin man seemed to be waiting for the opportunity, kept holding his breath, took advantage of the opportunity of the female corpse to swallow yin qi at the three companions, gently kicked the three companions, but found that there was no movement, and then tiptoed up, walked to his saber and took the knife in his hand, slowly withdrew the knife.

Although the tall and thin man's movements were very small, they were still discovered by the female corpse, she jerked her head to one side, found that a person lying on the bed had disappeared, and when she looked back, she found that the tall thin man was holding a snowy knife and wanted to cut over.

"Evil! Die! ”

At the moment when the female corpse turned back, the tall and thin man screamed, as if to remind his companions, but the three companions were still lying quietly on the bed.

As a violent sword light rose from the tall and thin man's waist, a bright light flashed in the room, illuminating the room, and a hideous look flashed on his face, fiercely slashing at the female corpse 0 ...

In the face of this violent sword light, the female corpse's stiff face did not have the slightest expression, did not flash or force, and allowed the tall and thin man to slash at her.


The sound of gold and iron colliding sounded, and the tall and thin man only slashed the life clothes on the female corpse, but only left a white mark on the female corpse's shoulder.

"What a monster!"

The tall and thin man's heart jumped fiercely, he couldn't even break the skin of this monster with all his might?

The next moment, the pupils of the tall and thin man contracted, and I saw that the stiff female corpse was extremely fast, and his arm swept over, like two iron rods swept fiercely on him.

Damn it!


The long knife was broken, the arm was castrated and hit his chest, the tall and thin man was like a lightning strike, the sternum was broken, a mouthful of reverse blood sprayed out, the whole person smashed through the wall like a cannonball, and in the huge movement of wood chips splashing, the tall and thin man fell to the first floor.


The blow knocked the tall thin man to the first floor, and the female corpse crashed through the wall, chasing after the tall and thin man.

After the tall and thin man fell to the first floor, he saw the female corpse chasing after him again, understood that he was not the opponent of the female corpse, and hurriedly rushed into a 3.9 room.


The female corpse let out a violent roar, mixed with a deafening roar amid the violent sound of walls shattering, and the female corpse chased after it, waving her three-inch long nails and pounced on the tall and thin man.


The guests who were knocked into the room by the female corpse were also awakened by the huge movement, and saw a monster rushing through their room, one by one, frightened and urinating, their souls scattered, and the screams were incessant.

"My life rests!"

Feeling the whistling wind behind him, and the feeling of sharp nails almost touching his body, the tall and thin man was full of horror, ready to meet the arrival of death.

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