Invincible Cheating Device Of Xianwu

Chapter 299: The West Heaven Does Not Tolerate\r

The young monk slowly got up, clasped his hands together, chanted the Buddha's horn, and broke his closed-mouth meditation: "Amida Buddha, Buddha crosses the world, if I and other Buddhist disciples can't eat enough and wear warm clothes, how can we talk about crossing the world?" ”

Gao Han glanced at him, walked past him, came to the copper hall, and lightly knocked on the copper hall, and the bell sounded.

"Just this one copper hall is enough for tens of thousands of monks in the Jingnian Zen Monastery to eat and wear for ten years, how many such copper halls and how many gold and bronze Buddha statues are there in the Jingnian Zen Monastery? You talk to me about food and clothing? In front of the Jingnian Zen Monastery, there is "the twilight drum and morning bell awakens the world's fame and fortune", I see that it is you who want to wake up, what you have sought is not to eat, but to be poor and desperate, extremely rich, in the world, who is comparable to the wealth of your Jingnian Zen Monastery? ”

The young monk sighed softly: "These are all spontaneously built by believers, they believe in Buddha, and it is natural ~ natural to build Buddha statues for Buddha." ”

Gao Han smiled and said, "Yes, monk, aren't you monks all merciful when they open and close their mouths, why don't you have the slightest compassion for the people?" ”

Gao Han turned his head to look at the bottom of the mountain and said, "If there is a big chaos today, even outside Luoyang City, you can easily find 100,000 hungry people with skin and bones, starving everywhere, and the wealth of your Jingnian Zen Monastery is that you can't eat it for a hundred years, at this time, do you have compassion?" ”

"But not only do you have no compassion, but you do evil things, and the people eat one meal but not the next, and when you come to your door to urge rent, do you abandon mercy and go out of the clouds?"

"Empty monk! Where is your mercy! ”

Gao Han's eyes widened in anger, and the sound shook the Jingnian Zen Monastery humming.

The empty body shook slightly, and sighed: "It seems that the donor and my Buddha have a feud, no matter what the poor monk says, it can't change the donor's thoughts." ”

Gao Han said from afar: "The evil king has a saying well, you, what degree of shaving, what Buddha you worship, which sutra you chant, whose Rulai you have become, you, in the end, the enlightened Buddha, or fame and wealth?" ”

"Shut up! Pure land of Buddha, how can you slander it! ”

Don't roar.

Gao Han ignored him, and his palm slowly brushed over the Buddha statue: "No anger, no foolishness, no greed, I think it should be for anger and greed, such a big Buddha statue, I don't know how many people's fat paste is contained in it?" How much of their flesh and blood? ”

Not stupid but unable to hold back any longer, holding a long steel staff of hundreds of kilograms, swinging a whistling hurricane, smashing into Gao Han with a deafening hurricane roar.

Gao Han looked up at the Buddha statues one after another, ignoring the steel staff behind him that could smash 100,000 pounds of boulders.

"When you chant, do you see compassion in the sutras? Do you see a ferryman, I don't think so..."

Seeing that the staff was about to fall on Gao Han's head, Kou Zhong and the others almost exclaimed, only to see Gao Han seem to have eyes behind his back, two fingers slightly bent, and then flexed his fingers.


Just as Hong Zhong Da Lu was hit, the hundreds of pounds of steel long staff burst into iron filings in the sky in an instant, and a reverse blood sprayed out from the sky, and the whole person flew dozens of feet, fiercely knocking down a ten-meter-high Buddha statue.

Missing any movement in the air, his figure shook, the whole person silently crossed dozens of zhang, has come to the side of the Buddha statue, palm gently supported, this bronze statue weighing tens of tons suddenly stopped the trajectory of falling, and then the empty palm was only slightly beaten, the Buddha statue suddenly returned to its original state.

After straightening the Buddha statue, the empty body shook again, taking the body that was not foolish, but at the moment of touching the body of the fool, the handsome face turned red in vain, and a breath of turbid breath was exhaled, and when it landed, it was deeply imprinted into the ground, raised his head, and looked at Gao Han's eyes in horror.

As if he didn't see the empty movement, Gao Han continued: "I don't see necessarily, but what you understand about compassion written in Buddhist scriptures is not compassion, but cannibalism. ”

"Although you chant the Buddha, but you practice the path of demons, pure meditation in the Zen Monastery, how many tenants you have, I am afraid that it is a hundred thousand, these tenants, for you to eat, for you to wear, but not only have you not had compassion, did not protect them, but made their life more difficult than the people of other places. You wear silk and satin robes, build copper halls, make gold bodies for the Buddha, do not produce, do not work, only need to bring here to chant Buddha, although you eat fasting rice, but how much flesh and blood of the people is contained in this fasting meal? Do you guys eat it? ”

0 ······ Ask for flowers... ·········

"In this world, you can't control it, but your tenants, can't you control it, even if you don't want to exert compassion on them, why should you eat them? Even though in the midst of hardship, poor believers have to save money and add sesame oil to the Buddha, you take this for granted, because they can't afford to eat, they can't afford to wear clothes, and when it's time to collect rent, you tear off the skin of compassion, even if it's just to maintain it. ”

...... ....... .......

After all, many monks are not hard-hearted, and when they hear this, they can't help but be shocked, and their guilt rises.

Gao Han turned to look at the empty monk, and at this time his face had regained a leisurely expression.

"Empty monk, you are chanting the Buddha, you should be clear about the Buddha, Shakyamuni, the Buddha for the sake of all sentient beings, abandoning glory and wealth, barefoot, unkempt, ragged, just to promote the Dharma, look at you, can you go to the Western Heavens?"

Sora was silent.

Gao Han said, "The Buddha once told Ananda: "After my nirvana, when the Dharma is about to be destroyed, the five adverse worlds will prosper, and the demonic path will prosper." The devil makes a sand door, and the bad way is chaotic. Dress in vulgar clothes, happy robes, five-colored clothes. Drinking and eating meat, killing and greedy, having no compassion, and hating each other. ”

"Be kind in nature, do not infringe on others, donate one's life and materials, do not pity oneself, endure humiliation and benevolence... But greedy for money, accumulation does not disperse, does not do merit. Selling slaves, cultivating fields, burning mountains and forests, harming all sentient beings, without compassion..."

"You guys... It's not the Buddha who is cultivating... It's the devil! "Mouth.

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