Qiao Feng looked up to the sky and sighed, "It's me who is too naïve. ”

"Mengdog! You still dare to come to Shaolin Temple! ”

"Kill your father and mother and kill your master, you still have the face to come to Shaolin Temple, how can your skin drop like this!"

The crowd was bustling, and after seeing Qiao Feng, someone finally couldn't help but yell.

Qiao Feng snorted coldly: "I, Qiao Feng, do things alone!" If Qiao did it, even if it was something that broke the sky, Qiao dared to admit it, but if it wasn't for Qiao, Qiao wouldn't admit it, on the contrary! I will definitely find out the murderer of my parents, Master! ”

Qiao Feng stood tall, his eyebrows were rough, his chest was broad, and his eyebrows showed no anger and arrogance, all of which were righteous and awe-inspiring, and he couldn't help believing three points in his heart.

"Lord Qiao, all martial arts heroes, please don't be angry first, Lao Gu believes in Lord Qiao, those people were not killed by Lord Qiao, and the Yanmen Pass tragedy decades ago is not what is currently rumored in the rivers and lakes, but a big misunderstanding." Master Zhiguang said.

"Amida Buddha, the Yanmen Pass massacre thirty years ago was committed by Lao Gu as the leading eldest brother, because he listened to Murong Bo's words, and mistakenly thought that Lord Qiao's biological father came to steal the Shaolin Temple and exclude school, so that he accidentally killed Lord Qiao's parents. Xuanci sighed with a long chant.

Qiao Feng's burly body shook twice, speaking from other people and Xuanci's mouth himself are two concepts, he has learned martial arts in Shaolin Temple since he was a child, and has regarded Shaolin Temple as his home, but Shaolin Temple is the biggest murderer of his parents, and mentioning it again is tantamount to pouring salt on his heart.

"Everyone, ‖!" Gao Han glanced at the group of heroes and raised his voice: "There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that thirty years ago, Brother Qiao's father came to steal the Shaolin Temple, so that Xuanci led the rivers and lakes to snipe, but have you ever thought that the martial arts of the Shaolin Temple have the ability to influence the key to the victory or defeat of the two countries?" ”

"The world's martial arts are out of Shaolin, if Dameng steals the martial arts of the Shaolin Temple, when the time comes, Dameng learns the martial arts of the Shaolin Temple, and Daxia will be in danger..."

"Menggou came to Daxia, he must be uneasy and kind..."

"The martial arts of Shaolin Temple can only be spread in Daxia, how can they be spread to Dameng!"

The crowd heard the discussion, or did a small number of people bow their heads and ponder: Does the Shaolin Temple really have the weight that affects the victory or defeat of the two countries?

Gao Han sneered and said: "As we all know, the martial arts style of Daxia is strong, if you talk about the masters of the rivers and lakes, Dameng is definitely not comparable to Daxia, and there is also the saying that the world's martial arts are out of Shaolin, but in this case, in the past fifty years, why has the war between Daxia and Dameng been mixed?" This is also because there are many rivers and lakes enthusiastic people participating in the war, if the Shaolin Temple has such a weight, the Great Xia He should win more and lose less. ”

As soon as Gao Han's words came out, most people showed a contemplative look, and Gao Han's words singled out what they overlooked: the weight of the Shaolin Temple is not so heavy!

"Besides!" Gao Han snorted coldly: "Brother Qiao's father and master are from Daxia, who once vowed never to kill the people of Daxia, and held a high position in Dameng, preventing Emperor Dameng from sending troops many times, this move does not know how many Daxia people's lives have been saved." In a sense, killing Brother Qiao's father is indirectly killing people who died at war between the two countries! ”

Xuanci clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's trumpet: "Amida Buddha, the old man has sinned deeply, willing to die to apologize!" ”

"Apologize for your sins with death? It's too cheap for you! Gao Han said lightly, but grabbed it with one hand, only to see a figure in the crowd without any resistance and was shot by him and fell to the ground with a bang.

Duan Yanqing and Yue Laosan originally wanted to save Ye Erniang, but they were glanced at lightly by Gao Han, and their minds were like lightning strikes, and they didn't know the southeast and northwest for a while.

Gao Han looked at the woman who fell to the ground and looked at Xuanci and asked, "Does Abbot Xuanci know the woman on this ground?" ”

"Lao Gu naturally knows, Ye Erniang." Xuanci said slowly.

"Then do you know Ye Erniang's sins?" Gao Han said lightly.

Xuanci's body shook and he was silent for a long time, not daring to look at Gao Han's burning gaze.

Xuan Bei, Xuan Bei, Xuan Qiao and other Shaolin Temple Xuanzi seniors were furious in their hearts, but in the face of Gao Han, a big evil person, they did not dare to be angry, Xuan Bei endured his anger and said coldly: "'If Master Gao has any accusations, just say it, the crimes of the four evil people Ye Erniang are almost known to everyone in the rivers and lakes, so there is no need to ask!" ”

Gao Han chuckled and asked rhetorically, "Since the crimes of Ye Erniang and the other four evil people are well known, why didn't Abbot Xuanci, the big-headed big brother, take the lead in getting rid of them?" ”

Xuan was stunned, and was speechless for a while, and Xuan said with difficulty: "Senior Brother Xuanci, as the abbot of Shaolin Temple, naturally wants to sit in Shaolin Temple, and is not allowed to go out at will..."

Gao Han interrupted him: "Since Abbot Xuanci can't go out, the rest of the Shaolin Temple can always go out, why don't you see the Shaolin Temple sending people to remove the evil?" ”

Xuan Lian opened his mouth and said, "At this time, the duty of the six doors (Wang De's) is not my Shaolin Temple duty!" ”

"Good! Good! Good! Gao Han laughed heartily, with endless irony: "What a clever tongue, what a shirk of responsibility!" ”

Xuan Bei was about to speak, but Xuan Ci raised his head to stop it, and said with a long sigh: "Senior Brother Xuan Bei doesn't have to justify, I have serious sins, let me bear all the burden." ”

"Xuanci! I can ask you! Do you take it up! Gao Han exclaimed, like a lion roaring, and the sound shook the sky.

"I... I..." Xuan Ci's heart was so confused that for a while, even Lao Gu forgot to call himself, and he was speechless.

Gao Han said lightly: "There are five precepts in Buddhism, one is not to kill, two not to steal, three not to commit adultery, four not to talk nonsense, and five not to drink... Have you ever asked yourself, which one have you committed? ”.

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